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©2002 aoi-midori
may , 2002//day

oi minna!! what's been up?! i've restructured all the fics so they can be, err, compatible with Netscape too [i think]. nothing's been up around here, where i am...

btw, the anime character of the month? yea, i know it's late. didn't i say it'll be late? i didn't have time to do it last week so i'm hurriedly doing it now. what more, even though i like this character, i didn't exactly see the whole series that [s]he was in. who? now, now, that will be a surprise!! ^.^ but i'm really doing my best to finish it asap, i promise. the anime char will probably be up by saturday or sunday. 'til then keep coming back ok?

anyway, new month, new midi. this month's is ohayou the first opening song of the anime hunterXhunter by yoshihiro togashi. you'l find the lyrics here.

before i forget [since i keep forgetting this, PLEASE vote for me at biganime.com and at millan.nu's topsite lists. PLEASE SUPPORT ME!!!!!!!!!

thanks also to slayer's vault for giving this award:

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

april 28, 2002//sunday

minna-chan...i hate netscape. did i mention i hate netscape navigator... ok, so don't take me literally. i'm just really pissed right now. why? because of my own stupidity!!! see, i don't have a netscape browser on my own PC, i'm an IE loyalist, all the way. so, when designing the sitte, my tester was IE. of course, i considered the fact that they were different browsers and that some might not turn up the same. like the fact that they probably won't hear the midi palying at the index page. or see the marquee at the bottom of the page, with the title of the midi going back and forth. i figured i'd make it blink for them. but, due to unfortunate circumstances, when i went with my mom to this training, which she was a trainer of, the computers (most) used Netscape navigator. and guess what?! i saw that the navigation table at the left did not appear. i was like: "what the f**k! damn netscape!" and then, of course, i had to revise the structure of all the pages, since it was the navigation panel. hard work dammit...i've done all the pages which are ion the eyes directory. that leaves out ny the fanfiction and the lyrics. gomen to all those who use netscape browsers! this is completely my fault!!! that's the only update for now...no new stories. busy with the whole restructuring thing. oh! there is this:

Loud and outspoken, like Natsumi, you aren't scared to speak what's on your mind. You believe in following your dreams and will never regret the actions that you have taken because for you, all your experiences will help you to be the best that you can be. You are physically able and not afraid to take your enemies head on.
And although you may seem happy-go-lucky most of the time, you are rather concerned about your future. After all, you're only human, right?

Take the YUA Female Officer Test!

strange, even though she was my fave character, i didn't expect to get her...well, besides that, nothing else.

april 23, 2002//tuesday

and i finally get to update...at last!

well, 3 new stories up. two new ones by iisnoopyzz and a new YYh fic by sano. please go read and then give 'em some feedback!

concerning the may character of the month, it will kinda be delayed due to my vacation in the province...i came back a week early, so, thankfully, i will be able to wok on that. but still don't expect it at the first week. maybe around te second week of may.

oh! someone has finally joined the ml!!! yay!! i hope all you other folks follow her example and join too...it's really lonely in an ML with only two people you know....

and, guess what?! i received an award! well, a couple actually, due to this award searching spree i went through a few weeks ago, before i left for my mom's province. thankfully, the owners of the awards i applied for actually found my site worthy for their awards! so, no i have an awards page found, once again at themisc section. here is one of the awards i received:

this one's from millan.nu

as for me and anime....i am glad to announce that i have watched X: the movie by CLAMP. yea, i know no one cares, i just want to tell you all ^^;; loved the gore...the ending was freaky though...

april 10, 2002//wednesday

konnichiwa minna!! i got six more stories up!! one esca fic by me, entitled back here, a ccs fic also by me, lucky girl, and four stories by peddle2024. he has two rayearth fics and two sailor moon fics. you could check 'em all out at the fics page. besides that, i also updated back to nowhere on ffn. it's mow up to chapter 17!! don't forget to maybe drop the authors an e-mail note telling them that you appreciated their stuff. author's crave feedback and the readers are the one to give them!! maybe i'll add a review box soon, but don't count on it. i'm still reviewing the annoying html structure of forms...^^;;

i revamped the appearance of the link pages. they're better arranged now, and much better to look at than last time...that's good news right? anyway, the bad news is, i havent been doing proper link weeding and i still have no idea which of the links wor or not work...i want to do it sometime soon, when i find myself with nothing to do and wanting to surf the net.

i don't think i'll be updating anytime soon. i'm leaving for my mom's province next week and i'll probably be staying there for, like, two weeks. i don't really want to, but i have too. and then, when i get back, i don't think i'll have that much time.i have to attend these review sessions for the college entrance exams that i will be taking soon, around august or september, i think. anyway, bottom line is, i don't think i will have as much time on my hands for this site as i thought i would have this summer...[here anyway]...

well, please do sign the guestbook folks!! it's kinda ego boosting when a webmistress checks and sees that some people are actually taking a look at her site and has taken time to actually sign the guestbook!!

and hey! look at this:

i'm most compatible with van-sama!!! WAI!!

