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Digimon Tamers Episode Guide

*Note* Since I'm writing these based on the dubbed episodes, everything is going to be in dub terms. Also, I put a lot of effort into this episode guide, so please, don't just copy and paste if you're going to use information from this page. Thanks. ^_^ Warning: This section obviously contains spoilers. Don't read about a certain episode if you don't want to know what happens.

"Episode 01: Guilmon Comes Alive"

Origonal Japanese Title: "The Birth of Guilmon! The Digimon That I Created."
Dub Written By: Steve Blum

Plot: Two boys, Takato and Kazu, are playing the Digimon Card game in the park. It's time for school, so Kazu leaves. Takato notices he has a blue card that he never seen before. He scans the card into his Card Reader, but it starts to fry on him. Takato frantically puts his things away and runs to school but he's too late. Takato's teacher makes him stand outside so he designs a Digimon, whom he names Guilmon. After school Takato walks back to the park to get his things. Takato looks inside the box of Digimon Cards and watches as his Card Reader turns into a D-Power. Takato brings his things home to look at the D-Power more. He tries to scan Guilmon's information, but the pad gets stuck in the D-Power's slot. Takato leaves his room for dinner, but then he turns around and the D-Power scans Guilmon's information by itself. Once it's done, a DigiEgg appears in the screen. Later on, after Takato's asleep, he witnesses (or dreams) a battle between a fire Digimon, Linxmon, and a fox Digimon, Renamon. Renamon is accompanied by a girl, Rika, who is a Digimon Tamer. Rika slashes a Speed Activate card through her D-Power, and Renamon defeats Linxmon easily. Takato wakes up the next morning and then goes to the park to meet his friends, Kazu and Kenta. After they leave, Takato notices that the egg on his D-Power's screen has hatched. Meanwhile, in a building in the city, a project called Hypnos is going on. Hypnos notes on a Digimon coming into the real world, or Bio-Emerging. Meanwhile, Takato goes off to find the Digimon. Takato follows the signal until he reaches the Bio-Emerging Digimon. He witnesses the Bio-Emergence and realizes that Guilmon is sitting right infront of him! He walks forward to greet Guilmon, but Guilmon shoots a fireball at some rats and then turns on Takato!

"Episode 02: Digimon, Digimon Everywhere"

Origonal Japanese Title: "You're my Friend. Terriermon appears!"
Dub Written By: Seth Walther

Plot: Guilmon advances on Takato, but instead of attacking, he smells Takato. Takato decides to bring him home and hides him in a cardboard box. Takato shows Guilmon around, and Guilmon acts sort of immature due to the fact he was just born. Meanwhile, Hypnos predicts another Bio-Emergence. At the same time, Rika goes off to battle the Bio-Emerging Digimon. Renamon is with her, and they fight a Rookie Digimon, Goblimon. Renamon fights well, but not quite up to Rika's standards. Rika uses the Hyper Chip card to modify Renamon, but Goblimon Digivolves. Back in Takato's room, Guilmon wakes up and senses the battle. Unfortunatly, Takato has no idea what Guilmon wants. Renamon is able to handle the Digimon easily, and she defeats him and downloades his data. In the morning Takato sneaks Guilmon out of the house and leaves him in an alley as a home while he goes to school. Takato leaves him bread to eat, and then runs off so he won't be late again. Before going to school, Takato realizes that the wierd blue card is still missing. Later in gym class, Takato notices a walking cardboard box and starts to get nervous. The Principal sees the box too, and he tries to get Guilmon out of it, not realizing that it wasn't a student. Guilmon unitentionally scared the Principal, who set off the fire alarm. Terriermon, Henry's partner, almost gets seen in the croud that forms, but Henry holds him back. Henry notices Takato running in the hallway and follows him outside. They have a short conversation, but Terriermon upsets Takato. Takato goes off again, but then realizes he knows where Guilmon is. He goes to the school's roof and finds Guilmon there. Takato brings Guilmon to an unpopulated part of the park to hide Guilmon from the public. Just as he enters an open field, Renamon attacks Guilmon.

"Episode 03: To Fight or Not to Fight"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Renamon vs Guilmon! Battle is the Life of Digimon."
Dub Written By: Terri-Lei O'Malley

Plot: Rika starts to insult Takato, and then sends Renamon to attack. Rika continues the insults, and Renamon attacks. Guilmon fights back, against Takato's will, and the two Digimon start fighting. Rika is annoyed with Renamon's carelessness so she uses an Armor Activate card. Takato senses danger and yells for Guilmon to get away. Finally Guilmon listens, but Rika calls for Renamon to attack again. This time Renamon hesitates. Then she regains her senses and is about to attack when Henry and Terriermon arrive. Henry calls off Rika and Rika and Renamon finally leave. The group of four goes off to find a home for Guilmon and eventually do. Henry and Terriermon leave for dinner, as does Takato. At home, Henry is worried about Terriermon Digivolving. Terriermon promises he won't, so Henry leaves his room for dinner. In the morning, Yamaki of Hypnos and his team check out the area where Guilmon and Renamon battled before. After school, Takato goes alone to visit Guilmon. He gets worried when Guilmon isn't to be found, but with the help of his D-Power he finds Guilmon in the bushes. They go out into the city, but just then Takato gets a reading on his D-Power, and Guilmon runs off. Guilmon leads Takato to a parking garage, where Rika and Renamon are. Renamon and Guilmon start to fight again, and again Henry and Terriermon arive. This time, however, they can't stop the fighting. Terriermon accidently gets involved by getting in the way of Renamon's attack. Terriermon then Digivolves to Gargomon! Unfotunatly, he can't control his power and starts going on a rampage. Renamon tries to stop him, but she is forced to retreat. Gargomon corners Rika, but Guilmon saves her and knocks some sense into Gargomon. By then Rika is already freaked out.

"Episode 04: It Came From the Other Side"

Origonal Japanese Title: "The Ordeal for Tamers! Down with Gorillamon!"
Dub Written By: Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, Karen Willson, Chris Allen Weber

Plot: Takato and Henry talk in the park, and then Takato goes home. Finally Gargomon deDigivolves, and Henry and Terriermon go home. Meanwhile, Rika is at her house and is no longer afraid of Gargomon. She starts to wonder why the unexperienced Terriermon was able to Digivolve and yet Renamon was not. After school the next day, Kazu gives Takato a card called Training Grips. Meanwhile, at Hypnos, they detect Gorillamon's Bio-Emergence. Takato, Henry, and Terriermon are walking through the streets of the city after school, and then a Digital Field starts to follow them. Henry and Terriermon spilt up from Takato, but the Digital Field starts to follow them. Henry and Terriermon try to hide in a construction site. Gorillamon Bio-Emerges, and Takato and Guilmon arrive. At first Henry tries to reason with Gorillamon, but it doesn't work. Gorillamon gets angry and Guilmon attacks first but starts to get beaten. Then Terriermon starts to fight against Henry's will. Henry then has a flashback to the battle with Gorillamon he had previously. Gorillamon was going out of control in the game. Henry is brought back to the present when Takato decides to take action. He uses a power activate card, but to no avail. Then Henry goes back to his flashback. He apologizes to Terriermon for making him fight, and then he gets a blue. He scans it into his Card Reader, and then it turned into a D-Power. Terriermon then appeared out of the computer game. Again Henry snaps out of his trance and then uses Tatako's Training Grips card. Terriermon and Guilmon then finish off Gorillamon.

"Episode 05: Dream a Little Dream"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Kurukkuruuun! Let's Play with Culumon."
Dub Written By: Seth Walther

Plot: When Takato goes to school he finds the soccer field valdilized. The students come up with their own predictions at lunch, and Takato asks his friend Jeri about it later. Jeri claims that she saw whatever it was at the nurse's office. Henry and Takato talk about it after school. Meanwhile, a small Digimon, Calumon, is watching the after-school soccer game. At night Calumon wants to attract people to the field, so he makes more abnormal chalk lines on the field. In the morning Takato brings Guilmon to school (it's the weekend) but he notices teachers outside noting on the new chalk lines. Takato goes to feed rabbits, and Guilmon senses a Digimon. Takato and Guilmon investigate and find a sleeping Calumon. They bring him to Guilmon's park hideout and ask Henry and Terriermon advise. They all decide to find a Tamer for Calumon. Takato suggests Kazu, but Henry decides against it. Henry tries Susie, but neither of them think it's a good idea in the end. Then Takato suggests Jeri, but then decides against her too. Takato and Henry decide to go home without any luck. At night, Guilmon and Calumon decide to make mor chalk lines on the soccer field. While they're having, a Digital Field appears. Takato, Henry, and Terriermon all notice the Digital Field and aid Guilmon and Calumon. A Vilemon appears and starts to attack. Takato uses the Hyper Wing card, and Guilmon grounds Vilemon. Henry uses Speed Activate, but Rika and Renamon arrive. Rika uses the Clone card, and Renamon easily defeats Vilemon and downloads his data. Rika and Renamon are about to leave, but then Rika notices Calumon. She almost goes soft, but then regains her composure. Rika and Renamon leave, and then, so does Calumon.

