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I am currently accepting applications to become a staff member here at PCGirlz. To join you must be dedicated, responsible, and have some kind of experience. Even if you apply, it doesn't mean that you'll get accepted. There are certain times where I do accept and don't. If you think you got what it takes please read on.

Requirements: Must know HTML, available whenever needed, must have an image editing program, have AIM or MSN Messenger, and most of all a nice person!

Requirements: Good spelling and grammar skills, a lot of knowledge on Cardcaptors/CCS, Pokemon, and Sailor Moon, available whenever needed, knows HTML, have AIM or MSN Messenger.

News Updater
Requirements: Must update at least once a week, nice person, news must be original, good spelling and grammar skills, knows a bit of HTML, cannot mention your own site

Image Provider
Requirements: Must be able to find lots of anime pics for galleries, awards, and sometimes for layout purposes, have AIM or MSN Messenger

Star Artist
Requirements: Can draw exceptionally well, able to draw pictures of all 3 animes, submit work every other week, have your own scanner to scan pictures or a program to draw on the computer

Summary Writer
Requirements: Being able to see Cardcaptors or Pokemon or Sailor Moon, have good writing skills, must be dedicated to writing summaries, good grammar and spelling skills, must submit a summary at least every 2 weeks

Please include your name, nickname, age, e-mail address, the job that you are applying for, and a reason why you want that job. If you leave any spaces blank you will automatically get rejected. Think through all the answers before you send the form in. Good luck!



Age: (Note: Please type in your real age. You will not get rejected because of your age!)


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