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Japanese Name: Kerberos/Cerberos
English Name: Kero
Birthday: Unknown
Favourite Thing: Video Games
Favorite Foods: Sweet Things ^_^
Least Favourite Food: Bitter Things O_o
Favourite TV Shows: Quiz Shows
Favorite Colours: Red & Orange
Favorite Flower: Sunflower
Original Shape: A Giant Winged Dog
Most Wanted: A New Video Game
Other Information: CLAMP originally named Kero, Cerberos, but Kerberos is closer to his nickname. In Greek mythology, Cerberos is a three-headed dog with a dragon or serpent-like tail, who guards the gateway to the Underworld.

Kero is the Guardian Beast of the Seal but accidently snoozed off for 30 years -_-; when he was supposed to be guarding the Clow Book. When he woke up after Sakura had unleashed the Clow Cards, he freaked out! He gave Sakura the Sealing Wand and will help her through the quest to recapture all the Clow Cards!

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