"Episode 06: O Partner, Where Art Thou?"

Origonal Japanese Title: "The Meanings of the Partner. Renamon Evolves!"
Dub Written By: Steve Blum

Plot: Rika is at school, and it's a parent-visit day. Rika's mom has to leave early for a photo shoot. After school, Rika notices a Digital Field. She goes home to change out of her school uniform and gets Renamon ready. Then she leaves to meet the Digimon. She reconizes the Digimon as Allomon, and Allomon beats up Renamon pretty badly. Suddenly Guilmon and Terriermon help out, but Rika calls off Takato and Henry. She uses the Hyper Chip card, and Renamon makes Guilmon and Terriermon back off. Renamon then finishes Allomon off easily and downloads his data. Rika and Renamon then leave. At home, Rika complains to Renamon that she hasn't Digivolves yet. Rika is annoyed by this fact. She flashbacks to before she was partners with Renamon. She had just won the Digimon Card tounament, and she went home. At home three screens appear before her, with Digimon nearly pouring out of them. Then they all dissapear and Renamon appears. Rika slashes her new blue card into her Card Reader, and wishes that Renamon were her partner. She gets her wish. Rika comes back to the present and goes to bed. Renamon goes out into the night and has a short conversation with a new Digimon, Impmon. Then both Renamon and Rika sense a Digital Field. They meet there and find Dokugumon, who viciously attacks Renamon. Dokugumon ends up nearly mortally wounding Renamon, then turns on Rika. When Dokugumon sets off an attack, Renamon uses herself as a sheild to save Rika's life. Renamon falls to floor, on the verge of deleation, and Rika finally realizes how much Renamon means to her. Renamon finds the strength to Digivolve to Kyubimon! Kyubimon defeats Dokugumon and downloads her data. Impmon watches from afar as Rika and Kyubimon seem to figure things out.

"Episode 07: Now You See It, Now You Don't"

Origonal Japanese Title: "The Crisis for Guilmon!! An Adventure in My Town."
Dub Written By: Steve Blum

Plot: Hypnos notes on an odd digital energy field. Meanwhile, Rika is at home. She can't seem to figure out why Renamon would risk her life for her. Was it true that data had feelings? Around that time, Takato goes to visit Guilmon at the park. They start to walk around the city, and suddenly Guilmon starts to dissapear. Takato pulls him to the side, and Guilmon seems normal again, but Takato's still worried. Later on, Takato asks Henry for help, but the answer Henry gave only made Takato more nervous. Meanwhile, Yamaki is walking in the city, but he gets called back the headquarters to explain some things. In school that day, Ms. Asagi (Takato's teacher) talks about a tunnel that leads to the next town. After school Takato and Guilmon go to looks for Rika, and they sort of succeed. They find Renamon, but Renamon only wants to fight. Then Rika comes along and is ready to fight as well, but Takato pleads with her just to answer some of his questions. Rika reluctantly agrees and brings them to her house. After Takato is done asking questions, Rika practically kicks him out of her house. Takato is still not satisfied, but just as they're going home, Guilmon starts to dissapear again. This time for good. Back in Hypnos, Yamaki sets off something called Yuggoth. Yuggoth is designed to destroy the odd field that Hypnos detected earlier. In the meantime, Takato got Rika and Henry to come to the spot Guilmon dissapeared. Renamon and Terriermon start to dissapear as well, and they leave. Takato, Rika, and Henry start to walk down the tunnel, and they come to a wierd energy field. They go inside and find Guilmon, but the zone starts to deleat. Rika, Takato, Guilmon, and Henry all make it out in time. After that Takato seems more relieved since the field was destroyed, and they all go home.

"Episode 08: A Question of Trust"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Guilmon Evolves! The Decisive Battle in West-Shinjuku."
Dub Written By: Terri Lei O'Malley

Plot: Takato sketches Growlmon, Takato's prediction for Guilmon's Champion form. Meanwhile, Impmon visits Guilmon in the park. He takes bread for Guilmon and makes it clear that he doesn't like Tamers or their Digimon. The next day in school, Mrs. Asagi explains that there's a kid in the park making trouble by scaring couples. Takato worries that it's Guilmon, and he and Henry talk about it after school. Hypnos tracks another Wild One, and Takato makes Guilmon promise that he won't leave he home. While Takato's still at the park, Mrs. Asagi and another teacher, Mori, are walking around trying to keep everything in order. Meanwhile, Impmon scares another couple but Guilmon isn't enthused. He goes back to his home to find an angry Takato waiting for him. Takato storms off and Guilmon's left by himself. In the meantime, Impmon accidently sets loose a Devidramon. Devidramon starts to fly all over the city, and Takato gets Guilmon. Rika and Renamon come, ready to fight, but Renamon holds back. She says that this is Guilmon's fight, which makes Rika dissapointed. Henry and Terriermon also come along, and they watch as Takato slashes a Power Activate card, Hyper Wing card, and Speed Activate card to no avail. Guilmon gets thrashed, and Rika critisizes Takato's poor choice of cards. Terriermon then notices Impmon cheering on Devidramon. Terriermon tells Takato that Guilmon's innocent, and Takato apologizes for being mad at Guilmon. Guilmon accepts his apology and Digivolves to Growlmon. Devidramon and Growlmon duke it out, and Growlmon ends up being victorious.

"Episode 09: Not as Seen on TV"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Please Revert to Guilmon! The Growmon incident."
Dub Written By: Seth Walther

Plot: Growlmon turns around, and Takato realizes how scared of Growlmon he is. It turns out that Growlmon is just as scared as Takato. Growlmon is too big now for his old home, so Takato tries to get answers from his D-Power, which doesn't go too well. Takato tries scaring Growlmon, and then excercise. The two eventually get really tired and try plaining wishing for Growlmon to revert. Unfortunatly, nothing works. Takato leaves Guilmon to go home, and on the way he meets Jeri. He tries to ask Jeri for advice while not giving away too much, but Jeri takes it wrong and doesn't quite give Takato the answer he was looking for. Growlmon wakes up in the middle of the night to find Calumon, and the two go to get Takato. Calumon leaves and Takato calls Henry for help. Henry and Terriermon aren't too enthused about being waken up in the middle of the night, but they help Takato find a place to hide Growlmon until the morning; the tunnel where Guilmon almost dissapeared from before. Henry assures Takato that it will be okay, and they leave. Impmon harasses Growlmon later that night and chases him out of the tunnel. When Takato goes in the morning to find Growlmon, he gets worried when he doesn't show. Henry sends Terriermon to find Growlmon, which he does, and then the group is forced to think up another idea. They paint Growlmon camoflauge colors and Growlmon hides to see if it works. Henry, Takato, and Terriermon can't seem to find him, which is finally a good thing, but then Rika and Renamon show up and demand a fight. Renamon finds Growlmon easily, and suddenly it starts to rain. The rain washes the paint off of Growlmon, and now they're back to square one. Rika and Renamon leave in disgust, and the rain finally stops. The rain causes a rainbow, and Growlmon finally reverts back to Guilmon.

"Episode 10: The Icemon Cometh"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Renamon is My Friend! Ruki's Hesitation."
Dub Written By: Adele Lim

Plot: Hypnos detects another Digimon. Rika is walking in the city, still wondering about the mysteries of Digivolving, when she feels a presence. It turns out that there's nothing behind her except for Calumon. Rika brings Calumon to a temple-like place where she chases him off. She feels the presence again, and again there's nothing there. This time Renamon shows up, followed by Impmon, who Renamon basically ignores. Rika goes back home to her room, and again feels the wierd presence. This time she has Renamon check for it, but Renamon can't figure it out. Rika, who is by now frustrated, tells Renamon off, then leaves her alone. Meanwhile, Takato works on Digi-Modify techniques with Henry in the park. Impmon shows up, and Terriermon blasts him away because Impmon was being annoying. A little later, Rika is walking in the subway station alone. She again feels the presence, and then sees something out of the corner of her eye. She follows it and is captured by IceDevimon. IceDevimon tries to make Rika his partner, but Rika rebels. IceDevimon summons for Renamon to show Rika his true power. Takato, Henry, Terriermon, Guilmon, and Calumon all come to Rika's aid, but IceDevimon quickly takes care of Terriermon and Guilmon. Renamon finally shows up, but then gets beaten by IceDevimon. Rika is worried about Renamon, and claims Renamon to be her friend. Renamon Digivolves to Kyubimon, but she still isn't a match for IceDevimon. Rika is still worried for her partner, and Takato takes action by slashing a Speed Activate card and then Hyper Wing card right after each other. This gives Guilmon a huge edge, and he defeats IceDevimon and downloads his data. But by then it's too late to save Rika and Renamon's relationship. Rika claims she hates Digimon, and she and Kyubimon part ways.

