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Muteki Anime Central Version 2.0.. Digimon

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Ken Ichijouji

Ken's Profile:

Dub Name:Ken Ichijouji
Age: 11
Partner: Wormmon
Digimentals: None
Jogress Partner: Daisuke Motomiya
Crest: Kindness

Ken's Description:
Ken's background was complex and sad, leading to his rise as the Digimon Kaizer. As a younger child, Ken had an older brother. His brother was a genious, and he got loads of attention. Ken loved his brother but often got jealous of his brother's attention. Ken, feeling nobody paid attention to him, wished his brother away, and then his brother died. Ken's world was turned upside down when he saw how sad his parents were. He was left to carry on the burden of being the genious in the family. When Ken entered the Digital World for the first time, he appeared at the Dark Ocean*. When he dipped his Digivice in the ocean's water, it turned into a grey and black D-3, and that was when Ken decided to go forth with the idea of being the Digimon Kaizer. (You can read more about the Digimon Kaizer in the Villians section)

After the Digidestined made Ken realize what he was doing by destroying his base and Chimeramon (a Digimon Ken had made from parts of other Digimon), Ken went off in search of Wormmon, who gave his life so that the Digidestined could turn Ken back into the child he once knew. After Ken found Wormmon in Primary Village, he started to clean up after the mess he left in the Digital World. Eventually, Ken became part of the team of Digidestined.

Ken's still one of the smartest Digidestined on the team. He now cares deeply for his new friends and helps out whenever he can.

*= I'm unsure of the origonal term used for the Dark Ocean, so I'm using the dub term.