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©2002 aoi-midori


to the world of the fans...

i hope you enjoy what i have here so far...it's better than when i started out first, at least i have other authors now besides me. all thanks to various fanfiction centered yahoo!groups i joined. i do hope you enjoy what i have collected so far and remember: AUTHORS CRAVE FEEDBACK!!! and if you want your fanfic archived, look at these instructions!

so far, we have stories on...

escaflowneyu*yu hakushocard captor sakura
rayearthslam dunksailor moon

vision of escaflowne

back to nowhere
by: bluegreen13

Hitomi came back to Gaea with a new prophecy... something that involves a girl from the mystic moon. she tells van that it is not her. the night van announces that she will be his wife, she leaves her. What now?
{escaflowne | pg | action/adventure/romance | unfinished series}

but there is now
by: bluegreen13

a little van and hitomi poem i wrote back then to let time pass. it's pretty much fluff but i still want you to read it.
{escaflowne | gp | general/romance | poetry}

forever in my heart
by: bluegreen13

the story was originally meant to be a multipart adventure story. i decided otherwise though and came upp with this angsty van-hitomi fluff. i hope you still read and enjoy it though. feedback please!
{escaflowne | pg | angst/romance | one-shot}

back here
by: bluegreen13

a mushy van+hitomi fic that was my first idea for an esca fic. i didn't write it first though? ^^;; anyway, this time, instead of making hitomi return to gaea for the umpteenth time, i decided to do a turnaround and make van come to mystic moon instead.
{escaflowne | gp | romance/humor [i hope] | unfinished series}

yu*yu hakusho

the unsaid truth
by: bluegreen13

a hiei story. he thinks about his sister, yukina, and then remembers an invite from the old gang for christmas. read. it'spretty okay.
{yyh | pg 13 | general/angst | one-shot}

dance lessons
by: sano

** yaoi alert. a hieiXkurama fic. if any of you don't like or refuses to tolerate slash, stay away from this fic; kurama teaches hiei to dance...at his house...alone.
{yyh | pg 13 | romance/general | one shot}

the perfect plan
by: sano

** yaoi alert. yusuke gathers the gang to form the perfect plan...to get hiei and kurama together that is
{yyh | pg 13 | romance/general | one shot}

the pendant
by: sano

** yaoi alert. it's kurama's birthday and hiei is invited to his party...just go read.
{yyh | pg 13 | romance/general | one shot}

card captor sakura

by: bluegreen13

a little tomoyo pov one-shot. she thinks about sakura, her feelings, and reminisces about her friends. set after high school/college, also tells of what happened to the rest of the ccs cast.
{ccs | pg | angst/general | one-shot}

lucky girl
by: bluegreen13

what could have possible happened after Tomodachi...? after li proposed...? sakura talks to tomoyo about something special that had just happened...
{ccs | pg | angst/general | one-shot}

slam dunk

the mysterious cat
by: iisnoopyzz

** yaoi alert. the first 5 chapters are just slight hints of shounen ai, full yaoi blast on the last chapter though. ^.^ SenRu and HanaFuji [hanagata that is...] anyway, rukawa goes to ryonan instead of shohoku...
{slam dunk | pg-13 to NC-17 | romance/comedy/drama[??] | complete series}

angel's tear
by: iisnoopyzz

** yaoi alert. a Sendoh POV fic. it's really short, but also very sweet. it's one of the sweetest SenRu fics i've ever read...
{slam dunk | pg 13 | romance/general | one shot}

angel's smile
by: iisnoopyzz

** yaoi alert. this one is a Rukawa POV fic. it's just as sweet as the one that came before it, Angel's Tear. couldn't you just imagine the two of them as angels?
{slam dunk | pg 13 | romance/general | one shot}

angel's fate
by: iisnoopyzz

** yaoi alert. the 3rd installment of the angel series by iisnoopyzz. it's totally sweet, and this one's a bit longer than its predecessors.
{slam dunk | pg 13 | romance/general | complete series}

magic knight rayearth

knights awakening
by: peddle2024

My first attempt at fan fiction, so it probably won't come off as that good. But, hey, it's just starting! Anyways, the 3 Knights return to Cephiro for the 3rd time, and....that's about as far as I've got so far! [~peddle2024]
{mkr; pg-13 | romance/action/adventure | unfinished series}

the dream cycle
by: peddle2024

This is my first attempt at erotic adult writing. Please, R&R, and let me know if it's any good! This one is a situation between Hikaru and Lantis. Her dream becomes reality... [~peddle2024]
{mkr | nc-17 | romance/humor | series [?] }

sailor moon

moonlight dreams
by: peddle2024

Alan is dead? Anne has snapped? See the Doom Tree couple add a climax to the Moonlight Dreams saga... [~peddle2024]
{smoon | r | romance/adventure | unfinished series}

sailor moon: year 2024
by: peddle2024

The year is 2024, and supposedly Queen Beryl was defeated and killed for the final time in 2016. But, the new world devistation changes the scouts minds, forcing them to reunite....or was it fate bringing them together? Only this time, they are accompanied by Alvin and Molly! [~peddle2024]
{smoon | pg-13 | action/adventure/drama | unfinished series}

**i forgot to ask the author for the summary and ratings so i'm making them based on my own opinion of the story**

have any fanfiction?

do you have any fanfiction of any animé? if so, send them over! here's what you should do:

1. type the document (duh?!) and it should be either in .txt or .html format. preferably the latter. if your story isin .doc format, kindly compress it into a .zip file. anyway, if you don't know the basic html tags, click here.

2. before sending the story, send me a note telling me about the story. don't worry, i don't reject anyone, just for the sake of being polite. besides, i don't want my inbox cluttered with stories i don't know what to do with. anyway, the note should also contain the following:

  • title and your penname of course
  • the animé it is from
  • genre (ie. romance, general, angst, etc...)
  • rating (ie. pg, pg-13, nc-17)
  • centers on which character (optional)
  • a concise summary (preferably one that would interest readers)

3. when i reply to your e-mail and tell you that you can send me the story, you can do just that! send me your story! if it is an unfinished story, you can just send me the updated chapters anytime when you're finished with them, no need for any beforehand notes.

4. that's all!!

btw, looking for fanart? don't think all we've got are fanfiction!! click here to go to the fanart page.