Fan Fics


Here are fics written by fans!!! (No duh!) I would love to have more fics.

Please email me and send me your ficcies!!!! No hentai plz!!! Anything else is fine. ^_^


Gundam Wing

Fics by Shini *me*

Heero's Lil' Secret

This is a really strange fic I wrote after drinking sprite and eating those twizzler things.  Well, all I can say is that it involves Heero in a dress. Can't say more, or I'll spoil it.  It's a short fic too. *OOC...a lot of it, humor, silliness*

Always Friends 

Another weird...and pointless fic I wrote.  I *really* need to lay off of that sprite.  Ummm....well Duo and Quatra get drunk...and they *try* to insult each other. *OOC, humor*

Back to Where I Started...   

This is a fic about Duo and his childhood.  I changed things things are not the way they really happened.  I was I thought I'd change the story around. *angst, death*

Home is Where the Heart is... 

This is the sequel to Back to Where I started.  He meets Solo and blah blah blah.  I'm so good when it comes to summaries, ne? *angst, death*

With You  

This is a songfic about Duo and Sister Helen.  Duo is just thinking about his past and his mistakes. *angst*

We're Going to Disney World!

The G-boys go to Disney World.  Uhh...another short fic! *OOC, silliness, humor*

Our Beloved Relena

The g-boys realize how much they enjoy the company of Relena. *OOC, humor, langauge, Relena-bashing*

Fics by Trieze_fangirl

An Autumn Reflection

A nice fic about Trieze and his thoughts.  *Angst and slight romance*

A Leader Returns

Lady Une gets kidnapped and someone from her pasts comes to rescue her. *AU, action, romance*

Fics by Majin

Milliardo's Profession

This is a hiliarous fic! Milliardo is broke and Noin makes him get a job. Read read read! *Warning: contains things unsuitable for children!!*

Shinigami's Gift

Duo realizes it's Hilde's birthday, and he still hasn't gotten her a present. *Warning!! contains things unsuitable for children!!* It's hilarious though!!!


Fics by Togepi

Rocket Wedding   

Jesse and James get married! It's about their wedding. It's cute! *mild language*

Tracy goes a tad insane  

Me+summaries=bad! Prof. Ivy has powerful pokemon, and now Ash and the gang have to go and find her.  The Digi-destined make an appearance to help out.

Dragonball Z

Fics by Laura

The Dinner Party

This is a very cute and funny fic. Very entertaining!

Krillin's Revenge

Like Krillin? then read this! Somebody *I wonder who* get's his revenge!

Bulma Briefs's Diary

A A funny parody of the Bridget Jones's Diary. It's very funny. ^_^

Vegeta's Pet

Vegeta had a pet? Read! I liked this fic a lot!

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