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blue + green

©2002 aoi-midori

[b]lue[g]reen13's profile

1. how old are you?
   i am 14 years old and in my third year of high school.

2. why ‘.e.y.e.s.’ ?
   eyes. . .i don’t really know, but i think it’s mainly because when i watch animé, the first thing i always notice is how the eyes are so detailed. personally, i think that is where one of the biggest differences between american cartoons and japanese animation lie. in american animation, the eyes are not so much detailed as it is in japanese animé.

compare the eyes of daria to the eyes of kamui (x/1999)
daria's eyes    kamui's eyes

3. where did you get the idea for this web site?
   actually, i originally planned eyes to be mainly a fanfiction website since i write fanfiction. i didn’t plan for it to concentrate on picture galleries. yes, there are still fanfics here, but most are directly linked to ffn. but i think when the workload lessens, i’ll fix all that. and i’m still accepting fanfics from other authors. i really want to put fanfiction in, you know.

4. why ‘bluegreen13’ ?
   blue is my absolute favorite color. my 2nd favorite color is actually black but i thought that would sound too backstreet boy-ish. [forest] green is my 3rd favorite color. so, you might have guessed that thirteen is my favorite number. some people say it’s bad luck or whatever but i don’t really care. anyway, i also use the net nicks: aoi midori (my newest one yet); NooDLe13 (for noodle of gorillaz, one of my favorite bands); arianell kirke (my harry potter wizarding world alter-ego); and silver eyes (since arianell has silvery-gray eyes).

5. “aoi midori?” that’s also the title of this page. . .
   aoi stands for blue and midori stands for green.


6. what are your favorite animé
   this will be pretty obvious if you’ve cruised through my site already. one of the first animé i ever liked was magic knight rayearth. (well, i used to like sailor moon, but i was in 2nd grade then and that doesn’t count anymore. i only like haruka and makoto anyway :þ). anyway, backt then, i was just a cartoon buff, i didn even know of the term “animé.” of course when i got much older, i got hooked to it. it’s so much more interesting than american cartoons. the plot is more exciting and the graphics are tons better. besides rayearth, i also likevision of escaflowne. i’m currently trying to get hold of a copy of the movie. last, but deifinitely not the least, is card captor sakura. it was created by CLAMP, the same people behind rayearth. they’re amazing don’t you think? i absolutely adore them! well, before i forget, i’m currently into something new: you’re under arrest otherwise known as taiho shichauzo. i really haven’t seen all of it but it seems really interesting.

this is supposed to be me ... i'm not such a great artist so bear with it ^_^ 7. are you intersted in other cartoons that are not animé?
   well, there are some that has caught my eyes, like mtv’s daria and nickelodeon’s hey arnold!. daria i like because the sarcasm and wit coming from daria is funny, i think. the latter i like for a reason i can’t really point out. ^_^

8. what other things do you enjoy besides animé?
   well, there’s buffy of course, you gotta love that butt-kicking slayer. . . ^_^ and i like reading harry potter and any other fantasy novel i can get my hands on. i think the only problem with hp is that it’s too hyped. i think some people read it because it’s the “in thing.” of course that’s just my opinion.

9. do you have another website besides ‘.e.y.e.s.’ ?
   yes. i mentioned before something about arianell kirke and harry potter. my other wbesite is called harry potter for muggles. my name there is arianell kirke and i maintain it with 2 of my friends, who have their own wizarding personalities, sherri halliwell and freülle sherman.

10. do you enjoy creating web sites?
   it depends. like, for example, at school, i’m in a computer education class, and we’re being taught the basics of making an html document, which i already know. the teachr now assigns us to create 5 separate pages about eac h member of the family with 10 <b>, 10 <i>, 10 <u> and 10 font face and color changes -- each. i don’t want to do that. but if you ask me to do something about something i am really interested in, like animé, then i’m go.

11. will you help others with their websites?
   sure! but i’m not really an expert. if i can help you on some stuff that i know how to do, then i’ll help. but i don’t really know some really complicated stuff, i’m still trying to learn. after all, i’ve only known how to make websites for less than a year.

12. how can you be contacted?
   i have 3 e-mails. i mostly use alex13@emptymail.com but you can also reach me at blugreen_13@yahoo.com. if it has to do with harry potter (which i doubt will be), e-mail me at arianell_kirke@firstpobox.com. or you can just sign the guestbook. ::grins::

13. anything else?
   no, nothing more. i just wanted to answer 13 questions so i made a 13th question for myself!! yay!! (as if you care about what i said...^_^)

van-sama KAWAII!!!

all info circa february 2002