"Episode 11: Much Ado About Muysyamon"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Shinjuku Railroad Bridge, The Duel in 1.5 minutes."
Dub Written By: Steve Blum

Plot: When Rika goes home she throws out her D-Power and Digimon cards without a second thought. The next morning, Takato beats Kazu in the card game with the same combo he used on Guilmon the day before. Takato lets being a Digimon Tamer slip, but he quickly leaves to visit Guilmon. Meanwhile, Henry and Terriermon walk around the city and notice a Digital Field. Hypnos notices the field as well, and Yamaki sends out Yuggoth to destroy it. Terriermon wants to see what's there, but Henry won't let him. Yuggoth apparently deleats the Digimon, and everything goes back to normal. Henry and Terriermon talk about fighting, Henry against it and Terriermon for it. Terriermon feels deprived, and he lets Henry know this. Still, Henry doesn't give in. Later that night, Henry sees Renamon and decides to follow her. Henry follows Renamon on his bike and they talk briefly, and Renamon reflects on the day before. Calumon, meanwhile, goes through Rika's garbage and gives her back her things. Then next day, Takato and Kazu have a rematch and Kazu wins. Takato blabs about being a Tamer again, and this time he brings Kazu and Kenta to Guilmon. Kazu and Kenta run off, but by then Guilmon had sensed a Digimon. Once they get there, Takato uses Hyper Sonic and Mega Pyro Sphere cards. It seems to be a pretty fair fight. Henry and Terriermon watch from outside, and suddenly a girl looses her balloon and runs into the Digital Field. Henry follows her. Takato uses Hyper Wing Activate, but Guilmon can't control the wings like before. Musyamon advances on the girl and is ready to attack when Henry uses Hyper Sonic. Terriermon stops Musyamon from attacking, then Digivolves to Gargomon and finishes him off. The group returns the girl safely, but aren't aware that Yamaki has watched the whole thing.

"Episode 12: Divided They Stand"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Ruki and Renamon, The Crisis of the Bonds."
Dub Written By: Rebecca Olkowski

Plot: Kazu and Kenta are still avoiding Takato, and Jeri overhears them talking about Guilmon. Back at Rika's house, Rika starts to look for Renamon, then decides not to because Renamon was just using her. A Digital Field appears and Renamon goes off to battle. She starts to realize she needs help, but Rika hesitates before going into the Digital Field. Just then Henry and Terriermon come along, and Rika runs off. Renamon finishes off the Digimon by herself and she and Henry have a short talk about the meaning of partners. Renamon doesn't seem to get much out of it. Henry and Takato talk about it later while they're in the city, and suddenly Yamaki comes up to them and warns them to stop hanging around Digimon. Henry decides to follow him, but Takato gets caught up with Jeri, who pleads to see Guilmon. Takato gives in. Meanwhile, Renamon follows Impmon around and asks him questions about partners. Renamon decides that Impmon may be right; Digimon might not need human partners. She sees a Digital Field and goes off to fight. Rika, however, ignores it. Renamon and a Digimon called Harpymon are already battling by the time Takato, Henry, Guilmon, and Terriermon get to the Digital Field. Harpymon defeats Guilmon and Terriermon when Rika finally arrives, but Renamon ignores her. Renamon defeats Harpymon on her own and is about to deleat her when she pauses. This gives Harpymon enough time to recover and start to attack Renamon. Renamon gets in a tight spot, and Rika goes to grab a modify card only to realize that she left them at home. She grabs a stick and stabs Harpymon with it, which gives Renamon enough time to Digivolve. Kyubimon defeats Harpymon and Kyubimon and Rika finally seem to work things out. Yamaki, however, finally decides to get rid of the Digimon.

"Episode 13: Juggernaut"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Order to Capture The Digimon! The Sinister Foreboding"
Dub Written By: Adele Lim

Plot: Takato and Guilmon fight a DarkLizamon, and just when they think they have her beat Hypnos arrives. They capture the DarkLizamon and Yamaki tells off Takato and threatens to take away Guilmon as well. Then he leaves. Back in Guilmon's home, Guilmon says he's happy about Digivolving, but Takato starts to worry and says he doesn't want Guilmon to change. Meanwhile, Yamaki does an experiement on DarkLizamon which ends up destroying her, but Yamaki gets the information he needs. The next day, Susie plays around with Terriermon a bit, Terriermon pretending he's a doll. Kazu and Kenta are still jumpy around Takato, and Takato snaps at Jeri because he's starting to get stressed out. Meanwhile, Yamaki has a talk with his bosses. Takato shares his feelings with Guilmon in the park, and Guilmon reassures him that no matter what, Guilmon won't change. Back at Hypnos, Yamaki starts to build a machine he calls Juggernaut. In the meantime, at Rika's house, Rika and Renamon have a short talk, finally seeming to clear everything up. Meanwhile, Impmon starts to chase Calumon around, threating to deleat him. Impmon seems to get joy out of this for some reason. Suddenly Yamaki starts Juggernaut, and it immediatly starts to attract Guilmon and Terriermon. Not only that, but Guilmon senses something else- a large Digimon coming through the Juggernaut's core.

"Episode 14: Grow Mon Grow"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Rise Up Tamers! MegaloGrowmon's Super Evolution."
Dub Written By: Steve Blum

Plot: Impmon is still chasing around Calumon when all the Digimon start to get sucked up into Juggernaut. Guilmon again senses a huge Digimon coming though the Juggernaut vortex, and a Digital Field appears around the Hypnos building. Henry and Terriermon see Yamaki in the park and Yamaki attacks Henry, but Terriermon tells him off and he leaves. Rika and Renamon come along as well, and they go to aid Takato, who's already at the Hypnos building. Takato gives Rika a Digimodify card, and she slashes it, and then Renamon Digivolves. Kyubimon attacks the Digimon, but to no avail. Not only are the attacks not working, but the kids can't seem to get data on him either. Kyubimon gets defeated easily, and she falls off the top of the tower. Terriermon then Digivolves and goes up to fight, and he starts to attack viciously, only to run out of ammo. The Digimon defeated Gargomon as well, and now it was Guilmon's turn. Takato was still a bit skeptical about sending his parnter up, but he did anyway. Guilmon Digivolved and went to fight to foe, but the tiger-like monster bit Growlmon in the arm, practically deleating it. Takato seemed to feel the pain as well, and he passed out. While Takato was passed out, he and Growlmon seemed to have a conversation. Growlmon said that they could still win as long as they worked together. Takato realized that he had been holding back all this time and promised to stop. He came to and was totally fired up. Suddenly he found a Blue Card and slashed it. Growlmon Matrix Digivolved to WarGrowlmon! WarGrowlmon and Takato seemingly worked as one to destroy the Digimon they finally got data on; Mihiramon. After the battle was over, Kazu, Kenta, and Jeri came to congradulate the group, all very impressed.

"Episode 15: Snakes, Trains, and Digimon"

Origonal Japanese Title: "An Enormous Snake Appears! The Huge Panic in The Ooedo Line."
Dub Written By: Alan Smith

Plot: The three tamers meet in the park and decide to stop all evil Digimon that enter the real world. Takato makes a flag to show that they're Tamers, and Rika natually critisizes it. Meanwhile, a man sees a pair of red eyes in a subway tunnel. The next morning, Takato wake Henry up to get together and patrol the city, but Henry's busy. Takat calls Rika, but she has to go out with her grandma to a play. Takato goes to the front door and realizes that nearly his whole class is there, and all of them want to see Guilmon. Meanwhile, Rika is at the play and realizes that although it's stupid, it sort of relates to her experiences with Renamon. She suddenly can't imagine why she once thought that Renamon was only data. Back in the park, all the kids are playing with Guilmon when Impmon shows up. He insults them all, but they just ignore him. After the play's over, Rika goes to the subway station with her grandma. She gets a reading on her D-Power and chases her grandma out of the station when a big Digimon appears. Renamon attacks, but to no avail. She finally gets data and declares the Digimon to be Sandiramon. Renamon Digivolves, and Sandiramon goes back into the tunnel. Kyubimon and Rika follow him, and they meet Henry on the other side. Henry goes off to find Takato, but can't find him. Henry returns and Terriermon Digivolves, but they still can't win. Suddenly Guilmon senses a Digimon and Impmon mocks them for being so slow. Guilmon and Takato go down to the subway and Guilmon Digivolves. They finally defeat Sandiramon, but before he deleats, he says that there are twelve Devas and he was sent by the Sovereign. Then he dissaperates.