I. AM. ACTUALLY. COMPATIBLE. WITH. VAN!!!! i took this compatibility quiz at folken's realm, and i actually got van!! no cheats there, i got him, fair and square. go and chek out the quiz itself at folken's realm!!

april 5, 2002//friday


new stories everyone! another one by sano and we have a new author! an author who writes SenRu stories and goes by the penname of iisnoopyzz. yep, another YAOI writer.

this is kinda weird...although i do read yaoi fics on the occassional basis, i'm not that HUGE a fan of it...nor do i write yaoi fics. but it seems to me that everyone who's letting me post their stuff are YAOI writers!! not that i have anything against it...it's just that...well, it's strange... okay, i'm just thinking that when my friends all see this they're gonna be really weirded out by me ^^;;

well, if there are any authors out there...YAOI, YURI or STRAIGHT [and although, i enjoy putting any of these, i do hope someone lets me post a straight fic soon, but i swear YAOI and YURI are okay too!!]...any fics are welcome here...no limits...well, not yet anyway. i'm going to try and turn this site into a nice fiction archive since galleries are harder to maintain than i thought they would be. just mail me your fics at alex13@emptymail.com. remember to put all the stuff i mentioned for you to put...what stuff? click here. that's a link to the instructions on how to mail me your stories...

i now also have the fanart gallery up, even though it's not neatly organzed. you can find a link at the misc section.

i haven't changed the midi yet, since this is just a minor update...i'll probably make that motnhly too, like the character of the month...

oi minna! before i forget, PLEASE join the ML!! we've got no members as of now!! we talk about anything anime there....so please join!!

april 1, 2002//monday

okay, it's finally april...yay!!!! and yes, we now have a character of the month!! ::more applause:: thank you! for this month, it is the ever handsome....oops! you have to go see for yourself ^^;;

what the hell...!! okay, i'll tell you, it's rukawa kaede from SLAM DUNK!! he's my current guy. ^^;; hehe... anyway, please check it out and tell me what you think. the layout ismuch easier to navigate in now and easier to download than last february 'coz i divided the image gallery.

and i also got someone to put up fiction! thanx to sano for agreeing to post! check out her fanfiction in the fiction page!!

oh, and along with the midi you hear at the index page, i am also putting up a lyrics page. you can find the lyrics of every song i make a featured midi of. you can find the lyrics link at the miscellaneous page.

this update's midi is ashita e no melody from the second ccs movie.

however, i also have some sort of bad news. i've decided to postpone the making of the general image galleries due to some problems in my studies. besides i have to review for all the college entrance exams i'm going to take soon. anyway, if i find free time...just don't expect the galleries very soon.

March 16, 2002//Saturday

Konnichiwa minna-san!!!

so, it's been a long time ne? once again, i changed the site's layout...gomen for there is no character of the month for march. i had too many things to do to work on my site...it's the last month of the school year, where I'mfrom and I have to get ready for my finals, and also, complete all my requirements.

okay, this is going to be an admittedly long update...not even an update exactly. just my rants and raves... oh, and explanations as to why i'm not really updating regularly.

i had to f**king do my computer project...i honestly didn't give enought time toit. it was so simple! i think i passed just because i put a stupid image map in the index page ^^;; i justs didn't have my heart set to make an autobiographical web site. sheesh! if she'd let us do something on any topic then i would've just given her the address to this site and voila! instant grade. and i could have gotten more time improving this.

i've started the rayearth galleries but i have to resize all the pictures for thumbnails and i haven't really had enough time to do that. GOMEN!

as for the character of the month...well, april's coming soon! you guys just wait for it ne?

btw, i added a chatroom and we now have a mailing list! please people, please join! we can talk about anything...well, as long as it's anime related! ^^;;

also, i added a new fanfic...obviously, by me, no one's sent in any fics yet...(PLEASE DO!!) anyway, it' my first ccs fic, and it's called tomodachi. it's a tomoyo pov one-shot. please r+r!

there'll be a feautured midi from now on playing at the index page...i'll change it whenever i feel like it. it's lovesomebody from you're under arrest/taiho shichau zo right now.

anou...umm, i know the banner isn't that good. but i don't have a good image manipulator installed in my pc. as soon as i have one though, i'll change the stupid looking banner. ^^;; hey, the revolving micchi is kawaii though, huh? (it is micchi right? even if he has blue highlights and the revolving guy has red?)

this'll be it for now, i guess...

february 16, 2002//saturday

just a bit of an update...i'm still working on the galleries, i don't think we will be able to see any of that until some time in march. i have to do this thing for this comp. ed. class i'm in. i have to create a web site all about myself. i don't really want to, i'd rather work on this, but then, i have to have that grade. anyway. we have an ml now, a group where we can talkabout anything, especially animé. if you want to subscribe, e-mail eyes_anime-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. or you could go to the page itsef. click here for that. please join! we have to have many members as possible! anyway, besides that, i also now have a chat room! ::applause:: yay! visit the miscellaneus section for that. i do hope many people visit there. ^_^ okay, last, but not the least, i now have a redirector... i mean, an easier to remember website address: bluegreeneyes.cjb.net. you can now remember the address easily, so can visit this place more often!!! yay!!! do that, okay? i guess that will be all the updates for now. look for the char of the month on the first week of march okay?! i haven't decided for anyone yet. that's why when you sign the guestbook, you have to answer that question about the char of the month. arigatou!

february 2, 2002//Friday

i am finally uploading this web site. almost everything is up except for all the galleries. just tell me if there rae any problems.

on with my ramblings ... i just want everyone to know that i have finally seen the last episode of magic knight rayearth! yay!! i've also seen escaflowne the movie ... yay! okay, that was nonsense. just enjoy this site. ^_^