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Muteki Anime Central Version 2.0.. Digimon

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The Items of Digimon Adventure

Over the cource of the series, the kids encounter different items. Here they are, along with who used them and what they do.

The Digivice was an item that was given to each individual kid. The Digivices helped to allow the Digimon to Digivolve, and sometimes they were also used as tracking devices. All of these Digivices are the same
color (grey).

Used By: The Chosen Children

The Tags held the Crests and secured their power. They also allowed the Crests to be easy to trasport from here to there. Each Tag looked the same; yellow with a small rectangle to hold the Crest, and with a silver

Used By: The Chosen Children

Crests Each Crest represented a different attribute of a person. They allowed a Digimon to Digivolve to the Perfect (Ultimate) level. Each Chosen Child got a different Crest.
Crest of Courage
Used By: Taichi and Agumon
Color: Orange

Crest of Friendship
Used By: Yamato and Gabumon
Color: Blue

Crest of Faith (Reliability)
Used By: Jou and Gomamon
Color: Grey

Crest of Love
Used By: Sora and Piyomon
Color: Red

Crest of Knowledge*
Used By: Koushiro and Tentomon
Color: Purple

Crest of Purity (Sincerity)
Used By: Mimi and Palmon
Color: Green

Crest of Hope
Used By: Takeru and Patamon
Color: Yellow
Crest of Light*
Used By: Hikari and Tailmon
Color: Pink
Black Gears
Black Gears were used to control Digimon. They were a source of evil, and the Chosen Children stopped them by either physically destroying
them by attacks, or by the light of their Digivices.
Used By: Devimon

*= These two gifs were origonally found at the website Lelola. I uploaded them to my own computer (NOT direct-linked them) and used them for my site. Credit is given to Lelola for the origonal copies. Check out Lelola in my links page!