"Episode 16: Back to Nature, Back to Battle"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Protect The City Lights! Dangerous Camp of Digimon."
Dub Written By: Seth Walther

Plot: Rika calls Renamon while she's at the edge of a park. She gives Renamon her first gift, an energy drink, and then goes off to school. In Henry and Takato's school, they all get ready for a camping trip. Henry and Takato bring Terriermon and Guilmon along for the ride. Once they're there, Terriermon, Guilmon, Takato, and Henry go off to play in the forest when Takato and Henry get a reading on their D-Powers. Terriermon, Guilmon, and Calumon go towards a cliff and see a pretty view of Tokyo. Henry and Takato, meanwhile, find a small bird Digimon and decide to leave it. After all, they wanted to bring their Digimon on the trip so they could all relax. They leave the premesis to go back to their tent. After they leave, the bird Digimon sucks up Tokyo's electricity and grows extreamly large. The kids and their partners go off to swim the next morning, and Impmon decides to play along with them after a little persuation. Just then they got attacked by the big bird Digimon. A possesed owl tells the kids that it's a Deva. They get a reading on it and it turns out to be a Digimon called Sinduramon. It starts to go away, and Guilmon and Terriermon follow it. Henry and Takato go back to their tent, change, and then go off to find the Digimon and their partners. They find them at a power plant and Guilmon and Terriermon Digivolve. Growlmon and Gargomon finish off the Deva.

"Episode 17: Duel with the Deva"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Chase The Blue Card! Rapidmon's Rapid Action."
Dub Written By: Steve Blum

Plot: Henry recieves a card and decides to card slash it. He finds out it's really a blue card. Henry, Takato, and Rika go out to find the kid who origonally had the card and they travel all over the city to do so. The next day, Henry, Takato, and Terriermon walk in the park and meet up with Impmon. Impmon demands to fight, but they all suddenly realize that Henry's dad is watching them. Impmon attacks Henry's dad, and Terriermon defends him. Impmon runs off, but when Henry's dad tries to talk to Henry, the kids run off as well. Later the three kids walks around in an electronics section of the city. They witness a bio-emergence and two large Digimon come through. They are identified as Pajiramon and Vajramon. The two Digimon start to eat all the electrical equipment, and Terriermon and Renamon get ready to fight. The two Digimon attack Pajiramon and Vajramon, but to no avail. Terriermon decides he'll fight Pajiramon, and Renamon takes Vajramon. Terriermon Digivolves, and they attack again. Suddenly Pajiramon gets Gargomon in a tough spot. Pajiramon gets ready to deleat Gargomon when Henry tries DigiModifying a lot of cards. None of them work, so he reluctantly tries the Blue Card. Gargomon Matrix Digivolves to Rapidmon, and he defeats Pajiramon and Vajramon. Although the Tamers don't realize it, Vajramon regains his composure. Later that night, Henry and his dad have a talk. Henry's dad explains that in college he and his friends began work on artifical intelligence, but they couldn't finish the project because they lost their funding. He also says the in Henry's Blue Card was Shibumi's code. Meanwhile, Renamon and Rika are walking in the city. Vajramon comes for Renamon, and Renamon decides to go so she can talk to him. Rika has no choice but to trust Renamon's judgement.

"Episode 18: Digital Beauty"

Origonal Japanese Title: "The Beautiful Evolution! Taomon Dances in The Moonlight."
Dub Written By: Adele Lim

Plot: Rika is at a modeling camera test, but she gets bugged by 'Cocoa' the photographer and leaves on her own. She goes home to change. Meanwhile, Henry and Takato talk about finding Renamon. They're worried about her, just as Rika is. Meanwhile, Riley of Hypnos is at the pool but has to go back to work. She stops in Takato's bakery on the way back to Hypnos. Later, when Rika gets back, her mom tries to talk to her about the photo shoot, but Rika blows her off. Back at Henry's house, Terriermon senses Vajramon. Henry calls Rika, and the kids head off towards a Digital Field around a stadium. Inside the stadium, Renamon and Vajramon are talking. Vajramon wants Renamon to join the Devas and help the Soveriegn. Suddenly the kids enter the stadium, but Vajramon goes on. He explains that the Soveriegn is the Digimon's leader. Then Calumon appears and decides to play with Vajramon. Vajramon attacks him, and Guilmon Digivolves and fights back. Terriermon Digivolves as well, but their attacks don't do much of anything. Renamon Digivolves as well and starts to attack Vajramon. Vajramon defeats Growlmon and Gargomon and Rika pulls out a Blue Card. She uses it and Kyubimon Matrix Digivolves to Taomon. Taomon gracefully fights back and deleats Vajramon once and for all. All the kids then decide to go home.

"Episode 19: Impmon's Last Stand"

Origonal Japanese Title: "I Wanna Be Stronger! Climb Up, Impmon."
Dub Written By: Seth Walther

Plot: The kids meet in the park and talk about the Devas. Impmon watches in disgust, then goes off to scare other kids in the park. Henry goes off to martial arts practice and asks his senseii if he had ever heard of creaturs called Devas. His senseii says that he has and explained that the devas could either be good or bad. Calumon, meanwhile, follows Impmon around. Impmon finds a large Digimon. Renamon and Rika show up and identify his as Indramon. Indramon leaves, and Impmon tells off Renamon, claiming he is strong. Meanwhile, Takato, Kazu, Kenta, Jeri, and Guilmon are still playing in the park. A really wierd kid appears, then runs off. Impmon, who's really mad at this point, goes around terrorizing random people in the city. Back in the park, everyone leaves and Calumon arrives. Takato starts to think about it, and realizes that Calumon helps out with their Digimon's Digivolution. The police show up to stop Impmon, but Renamon hauls him away instead. Renamon and Impmon talk, and Impmon least it slip that he once had a Tamer as well. Suddenly Renamon notices a Digital Field and everyone goes off to meet it. Indramon appears again, and Impmon decides to take him on. Impmon gets hurt, nearly deleated, and then Renamon saves him yet again. Indramon attack the others, and they all Digivolve. However, Indramon is too strong for them, and Impmon still badmouths Indramon, then runs to attack.

"Episode 20: Out of the Blue"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Trump Card is This! The Blue Card of Friendship."
Dub Written By: Steve Blum

Plot: Impmon punches away at Indramon, but the huge Digimon doesn't even flinch. Impmon gets shot back and Indramon leaves. The kids bring their Digimon to the underground tunnel to rest. Later on, Kazu and Kenta plead with Takato's dad to make Guilmon bread. Takato drags them out before they say too much, and Kazu shows Takato his home-make Blue Card. The wierd kid shows up again, but then leaves again. Meanwhile, Mr. Wong is waiting in a meeting room to see somebody. Henry and Rika go off to look for Impmon but can't find him. Mr. Wong gets bored so he starts wandering the halls. He sees people running and follows them to Hypno's main room. Yamaki explains everything to him. Meanwhile, Indramon comes back and the Digimon Digivolve. They attack, but it doesn't do much again. Back at Hypnos, Mr. Wong is reunited with the old group from college; Dolphin, Curly, Daisy, and Babble, but he notices that Shibumi is not there. In the meantime, Indramon attacks again and nearly destroys the Tamers' Digimon. Then Kazu gives Takato a little pep talk, as well as his home-made Blue Card. Takato tries to makeshift Blue Card, and Growlmon Matrix Digivolves to WarGrowlmon and defeats Indramon.

"Episode 21: Jeri's Quest"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Is He Jeri's Partner? My Dear Leomon."
Dub Written By: Adele Lim

Plot: Jeri, Kazu, and Kenta go off to look for Takato. Meanwhile, at Hypnos, Yamaki and the 'Monster Makers' try to figure out Shibumi's code. Takato, Rika, and Henry talk about the Devas and their Soveriegn and don't realize that Jeri, Kazu, and Kenta are spying on them. They decide to talk about what kind of partner they would have if they became Digimon Tamers, but they realize that the others left and Kazu and Kenta follow them. Jeri stays behind and sees Calumon. Jeri gives Calumon some creampuffs and then claims him as her partner. Suddenly a Digimon appears. Both Jeri and Calumon get scared and run away, but the Digimon chases them. They get cornered, and suddenly a Leomon appears. He fends off the Digimon and blows him away, but doesn't deleat him. Jeri then claims that Leomon is her partner and starts to follow him around everywhere around the park. Leomon hides in Guilmon's home and Takato and Guilmon return to it. They decide to fight Leomon, but then Jeri stops them. Leomon's confused about the whole situation and starts to run off again, but Jeri follows him. Takato calls Henry and Rika, and they decide to come down to the park. Suddenly the Deva from before appears again. They identify him as Kumbhiramon. Henry and Terriermon show up, but the Deva multiplies, then attacks. Jeri demands Takato's D-Power, and then starts to Digimodify cards. None of them have an effect of Leomon. Terriermon Digivolves, and the wierd kid shows up again. Rika and Renamon arrive and the wierd kid runs off, with Rika and Renamon following him. Leomon and Gargomon attack the Deva, and Leomon defeats him. Then Leomon leaves, much to the dissapointment of Jeri.

