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Muteki Anime Central Version 2.0.. Digimon

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Junpei Shibayama

Junpei's Profile:

Dub Name: JP Shibayama
Age: 12
Spirit Evolves to: Blitzmon- Bolgmon
D-Scanner Colors: Blue and Yellow
Represented Element: Electricity

Junpei's Description:
Junpei's more of a thinker than a fighter. Although at first he thought the Spirit Evolving deal was lame, he started to get jealous of the other kids as they all got their spirits. Once he got his spirit, he started to lighten up and hang out with the other kids more. He seems to have a thing for Izumi, but he doesn't admit it. Junpei is into cards and magic tricks, and he seems to have an unlimited supply of chocolate bars.