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Muteki Anime Central Version 2.0.. Digimon

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Jou Kido

Jou's Profile:

Dub Name: Joe Kido
Age: 12
Partner: Gomamon
Crest: Faith (Relibaility)

Jou's Description:
Jou is the oldest of the eight kids, and believes he is responsible for them. He really wants to protect them from danger, but the only problem with that is that he's a big coward. What's worse, he's also a pessimist. He often sends himself into fits of panic, and as if that wasn't frightening enough, most of the time he's right. It's a good thing he worries a lot though, because that does save the kids a few times from certain danger. His dad wants him to become a doctor when he grows up, and Jou is very intent on studying for school.