"Episode 22: The Boar Wars"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Vikararamon Appears. Protect Our Town!"
Dub Written By: Seth Walther

Plot: Takato grabs food from his parents bakery and goes off to bring it to Guilmon. Suddenly and earthquake occurs, which scares Susie. Henry decides to go out and needs Terriermon from Susie. He yells at her for not giving Terriermon to him, and then he grabs him and leaves. Henry notices a poster in a store window and asks the owner for it. While he's waiting he meets up with Rika and her grandmother. Rika goes off to the park with Henry and tell her mom off, who wanted to go shopping. Meanwhile, in the sewer system, Impmon starts to get depressed. Takato, Kazu, and Kenta are in the park, and they talk about getting partners again. Jeri shows up and wants to learn the card game. Rika and Henry arrive minutes later, and Rika agrees to teach her. Henry shows the others the poster he had seen; it's of the Chinese calander. Henry connects the animal forms to the Devas. Once again, then wierd kis shows up unexpectedly, and this time Jeri follows him. The others follow Jeri, but they loose him in the city when another earthquake occurs. Terriermon and Guilmon sense a Digimon, and Renamon appears, so they all go off to face it. A Digital Field appears, and Hypnos starts to set up Juggernaut. A huge Digital pig appears in the Digital Field, and kids identify him as Vikalaramon. Vikalaramon heads into the city and starts to destroy it. The Digimon Digivolve but they can't stop him. The kids want to stop Vikalaramon so badly that they get Blue Cards. The kids use them and their Digimon Matrix Digivolve and cut off Vikalaramon. But by then, Hypnos starts Juggernaut with the aim of destroying all Digimon.

"Episode 23: A World Apart"

Origonal Japanese Title: "All Digimon Sally Out! Advance Toward The Wind."
Dub Written By: Steve Blum

Plot: The Digimon stop Vikalaramon in his tracks. Shinjuku has to evacuate because of all the damage, and Takato's parents are worried. Rapidmon and Taomon attack, but Vikalarmon fight back and seems to have an edge. Vikalaramon attacks WarGrowlmon and gets him stuck, then opens up a gate to the Digital World as Juggernaut rips open the sky. Henry and Rika use Modify cards and Rapidmon and Taomon fight back. Vikalarmon seems to be down, but Juggernaut starts to deleat all the Digimon. Taomon creates a forcefield to protect her and Rapidmon, but WarGrowlmon's still stuck. Takato starts to worry about losing Guilmon. Mr. Wong arrives when a code starts to override Juggernaut. The wierd kid appears again and changes into his true form; the monkey Deva, Makuramon. Makuramon destroys Juggernaut and leaves Hpynos in rubble. Vikalarmon is back to normal and and Mr. Wong gets the kids to leave the area. Kazu, Kenta, Jeri, and Calumon meet up with Tamers and then they decide not to leave. Takato screams and wakes up WarGrowlmon, who finally becomes unstuck. Takato and WarGrowlmon work as one to defeat Vikalaramon. Makuramon grabs Calumon and runs away, but is almost stopped by Leomon. Makuramon fends him off, then returns to the Digital World with Calumon as his hostage. Jeri suddenly gets a D-Power and heals Leomon with it, and the two become partners. The kids then decide to go to the Digital World to save Calumon.

"Episode 24: The Journey Begins"

Origonal Japanese Title: "To The Digital World... The Day of The Departure."
Dub Written By: Adele Lim

Plot: Takato plans to tell his parents everything, but her thinks they'll get worried. Meanwhile, Guilmon and Renamon look for the portal to the Digital World. At Henry's home, he and his dad talk. His dad looks over Henry's D-Power, and he talks about his days with the 'Monster Makers'. At Jeri's house, Jeri gets Leomon a glass of juice and they talk about the Digital World. At Rika's house, Renamon tells Rika that she's worried about Rika going to the Digital World. Just then, Rika's grandmother walks in on them. She doesn't freak out at all, and she even seems to like Renamon. Rika tells he grandma about having to leave, and she takes it well. Meanwhile, Takato goes to see Guilmon and finds out that Guilmon found the portal to the Digital World in his home. Impmon, who's still in the sewers, decides to go back to the Digital World as well for his own reasons. The next day, Ms. Asagi gives Takato detention, and Kazu, Kenta, and Jeri ask for it too. They all have to stay after school to write essays. Yamaki and Riley are now home because Hypnos is no longer in use. They talk about finding a way to help the kids. After the kids serve detention, they get ready to leave for home, but Ms. Asagi follows them to talk about them. They wrote about leaving for the Digital World in their essays, and Ms. Asagi worries about them, but the kids have to go. When Takato gets home he explains everything to his parents. His dad seems to understand and allows him to go. Henry, meanwhile, tells Susie about Terriermon, which only makes her love him more, and Rika puts on a dress for her mom. In the morning, everyone meets in the park, and Takato brings his flag along. Yamaki shows up and gives them a com device so they could communicate back to the real world. Then the kids go though the portal.

"Episode 25: Brave New Digital World"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Plunge into The Digital World! Farewell, Our Town."
Dub Written By: Seth Walther

Plot: The kids fall into the Digital World but they're all okay. They see data streams in the distance, as well as data packets and the real world above them. Kazu places the flag in the ground and they take pictures. Takato tries the com device but it doesn't work, and neither does Kenta's camera. Rika sees towers off in the distance, and they head off to see if anybody's there. Meanwhile, as Makuramon brings Calumon into the Digital World, Calumon's cage gets caught in one of the Digital World's layers. Makuramon leaves to get help. Meanwhile, the kids get to the area and realize they were only big rocks, not towers, and that dampers their spirits. Suddenly a bunch of data packets roll towards them, but Renamon says that they're harmless. She's right, and the data packets don't do anything. It turns night in the Digital World, and they see Data Streams close to them. Renamon says that if you get hit by one you could end up anywhere in the Digital World. A Meramon attacks the kids and Leomon fights back ang ground Meramon. Meramon apologizes because he thought the kids were someone else. They ask Meramon if he's seen Calumon, but Meramon says he hasn't. Meramon leaves and the kids go to sleep, but suddenly Renamon senses a stampede. Sure enough a stampede of Jagamon occurs, and Meramon tires to fight them but gets destroyed. Meanwhile, the DigiKnomes set Calumon free from the cage. Then it turns to morning. The kids make a little shrine to Meramon and the Jagamon explain themselves. They've seen Makuramon and send the kids off in the right direction. Takato suddenly notices that a Data Stream is behind them, and they start to run from it. Kazu and Kenta run the wrong way, and Rika and Renamon go to save them.

"Episode 26: Kazu and Kenta's Excellent Adventure"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Small World! Jijimon and Babamon of The Valley of Strong Wind."
Dub Written By: Seth Walther

Plot: Rika, Renamon, Kazu, and Kenta get sucked into the Data Stream and are separated from the others. They fall into a large pit and Rika and Renamon are the first to wake up. They notice that they're in a tiny village. Rika yells at the boys to get up, which they do, and suddenly the wind starts to pick up. They run for shelter, but the wind is so strong that they get picked up by it and are thrown into one of the houses. The home is occupied by two small Mega Digimon, Jijimon and Babamon. Jijimon and Babamon start to fight with each other and Rika breaks them up. They claim if helps pass the time, but they decide to go cook for their guests instead. They make a load of food and after they eat, Kazu and Kenta go to take a bath. Babamon talks to Rika and invites them to stay over for the night since the weather is still bad. Rika and Renamon accept, and they decide to go look for Calumon in the morning. They go to bed, and Kazu and Kenta talk about having Jijimon and Babamon as partners. They fall asleep, then wake up in the middle of the night and spy on Jijimon and Babamon. Then they go back to bed. In the morning the wind dies down and Rika and Renamon thank they and begin to leave. Kazu and Kenta decide to stay behind with Jijimon and Babamon and ask them to be parnters. Kazu and Kenta play around with Jijimon and Babamon when Rika comes back and interupts them. She knocks sense into Kazu and Kenta, and they all leave Jijimon and Babamon's house on a kite that Rika and Renamon had made.

