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Muteki Anime Central Version 2.0.. Digimon

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Juri Katou

Juri's Profile:

Dub Name: Jeri Katou
Age: 10 (12 in Dub)
Partner: Leomon
D-Arc Color: Yellow

Juri's Description:
Juri always seemed to wear a smile. She was a happy-go-lucky girl who loved her friends. She knew Leomon was her partner at first sight, and she adored him. Unfortunatly, Leomon's life was taken by Beelzebumon, causing Juri to go into a depression. She even doubted his exsitence and wondered if her destiny was meant to be so sad. D-Reaper took her and used her emotions against the other Tamers. Fortunatly, with the help of the Tamers and Culumon, Juri was able to see that life wasn't so bad, and she helped fight against the D-Reaper as best as she could.