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why sakura and syaoran, you say? why not meilin and syaoran?why not yukito and sakura? why not syaoran and yukito? why not tomoyo and li? or tomoyo and sakura? or even sakura and kero-chan?!


you're probably getting tired of that word now, but it's true, asides from the 2 of them just making sense together, they look, well, kawaii. yes, i think i should stop using that word now.

yeah, i know theirs is pretty much a typical love story, boy-meets-girl-they-turn-to-rivals-the-boy-falls-then-its-the-girl. i don't usually go for that. but, damn! i don't really like yukito, you know. the first time i saw ccs (aroud the first few eps), i had a huge crush on touya. and then of course a girl gets really curois about what she watches and decides to find some information. and then i saw Syaoran. umm... i'm not going to use that word. (^_^) anyway, i actually thought at first that yukito was sakura's partner (gag me!), when i saw syaoran, i was like: "thank goodness that's her partner!"

sakura's just so clueless, you know. well, okay, li-kun was too, from the start, but you could tell he really cared for her. he pretends he doesn't but of course he does. doesn't he help with the clow cards? yes, i know it's his duty or whatever, but he hust helps sakura, then kind of let her catch the card. at least that what it looked like to me. oh, and that episode with the Cloud card. sheesh! he was so cute when he gave sakura that card. of course he had to say that the only reason he gave it to sakura was because he knew he was going to get all the clow cards in the end... oh well, we all know that's not it. (^_^) and i also liked the episode with the firey card. you notice there that he's not just fidgety because of yukito. he was also nervous having sakura around.

by the 3rd season (the sakura card season), it was pretty obvious how much he liked sakura. and i haven't really seen all of that season. (i haven't even seen the end! i just did my research) everytime he blows his top when he sees sakura with eriol. i think the reason he stayed in japan instead of going back to hong kong is because it would be like giving up sakura to eriol if he went back home.of course he had to go when he finally said "i love you". . .::sigh:: the bear episode! i haven't seen it, as i sadi, but i saw pictures and (------!!) i'm not saying anything (^_^), i said i wouldn't.

"...even if you don't have feeling s for me anymore, syaoran-kun, i...i still love you! you're my number one syaoran-kun!"
"me too."

that was from the last scene from the 2nd movie. not the exact words, but pretty close. they were so sweet in that movie. especially in the play. they really belong together, even meilin-chan sees it!

"you exchange letters with meilin, don't you, daidouji-san?"
"it was your idea for us to come here wasn't it?"
"yes, does it bother you?"
"no, but it might her. it might pressure her to answer me..."

i could go on with quotes from the 2nd movie. that part...syaoran just looked at sakura...and...you could see he really cares you know. of course, right from the start, we all know sakura wanted to tell him her real feelings: "syaoran-kun told me what he felt directly...and i want tell him too, in person." right, i know not exact words, but they run along the same line of thought anyway. i'm doing this from memory.

that movie was so damn hanging at the end! if anyone has a fanfiction that happened after it, tell me, please!

now, i think you're wondering what the whole point of this was... well, i just wanted to make the non-ss believers believe that sakura and syaoran really do belong together... ::sigh!::