"Episode 27: Motocycle Madness"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Impmon Evolves! The Fear Beelzebumon Brings."
Dub Written By: Rebecca Olkowski

Plot: The other kids go off to search for Kazu, Kenta, Rika, and Renamon, but Leomon says they could be anywhere in the Digital World, and if they get hit by a Data Stream they might not end up in the same place. Terriermon sees a village, so they head over to it. Henry notices tire marks, and a motocycle starts to chase the kids. They split up, and it starts to follow Takato and Guilmon. The motocycle smashes into a house, deleats a Digimon, and then rides off. All the Digimon come out and they are identified as Chuchidarumon. The kids are invited inside. Meanwhile, Impmon walks around in a foggy part of the Digital World. He meets a large dog Digimon who offers Impmon the power to Digivolve. Back in the Chuchidarumon village, Henry and the others muse about the motorcycle. Chuchidarumon says that their homes are destroyed by the bike, and Takato says that he'll help them. Henry talks to Takato outside, and Henry says they should search for the others instead. Takato is still determined to help the Chuchidarumon. Back to Impmon, the dog Digimon says that he's a Deva and Impmon is sent back to the real world where he sees his old Tamers, Ai and Mako. Ai and Mako ignore Impmon and the Deva returns Impmon to the present, apparently only using mind tricks on him. Suddenly the bike returns at the village, and Terriermon Digivolves but can't stop it. Guilmon jumps on it and knocks something off. It turns out to be a small Digimon who says that the bike takes over you mind. Sure enough, Guilmon seemed to be possesed. Meanwhile, the Deva says that Impmon must agree to destroy the Tamers to get his power. Impmon accepts. Leomon knocks Guilmon off of the bike and the bike dissapears. Then it reapears with a new rider on it. The rider says he's Beelzemon, and then rides off.

"Episode 28: Blame it on Ryo"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Friend or Foe! Ryo Akiyama, The Legendary Tamer"
Dub Written By: Seth Walther

Plot: Rika, Renamon, Kazu, and Kenta are by Takato's flag when Rika and Renamon decide to go look for the group instead. Kazu and Kenta tag along, which really annoys Rika. They decide to go back to the flag and wait when they get sucked up by a data stream. Meanwhile, Takato and the rest of the group are waiting by the flag. Guilmon smells Renamon's tracks. In the meantime, Rika blows up on Kazu and Kenta seeing as they're now even more lost than before. They walk around and find a broken clock. The fix it and two Digimon, Clockmon and Hagururmon are extreamly worried about something. Suddenly the Digital World starts to shake and a huge dragon Digimon, Megadramon, appears. Renamon protects Rika and Megidramon attacks. Renamon Digivolves, but she's still no match for him. Suddenly a new Digimon appears; Cyberdramon! Cyberdramon fights Megidramon and wins, and a boy shows up. He takes out a D-Power and uses a beam of energy as a whip to calm down Cyberdramon. The boy is Ryo Akiyama, a legendary tamer that Kazu and Kenta have heard about. Rika is bugged by Ryo's perfectness, but Kazu and Kenta nearly worship him. Meanwhile, the other group get to the spot where the Data Stream picked up the others. Guilmon lost Renamon's track, so they decide to explore a nearby cave. They go into a weird box which sucks them up and moves to a totally different area of the Digital World. Calumon is meanwhile by the Tamers' flag, and he plays around with it. Back to Ryo and company, Rika insults Ryo, alough he tries to be nice to her. Ryo says he'll help them find their friends, but Rika explodes on him too, then goes off by herself with Kyubimon.

"Episode 29: Goliath"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Here is the Ghost Castle! The Great Escape of Stray Calumon"
Dub Written By: Adele Lim

Plot: Takato, Henry, Terriermon, Guilmon, Leomon, and Jeri enter a warped village. They meet up with Kazu, Kenta, Ryo, and Cyberdramon, but notice immediatly that Rika and Renamon are missing. They're still in the weird clock world. The kids that are there explain their mission to Ryo, and he says he'll help. Meanwhile, a lost Calumon wanders around the Digital World wearing the Tamer's flag as a cape. He then gets chased by a Doggymon. Back in warped town, Ryo shows the others a castle-like building. It turns night in the Digital World, and Ryo leads them to a bedroom. Ryo says they don't have to eat as long as they don't want to, and that explains why none of the kids are really that hungry. They go to bed, but Takato can't sleep. He looks around in his bag and reads a note from his mom. Meanwhile, Beelzemon finds Calumon. He doesn't do anything to him, just blows him off and rides off on his motorcycle. In the morning, the kids go down to another level of the Digital World. Calumon runs around happily and accidently Digivolves a group of Woodmon to Cherrymon. Makuramon and the dragon Deva, Majiramon, see the light of the Digivolution and head off towards it. It leads them to Calumon, but Calumon excapes when he falls into a hole. The kids go to see what's going on, and Cyberdramon is itching to fight. Majiramon attacks and Guilmon and Terriermon Digivolve. Leomon, Growlmon, and Gargomon all attack, but they don't do much. Majiramon is beating them when Ryo Digimodifies with a Goliath card. Cyberdramon grows enormous in size and deleats Majiramon. He goes back to normal size but still wants to fight. Ryo can't control him this time, and they leave the Tamers to go off on their own.

"Episode 30: The Imperfect Storm"

Origonal Japanese Title: "An Urgent Message from the Digital World, Culumon Is..."
Dub Written By: Steve Blum

Plot: It is Takato and Guilmon's turn to keep a look-out at night. Takato worries about Rika and hopes she's okay. Meanwhile, Beelzemon goes off to fight. In the morning, the kids go back to the flag but find it missing. Guilmon smells Calumon's tracks. Back in the real world, Hypnos is started up again. It seems to have an effect on the Digital World because suddenly a storm starts. The kids get chased by a Digital Stream but Guilmon finds a cave and they hide in it. When they're inside they find out that the com device from Yamaki is working. They contact Yamaki, but when the storm stops so does the com device. Meanwhile, Rika and Renamon are now in a forest. Renamon decides to leave Rika with the DigiKnomes to go off and look for food. At the same time, Beelzemon is fighting some Digimon. He destroys some of them, but the ones that are left Digivolve together to an Infermon. Beezlemon defeats him too and downloads all of their data. Rika, meanwhile, gets dragged by the DigiKnomes to a river. The river floods, but Rika is saved by Calumon! The flood follows them, and this time Renamon's the rescuer. They get thrown into a higher level of the Digital World and Renamon Digivolves to keep them from landing too hard. They meet up with the other Tamers, and the group is finally reunited. They realize they have no idea of how to get home. Then Beelzemon intrudes on them. Kyubimon reconizes him as the Mega form of Impmon! Beelzemon pulls a gun on Kyubimon, but Kyubimon Matrix Digivolves to Taomon. A storm starts again, and Taomon protects the kids. Beelzemon rides off, but the dog Deva, Caturamon, appears. He attacks them, takes Calumon, and Henry, Takato, and Terriermon get sucked into a Data Stream. At least things go back to normal when Yamaki shuts down Hypnos.

"Episode 31: Kazu's Upgrade"

Origonal Japanese Title: "My Friendship with Guardromon! I'll Fight, too, Tamer Hirokazu"
Dub Written By: Seth Walther

Plot: Calumon is now in a cage. Meanwhile, Rika and the others are off to find Takato, Henry, and Terriermon. Rika tells Jeri to toughen up, then apologizes. In the meantime, Takato, Terriermon, and Henry fall into a pit. Around then, the other group hears a sound. It turns out to be an Andromon. Another Digimon, Orochimon, appears from a nearby lake and he attacks Andromon, then advances on Jeri. Leomon chases him off and they go to help Andromon. They see a factory and smell milkshakes. They ask the Gekomon living there for help, but the Gekomon refuse to. They explain that Orochimon makes them make milkshakes for him, and they keep the peace by doing what he wants. Andromon wants to fight Orochimon and give them freedom, but everytime they Andromon and Orochimon fight, their factory gets destroyed. The kids explain that they only want some data packets, and the Gekomon gives them milkshakes. They pour some of the milkshakes on Andromon, and they heal his wounds. Andromon reverts back to his Champion form, Guardromon. Orochimon appears again and steals Jeri! He forces Jeri to serve him the milkshakes the Gekomon make. Kazu stays loyally at Guardromon's side, and when he wakes up he has a plan to save Jeri. Guardromon and the others ask the Gekomon for help, and they eventually agree. The kids and their Digimon ride over to Orochimon in empty milkshake barrels. They jump out of the barrels and attack Orochimon. Orochimon fights back, and Jeri Digimodifies with a LadyDevimon card. Leomon deleats Orochimon, and the Gekomon are therefore set free. Suddenly Kazu gets a D-Power. He and Guardromon are now partner and Tamer!

"Episode 32: Shibumi Speaks"

Origonal Japanese Title: "The Mystery of Guilmon's Birth! The Mysterious Water Space"
Dub Written By: Seth Walther

Plot: Takato, Henry, and Terriermon are stuck in a cave. They try to dig their way out, but that doesn't work. Meanwhile, in the real world, Mr. Wong and the other 'Monster Makers' tell the parents of the other Tamers where their children are. Takato, coincidentally, tried the com device when Yamaki showed up at them meeting. Yamaki shows the parents Takato's message. Henry suddenly gets an idea. He asks his dad for advice and explains the predicament. Mr. Wong says the idea might works, so Henry tries it. He goes underwater and believes with all his heart he can breath underwater. He goes back to the surface and says it works! Takato, Henry, and Terriermon go off underwater to see if there's a way out. They see a group of Otamamon, but then a Divermon attacks. Takato, Henry, and Terriermon work together to stop him. Divermon tells the group that there's a pipe that leads up to dry land, and the kids get the Otamamon to make a bubble for them to ride in. They ride to the top of the tunnel and the bubble pops. They follow some DigiKnomes to a library in the middle on nowhere. They go into a room and see a man sleeping on a desk. The man wakes up and says his name's Mizuno. He claims to be a human. He remembers all of the 'Monster Makers' and says he might be able to get the kids home. Mizuno then goes on to explain nearly everything from the Digital World itself to the D-Powers. Mizuno says he let the Digimon evolve on their own after the project ended. He tells the kids they should go to the highest plain of the Digital World to go home, but the four Sovereigns live there. He says the Digimon Sovereigns need a source of power to let the Digimon in the Digital World Digivolve and save the Digital World from destruction. Mizuno them puts them on an ark and sends them off.

