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Muteki Anime Central Version 2.0.. Digimon

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Muteki Anime Central's Digimon Dictionary

Ever get the feeling you have no idea what's going on in the show? Or are you new and don't understand the terms being used? Well, that's what our Digital Dictionary is for! Here's a place to check out the termonology and compare the Dub terms to the Japanese ones. (In this section it's going to be the Dub terms you're looking for, and the Japanese terms in parenthesis.) Also, just as a little sidenote, I worked very hard on this, so please don't just copy and paste from this page. Thanks. ^^


-Agent of D-Reaper (ADR)- (n) [Season 3] Digital deletion programs that follow the D-Reaper's orders. There are nine types of ADRs, not including the D-Reaper itself. (Japanese Term- Agent of D-Reaper/ADR)

-Ancient Digimon- (n) [Season 4] 10 Legendary Digimon that rose up against Lucemon and freed the Digital World from his reign.

-Armor Digivolve- (v) [Season 2] To Digivolve by use of a Digimental, usually from Rookie to Champion. (Japanese Term- Armor Evolve)

-Attribute- (adj) [Every Season] A way to catagorize Digimon. Each Digimon is one of four attributes, Data, Vaccine, Virus, or Variable.


-Baby- (adj/n) [Every Season] The first form of a Digimon after it hatches out of its DigiEgg. Also called the Fresh form. (Japanese Term- Baby1)

-Behemoth- (n) [Season 3] The motercycle that Beelzebumon rode around on. (Japanese term- Behemoth)

-B-Hybrid- (n) [Season 4] A type of Hybrid Digimon with beast-like characteristics. (Japanese Term- B-Hybrid)

-Bio-Emerge- (v) [Season 3]- To emerge in the Real World from the Digital World.

-Bio-Merge- (v) [Season 3] To have a human merge with a Digimon to form a Mega-leveled Digimon. (Japanese Term- Matrix Evolve)

-Black Gears- (n) [Season 1] Gear-like items used to control a Digimon. Used by Devimon. (Japanese Term- Black Gears)

-Blue Card- (n) [Season 3] A special type of Digimon Card that allows Matrix Digivolution. (Japanese Term- Blue Card)

-B-Spirit- (n) [Season 4] An Ancient Digimon's Spirit that allows Spirit Evolution to a beast-like Digimon. (Japanese Term: B-Sprirt)


-Catalyst- (n) [Season 3] Another name for Calumon, a Digimon that hid the power of Digivolution. (Japanese Term- Shining Evolution)

-Champion- (adj/n) [Every Season] The fourth stage of a Digimon (Japanese Term- Adult)

-Control Spire- (n) [Season 2] Black towers that sent power to the Dark Rings. No Digivolution could occur in the presence of a Control Spire.

-Crest- (n) [Season 1] Little icons that represent a specific character trait (ex: Courage, Friendship, ect.) that let a Digimon Digivolve to the Ultimate level.
(Japanese Term: Crest)


-D-3- (n) [Season 2]- name of the Digivice from Season 2. Allowed Armor and DNA Digivolution. (Japanese Term- D-3)

-Dark Gate- (n) [Season 2] A portal opened by Ken that was a gateway to the Dark Ocean.

-Dark Masters- (n) [Season 1] a term used to identify four Mega Digimon; MetalSeadramon, Pinnochimon, Mugendramon, and Piemon.
(Japanese Term- Dark Masters)

-Dark Ocean- (n) [Season 2] A dimmention of the Digital World that is made up of negative colors and energy.

-Dark Ring- (n) [Season 2] a ring used by the Digimon Emperor to control In-Training, Rookie and Champion Digimon.

-Dark Spiral- (n) [Season 3] a spiral used by the Digimon Emperor to control any leveled Digimon.

-Dark Spore- (n) [Season 2] A seed implated in Ken's neck that gave him evil qualities as well as being super smart and great in sports.

-Data-1) (adj) [Every Season] An attribute of Digimon that is strong against Virus Digimon. 2) (n) [Every Season] What makes up a Digimon's form (sort of like DNA for humans). In Season 3 your Digimon could download a defeated Digimon's data. (Japanese Term- Data)
-Deleat- (adj) [Every Season] To destroy a Digimon.

-Devas- (n) [Season 3] A group of Digimon based on the Chinese Zodiac. They follow their leader, the Sovereign. (Japanese Term- Devas)

- "Digi-Armor Energize"- (n) [Season 2] A saying used by the Digidestined when starting the Armor Digivolving sequence. (Japanese Term- "Digimental up")

-DigiDestined- (n) [Seasons 1,2, and 4] A child chosen to help save the Digital World. (Seasons 1 and 2) Has a Digimon partner. (Season 4) Turns into a Digimon (Japanese Term- Chosen Children)

-DigiEgg- 1) (n) [Every Season] An egg from which a Digimon hatches. (Japanese Term- Digitama) 2) (n) [Season 2] Another name for a Digimental.

