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relationship madhouse

konnichiwa and welcome to the place where we describe sakura and syaoran'sother possible love interests! yes, we all know the 2 of them are the perfect pair, but still ... not everyone agrees. these are just some other people that cold do well with either one of them.


daidouji tomoyo everyone knows she's secretly in love with her best friend. tomoyo-chan really cares fro her best friend/cousin. what are the chances of sakura ever finding out? well, unless tomoyo actually comes out with it, ZERO. why? because sakura has got to be the densest person on the show. ^_^ i love her still though. anyway, i don't think tomoyo will ever tell her. she will always be happy with her friend no matter what. as long as sakura-chan is happy she will be. sakura is, like, the basis of her contentment.

hiiragizawa eriol eriol-kun ne? i like this guy ... not for sakura though. he served just the right guy to make syaoran-kun jealous. but he and sakura will never work out. tomoyo-chan was tight when she told li that eriol does not like sakura in that way. you, know, that ep when li told tomoyo that he really liked sakura? when tomoyo asked him who he thought also liked sakura and he said eriol. tomoyo said that when eriol looks at sakura, he doesn't look at her with that kind of love (the way syaoran looks at her, ne?!), he just looks at her like a sister.and i think that's true.

tsukishiro yukito/yue okay, here we go ... i hate this guy. in the series, i liked him least. he was okay in the 2nd movie but i didn't really like him in the series. the only thing i like about him is his earring.i mean yue-san's earring. (SUGOI!) anyway, sakura was infatutaed with him most of time through the series. all the while, he was with touya -_-;; it all worked out in the end i guess, when sakura finally told him what she thought she felt and yukito told her that one day, she will find someone she will love and love her in return. in other words, the most important person. he was okay after that ^_^

kero-chan i can't remember what ep that was... it was in the 2nd season, and kero-chan was in sakura's room, thinking about his real form. and then suddenly, he says that by the time he gets back his true form, sakura will like someone else anyway ... whoa! ^_^ i think kerohad this crush on sakura in the series. it wasn't developed much, at least i don't think so. but he's still a possibilty for sakura-chan.

kaho mizuki why? even i'm not sure. but sakura thought she was really pretty all through the 1st and 2nd seasons. and it seems to me that she will alwasy be close to sakura's heart.


tsukishiro yukito/yue come one now! he was confused through the 1st season! he thought he was in love with yukito! and i'm like ... NOT! he realized that in the 2nd season of course ^_^ but he still liked him at first, and competed with sakura for yukito's attention.

daidouji tomoyo yes, her again. there is a slight possibilty you know. i dn't know how to explain it, but they've got, umm... good chemistry. and it's tomoyo who knows about li's felings for sakura in the first place ...

li meiling of course! they were engaged. and syaoran really does care for meiling,just not in the same way he does for sakura ^.~ but still, there are some supporters of these two. and it does make sense. but i love meiling for letting go of syaoran when she found out that he likes sakura.

that will be all for now i guess! if you could think of some other couplings, just e-mail me!