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SSI stands for Server Side Includes. SSI is what some webmasters use for their side bars so they don't have to include the side bar HTML on that page. Some servers don't allow SSI (example: Geocities, Homestead). Sound confusing? Here's a step-by-step guide!

Step 1: Make a file or page named "left.html".

Step 2: Copy and paste the HTML for the left side bar into that file.

Step 3: On the page where you want the side bar, just type:

<!--#include virtual="left.html"-->

Step 4: Change the file ending on the page that you use SSI on to ".shtml". A few servers allow you to keep the ".html" ending, but most servers don't.

Taa daa, and there you have it folks! Remember, just switch the "left.html" to "right.html" for your right side bar. If you have any problems e-mail them to

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