-DigiKnome- (n) [Season 3] Fairy-like creatures that enhabit the Digital World but aren't Digimon. They have the power to grant wishes.
(Japanese Term- DigiKnome)

-Digimental- (n) [Season 2] A special kind of DigiEgg that allows Armor Digivolving (Japanese Term- Digimental)

-Digi-Modify- (v) [Season 3] To scan cards through a D-Power, enabling a Digimon to gain more power, flexability, and defence in a battle.
(Japanese Term- Card Slash)

-Digimon- (n) [Every Season] Creatures that enhabit the Digital World and have powers to attack using both physical and non-physical assaults. They also have the power to Digivolve. (Japanese Term- Digimon)

-Digimon Emperor- (n) [Season 2] A Digidestined who tries to take over the Digital World. His true identity is Ken Ichijouji. (Japanese Term- Digimon Kaiser)

-Digital World- (n) [Every Season] A dimmention next to this world that is inhabited by Digimon. (Japanese Term- Digital World)

-Digivice- 1) (n) [Every Season]- the general term for a device that allows Digivolution (Japanese Term- Digivice) 2) (n) [Season 1] The name of Season 1's Digivice (Japanese Term- Digivice)

-Digivolve- (v) [Every Season] To grow in power and change size, shape, and form, enabling new battling techniques and giving a Digimon more strength.
(Japanese Term- Evolve)

-DNA Digivolve- (adj/n) [Season 2] When two Champion Digimon merge to form one Ultimate Digimon. (Japanese Term- Jogress Evolve)

-D-Power- (n) [Season 3] The name of the Digivice of Season 3. Allowed kids to Digi-Modify. (Japanese Term- D-Arc)

-D-Reaper- (n) [Season 3] A deleation program that started to deleat the Digital World and also invaded the real world. (Japanese Term- D-Reaper)

-D-Tector- (n) [Season 4] The name of the Digivice in Season 4. Scans Fractal Codes and allows Spirit Evolution. (Japanese Term- D-Scanner)

-D-Terminal- (n) [Season 2] A device that can send e-mails and hold Digimentals. Different from a Digivice.



-Fractal Codes- (n) [Season 4] A code that is key to forming a certain land/object mass in an area. If stolen, the area will deterierate.

-Fresh- (adj/n) [Every Season] The first form of a Digimon after it hatches out of its DigiEgg. Also called the Baby form. (Japanese Term- Baby1)

-Fusion- (adj/n) [Season 1 and 2] When two Mega Digimon form to create another, stronger Mega Digimon.


-Grani- (n) [Season 3] A flying digital life form (not Digimon) that aids Dukemon in battle.


-H-Hybrid- (n) [Season 4] A type of Hybrid Digimon that has human-like characteristics. (Japanese Term- H-Hybrid)

-H-Spirit- (n) [Season 4] An Ancient Digimon's spirit that allows Spirit Evolution to a human-like Digimon. (Japanese Term: H-Spirit)

-Hybrid- (n) [Season 4] A Digimon that is the merge of a human and a Spirit of an Ancient Digimon. (Japanese Term: Hybrid)

-Hypnos- (n) [Season 3] A secret organization that is headquatered in Tokyo and detects, studies, and trys to stop Digimon Bio-Emerging.


-In-Training- (adj/n) [Every Season] The stage of a Digimon right after Baby. (Japanese Term- Baby2)


-Juggernaut- (n) [Season 3] A progran invented by Hypnos that attracted all the Digimon in our world to one area and then deleated them. It also stopped all other Bio-Emerging after that.



-Legendary Warriors- (n) [Season 4] 10 Ancient Digimon that rose up against Lucemon and freed the Digital World from his reign.


-Matrix Digivolve- (v) [Season 3] To Digivolve from Champion to Ultimate by use of a Blue Card. (Japanese Term- Matix Evolve)

-Mega- (adj/n) [Every Season] The highest stage of a Digimon. (Japanese Term- Ultimate)

-Mega Digivolve- (v) [Season 2] To Digivolve from the Ultimate level to the Mega level.

-Mode Change- (v) [Seasons 2 and 3] To change from a normal Mega form to a more powerful Mega form.



-Odaiba- (n) [Season 1 and 2] A section of Tokyo where most of the Digidestined live. (Japanese Term- Odaiba)




-Rookie- (adj/n) [Every Season] The stage of a Digimon that comes after In-Training. (Japanese Term- Child)


-Shinjuku- (n) [Season 3] The area of Tokyo where most of the Tamers live. (Japanese Term- Shinjuku)

-Sovereign- (n) [Season 3] The leader of the Devas. His identity is Zhuqiaomon.

-Spirit- (n) [Season 4] A source of energy left behind by the 10 Ancient Digimon. Each spirit has a different element. (Japanese Term- Spirit)

-Spirit Evolve- (v) [Season 4] To Digivolve by use of a Spirit. (Japanese Term- Spirit Evolve)


-Tag- (n) [Season 1] An item used to hold a crest. (Japanese Term- Tag)

-Tamer- (n/adj) [Season 3] A child who has a Digimon partner. (Japanese Term- Tamer)


-Ultimate- (adj/n) [Every Season] The stage after Champion and before Mega, (Japanese Term- Perfect)


-Vaccine- (adj) [Every Season] An attribute of Digimon that is strong against Data and Virus.

-Variable- (adj) [Season 4] An attribute that lets you become the same attribute as your opponent. (Japanese Term- Variable)

-Virus- (adj) [Every Season] An attribute that the majority of evil Digimon were (not every Virus Digimon is evil however).


-Warp Digivolve- (v) [Season 1] To Digivolve from Rookie to Mega, skipping your Champion and Ultimate forms. (Japanese Term- Warp Evolve)



-Yuggoth- (n) [Season 3] A tracking device developed by Hypnos.