"Episode 33: Rabbit Transit"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Where Is Terriermon? Shuichon Goes to the Digital World"
Dub Written By: Adele Lim

Plot: Susie gets bored at home and goes to the park with her dad. They see Yamaki in the park and talk about Shibumi. Susie goes off to play, and then she enters the Digital World. Mr. Wong witnesses this and starts to worry. Susie plays with DigiKnomes once she's there, and then she decides to look for Henry and Terriermon. Terriermon hears Susie yell from the ark, and the ark changes direction. Susie runs towards a waterfall and notices a large rabbit Digimon. She goes off to befriend her and decides she likes her a lot. The Digimon, Antylamon, tells her to go home. Antylamon explains that she protects the Soveriegn and that she's a Deva. Susie wants to play, and Antylamon says she can't leave her post, then eventually gives in. Anytlamon and Susie play, and then they stop and talk. Antylamon leaves and goes back to her post, and Makuramon notices Susie walking around alone. Antylamon hears Susie call for help, and she demands that Makuramon leave Susie alone. Takato, Henry, and Terriermon arrive, and Antylamon attacks Makuramon. Makuramon attacks back, but Antylamon scares him off. Takato and Henry realize she's a Deva, but suddenly Susie gets a D-Power! Antylamon reverts back to her Rookie form, Lopmon, and the two become partners.

"Episode 34: Lionheart"

Origonal Japanese Title: "The Kindhearted Hero, Leomon Dies!"
Dub Written By: Adele Lim

Plot: Calumon is transfered from his old cage to a new, wierder but prettier one. Just like the other one, he can't get out of this one. Meanwhile, Terriermon, Takato, Henry, Lopmon, and Susie look for the others. Henry worried about Susie, then asks Lopmon is she knows Calumon. Lopmon says that Calumon holds the power of Digivolution and that she also knows where Lopmon is. Meanwhile, Jeri and the others have a talk about partners. Beelzemon attacks Takato's group, and Terriermon Matrix Digivolves up to Rapidmon. Beelzemon defeats Rapidmon easily. A Data Stream aproaches the others, and they hear Takato's voice coming from it. They go through it, and the group is reunited. Beelzemon attacks Kyubimon, and Guardromon and Growlmon help her out. Kyubimon attacks again, but Beelzemon hurt her too much for her to get up. Leomon stops Beelzemon from deleating Kyubimon, but Beelzemon turns on Leomon instead. Beelzemon, to the horror of everyone there, deleats Leomon and downloads his data! Jeri's D-Power becomes deactivated, and Takato and Growlmon become overcome by anger. Growlmon Matrix Digivolves to WarGrowlmon, and Takato orders him to Digivolve further. The mark on WarGrowlmon's chest glows, and he Digivolves into a huge dragon Digimon, Megidramon. However, the whole group is surprised and horrified by WarGrowlmon's drastic and horrid transformation. They all sense something wrong, and Takato's D-Power breaks into different pieces and then deleats itself.

"Episode 35: Give a Little Bit"

Origonal Japanese Title: "The Name is Dukemon! The True Ultimate Evolution"
Dub Written By: Terri-Lei O'Malley

Plot: Megidramon starts to attack Beelzemon, and Jeri becomes sad and scared beyond belief with the recent events. Takato realizes something is really wrong, and he starts to worry, then wishes for it all to stop. Megidramon is totally unaware of his surroundings, and Beelzemon is put in a tough spot. Suddenly Makuramon shows up, and Beelzemon deleats him and downloads his data. Kyubimon and Rapidmon go to fight. Kyubimon Matrix Digivolves and Beelzemon traps Taomon and Rapidmon. Rika and Henry use the Alias card to remove Renamon and Terriermon from their Ultimate forms shortly before Beezlemon downloads that data as well. Terriermon and Renamon are okay, but now Beelzemon is now even more powerful. Jeri starts to go out of her mind with grief. Beelzemon defeats Megidramon, and Takato apologizes to Jeri for everything. Jeri just wants to be left alone, so Takato goes over to Megidramon. He apologizes to him too and Kazu and Kenta go to help Jeri. They get distracted by Beelzemon, who starts to advance on them. Beelzemon attacks Megidramon and Takato, but Takato won't leave Megidramon's side. Megidramon devolves back to Guilmon and deflects Beelzemon's attack. The two partners decide to work together to defeat Beelzemon. Guilmon suddenly Bio-Merges to Gallentmon, Guilmon's true Mega form!

"Episode 36: The Battle Within"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Decisive Battle! Dukemon vs. Beelzebumon"
Dub Written By: Steve Blum

Plot: Gallentmon and Beelzemon start to fight. Kenta and Rika suddenly realize that Takato is nowhere to be found! Gallentmon and Beelzemon continue to fight as Kazu and Kenta go off to look around the premesis to find Takato. Beelzemon is too fast for Gallentmon, and Jeri starts to become really out of it. Gallentmon creates an explosion, and Lopmon suddenly sees Caturmon! Caturamon goes to attack Lopmon for betraying the Soveriegn, but Terriermon takes to blow instead. Renamon quickly gets Susie and Lopmon out of harm's way, and Gallentmon deleats Caturamon. Beelzemon absorbs Caturamon's data, and Renamon goes off to get Terriermon. Kazu and Kenta still can't find Takato. Guardromon tries to stop Beelzemon, but he gets attacked instead. Kazu worries about his partner, and when Beelzemon attacks Kenta, Gallentmon sheilds him. Kenta then realizes he heard Takato's voice from inside Gallentmon. He comes to the conclusion that Guilmon and Takato merged together to form Gallentmon! Beelzemon and Gallentmon still go at it, and Guardromon goes to attack Beelzemon again. Gallentmon does the same, and the group realizes that what Kenta said is true. They blow Beelzemon back, and Beelzemon's attacks no longer hurt Gallentmon. Gallentmon uses one final attack to defeat Beelzemon. Gallentmon is ready to deleat Beelzemon when Jeri stops him. She pleads for them not to deleat him and she blames herself for what happened with Leomon. Gallentmon turns back into Guilmon and Takato, and Beelzemon starts to reflect on his actions. He then leaves and Takato gets a new, gold D-Power. A bit away, Ryo is unaware of the recent battle but he and Cyberdramon both realize that the ultimate enemy is near.

"Episode 37: No Mon Is an Island"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Confronting Zhuqiaomon! The SaintGalgomon Ultimate Evolution"
Dub Written By: Seth Walther

Plot: The kids get ready to go to meet the Soveriegn. Susie wants to go because Lopmon has to go, but Henry won't let her. Henry snaps at her, and then Takato, Henry, Terriermon, Guilmon, Rika, Renamon, and Lopmon get ready to leave. A bubble appears and takes them to the Soverign's castle. Henry scowls about Susie the whole way there. Once they get to the castle, they find the Digimon Soveriegn- the guardian Digimon Zhuqiaomon. Henry demands to have Calumon back, but Zhuqiaomon refuses. The Digimon (excluding Lopmon) go to Ultimate, and Zhuqiaomon attacks. He takes them down with one shot, and Taomon has to protect the kids using her barrier. The Tamer's Digimon's attacks can't even scratch Zhuqiaomon. Rapidmon, who is still hurt from the last battle, gets taken down by Zhuqiaomon. Zhuqiaomon then attacks Lopmon, the Deva Digimon that betrayed him. Susie, meanwhile, senses that something is wrong and leaves to find Lopmon. WarGrowlmon saves Lopmon, and Rapidmon deDigivolves back to Terriermon. Terriermon is still determined to stand by Henry's side no matter what. The two decide to fight as one. Terriermon and Henry suddenly Bio-Merge to MegaGargomon, Terriermon's Mega form! Zhuqiaomon attacks him but MegaGargomon does the same. It seems as if they defeated Zhuqiaomon, so MegaGargomon deDigivolves back to Henry and Terriermon and they get ready to leave. All of a sudden, Zhuqiaomon reappears.

"Episode 38: Azulongmon Explains It All"

Origonal Japanese Title: "The True Enemy Moves Out! The Battle of the Four Holy Beasts"
Dub Written By: Seth Walther

Plot: Back in the real world, the 'Monster Makers' are working on an ark to bring the kids home. Meanwhile, Zhuqiaomon attacks the kids and their Digimon. Renamon Matrix Digivolves and protects them yet again. However, she's starting to get tired and Zhuqiaomon isn't letting up on the attacks. Guilmon and Terriermon go to attack, but Zhuqiaomon knocks them out of the sky. He prepares to destroy them when another one of the guardians, Azulongmon, stops him. The two guardians start to fight each other while talking about many things, such as a 'true enemy' and the 'catalyst', otherwise known as Calumon. Zhuqiaomon finally gets his chance to attack Guilmon, but Takato goes to him and the two Bio-Merge to Gallentmon again. They start to fight, but Azulongmon once again stops them. Meanwhile, Ryo and Cyberdramon reach the blue castle of Baihumon, another one of the guardians. But instead of seeing Baihumon, they find Ebonwumon, the last of the four guardians. They witness a fight, and Ebonwumon says that Baihumon is involved in it. Meanwhile, Azulongmon and Zhuqiaomon start to explain a lot of things to the kids. They say that the 'true enemy' has been there since the Digital World started. The 'true enemy' destroyed a lot of things, then dissapeared. Then it recently came back. They say the power of Digivolution woke it up. Zhuqiaomon shows them the top of Calumon's cage and says that Calumon is the power of Digivolution hidden in Digimon form. Suddenly Mizuno shows up with some DigiKnomes. He explains that the 'true enemy' is called D-Reaper and that it is programmed to deleat things that have exceeded their origonal perameters. He says it's grown stronger than Digimon, and then he suddenly dissapears.

"Episode 39: Song of Sakuyamon"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Dancing while Scattering Ultimate Flowers! The Sakuyamon Evolution"
Dub Written By: Adele Lim

Plot: The kids and Digimon witness part of the D-Reaper 'chaos' rising up. They start to fly along with Azulongmon and Zhuqiaomon, and they realize just how depressed and out of it Jeri really is. Cyberdramon and Ryo, meanwhile, are still with Ebonwumon. Baihumon shows up and is hurt and extreamly tired. Ryo and Cyberdramon decide to go off and fight the 'true enemy'. The others, in the mean time, arrive to a huge pit in the ground that leads to Calumon's cage. They see 'chaos' rising from Calumon's pit. Suddenly Ryo and Cyberdramon meet up with the others. Calumon, meanwhile, is still trying to climb out of the pit but he realizes he needs help. Rika and Renamon decide to climb down the pit to find Calumon. Ryo and Cyberdramon follow because it's really dangerous. They eventually get down far enough and find Calumon. Rika gets him, but she turns away just in time to get her backpack deleated by the D-Reaper's 'chaos'. More of it starts to go for Rika, and Ryo pulls her into a cave. Cyberdramon makes the pit cave in a bit to delay the 'chaos'. They start to climb out and they hear the other kids' voice calling to them. Ryo's gauntlet gets deleated as he tried to defend himself from the rising 'chaos', and Rika give Calumon to him. Rika and Renamon head back into to pit and Rika choses to stay and fight the 'chaos' with Renamon. Rika and Renamon Bio-Merge to form Sakuyamon, and they start to destroy the 'chaos' around them. They fly back up and are relieved that they finally got Calumon. Now it is finally time to head home.

"Episode 40: Janyu's Ark"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Shine of Evolution. Shining Evolution"
Dub Written By: Terri-Lei O'Malley

Plot: The Soveriegns tell the kids to go home. Meanwhile, Beelzemon is mad at himself for what he had done. He doesn't want to have power anymore, and he gets attack by some Digimon but dosen't fight back. In the meantime, the Soveriegns say they need Calumon's help to realse the power of Digivolution. With the help of the DigiKnomes, Calumon realses Digivolution to the Digimon of the Digital World, and they go to Mega. Some of the Mega Digimon then come to the Soveriegn's area to help out. Kenta sees a MarineAngemon who really likes him, but Kenta shoes him off. Jeri goes off by herself. Back in the real world, the ark is ready for the kids. Takato gets a message from Yamaki about it, and then realizes Jeri left. They find her after a few minutes of looking, and then they leave the Soveriegns and go back to where they entered the Digital World. Renamon finds Impmon's bandana, and she and Rika go off to find him. Hypnos started to get help from people all over through the internet, and they get a lot of people to help. A track shows up in the sky of the Digital World, but Rika and Renamon are nowhere to be seen. Meanwhile, Rika and Renamon find Impmon, return his bandana, and invite him to go home with them. He reluctantly agrees. Meanwhile, an ark shows up on the tracks and the kids are running out of time to go back to the Digital World. They still can't leave beacause Rika and Renamon still aren't there.

"Episode 41: Homeward Bound"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Return to the Real World "
Dub Written By: Adele Lim

Plot: Henry starts to get everyone on the ark, but Takato wants to wait for Rika. Unfortunatly they are running out of time, and fast. They start to notice that Jeri is really out of it. The ark starts to move and Ryo and Cyberdramon go off to find Rika and Renamon. Takato can't get onto the ark, and when Calumon tried to get Takato on he fell off as well. Guilmon call to the ark to make it stop, and somehow it listens. Rika, Ryo, Cyberdramon, and Renamon make it back in time and they help Takato and Calumon on also. The others notice Rika brought Impmon along with them, and they aren't quite as enthused as she is. Suddenly they notice MarineAngemon in Kenta's pocket. He has a D-Power with him also. This makes Kenta MarineAngemon's Tamer! The ark suddenly stops again, but this time the kids want it to go. It starts to get off track, and Takato talks to the ark. The ark agrees to help and it Bio-Emerges to the real world. The kids all meet up with their parents, and Impmon goes off by himself. Jeri's parent's however, won't come. Takato offers to take her home, and suddenly the ark dissentegrates. On the train to Jeri's home, Takato brings them all food. Guilmon and Calumon eventually fall asleep, and Takato tries to talk to Jeri. He admits a lot of things and starts to get sad by seeing Jeri so depressed. At first Jeri won't speak at all, but she eventually starts to read food information from the side of the food box. They eventually get Jeri to her father. Calumon goes with Jeri, and Takato and Guilmon head back into the train station. They see on the TV that a huge ammount of the D-Reaper has followed them home!

"Episode 42: Reunion"

Origonal Japanese Title: "A City Attacked by D-Reaper "
Dub Written By: Seth Walther

Plot: The next morning, Rika is at a hotel with her family. Meanwhile, Takato and Guilmon are on a train headed back home. Takato worries about Jeri. In the meantime, Ryo, his dad, and Monodramon are swamped by reporters asking about Ryo's sudden dissapearance and reappearance. Impmon, meanwhile, goes back to his old home. He finds that nobody is there, but he sees a note left for him by his Tamers, Ai and Mako. Jeri is at home as well, and she starts to act wierd around her family. In the meantime, Takato and Guilmon decide to go and fight the D-Reaper. Rika and Renamon decide to help as well (although they aren't aware that Takato and Guilmon are already down there). Rika's mom gives her a new shirt to wear, which Rika agrees to do. Even so, Rika's mom can't help but worry about her when she leaves. Henry, meanwhile, and his senseii talk about a lot of things. He realizes that Takato, Guilmon, Rika, and Renamon are probably going down to fight the D-Reaper already, and he wants to go too. He convinces his mother to let him go. The military is already heading out to fight the D-Reaper, and Takato and Guilmon have to find another way to it since the main roads are blocked. They go to the big, underground tunnel, and they are ready to go when they hear Rika's voice calling them. Rika and Renamon show up, just as Henry and Terriermon do. They are all more than ready to go. They head through the tunnel, and when they get to the other side they see the military already attacking the D-Reaper.
"Episode 43: Beelzemon's Big Day"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Connected Hearts! Beelzebumon Revives"
"Episode 44: The Messenger"

Origonal Japanese Title: "A Mysterious Girl! Carrying a Miracle, Dobermon"
"Episode 45: The D-Reaper's Disguise"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Stand Facing the D-Reaper! Rush into the Zone"
"Episode 46: When is a Mon Justimon?"

Origonal Japanese Title: "The Refreshing Ultimate Soldier, Meet Justimon!"
"Episode 47: His Kingdom For a Horse"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Rescue Dukemon! Scramble onto Grani"
"Episode 48: Shadow of the Beast King"

Origonal Japanese Title: "The Power to Protect Juri, Beelzebumon's Fist!"
"Episode 49: D-Reaper's Feast"

Origonal Japanese Title: "Destrucion of the Capital! Culumon's Wish"
"Episode 50: Jeri Fights Back"

Origonal Japanese Title: "The Crimson Knight Dukemon- Save the Ones who you Love!"
"Episode 51: Such Sweet Sorrow"
Origonal Japanese Title: "Dreaming is the Very Power of Our Future!"