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22 / 08 / 2001 -

I should mention that yesterday I found this amazing Famicom game called Yume Penguin Monogatari, which is a bit like a platformer version of Parodius. I'll feature it soon, but for now it's sitting in the emulation section, so download it now! It's a bit strange...I can't be bothered to explain how to play it, but after a few goes you'll work out what's going on. More generally, I should be ready in a few days to put up the Parodius section...I'm not exactly working my arse off on it though, I have to admit.

11 / 08 / 2001 -

Just a couple of things. I added slightly lacklustre reviews for Twinbee 3 and the Gameboy game, as well as a little bit to the Bonus section. I've spent too much time recently playing through Konami's back catalogue - obscure MAME titles, Japanese language quizzes and antique platformers. And I almost forced myself to take screenshots from the whole of Twinbee Yahho! Not quite though.

2 / 08 / 2001 -

Quite a big update today. I added some new stuff to the Twinbee Bonus section - long overdue, as I'd been sent the contribution ages ago. I also added the Konami World roms to the emulation section...for no particular reason, you can get the SNES Tokimemo rom there as well. What's most of interest (I hope) is the Taisen Puzzle Dama section - that's been totally overhauled and, short of a characters section is more or less complete. I've now got at least something on all the games and a little guide on how to play TPD. Please check it out...I know it's not the most fascinating series out there, but it doesn't do any harm to learn about it. Sorry for the whiney tone...I'm pretty tired. Apart from adding a links section (tomorrow, the day after...) my Next Big Thing will have to do with Parodius...that's going to take some work.

30 / 07 / 2001 -

Well, I managed to squeeze a little more speed out of the Sega Saturn emulator and was able to get some more screenshots of Twinbee Yahho!. Get them here. They show the whole of level 1. It'd take me about 5 hours to get shots of the whole game, at a guess...I'm not keen, but it's possible I'll actually do it some time. In other news, my copy of Susume! Taisen Pazurudama's not that great actually. I'll put up a review as soon as I've played some more of the game.

25 / 07 / 2001 -

I'm back. Sorry for the lack of updates over the last month...I kind of had a case of Twinbee fatigue - that and the fact that I've been playing my Dreamcast an awful lot (mainly Project Justice and Samba de Amigo, since you ask). So, bad news first - I'm no closer to writing reviews for the games I hadn't got round to yet (Detana, the Gameboy one, Twinbee 3). The music section was wiped out - those frauds at blacklisted me for storing MP3s there...uploading the things is an enormous hassle, so I'm looking for somewhere secure before I attempt to resurrect that part of the site.

But that's by the by. Unless this is your first visit, you can hardly have failed to notice the re-structuring that's been going on. I've decided to expand the remit of this site - as well as Twinbee, I'd like to give coverage to several other overlooked, comical Konami games. Some of them will be things I've already touched on - Parodius, Konami World and Konami Krazy Racers. Other games and series I'd like to feature are Bishi Bashi Special, Rakuga Kids, Bio Miracule Bokutte Upa, the Taisen Puzzle Dama series and some of Konami's old, strange Arcade titles. 'Coverage' could, depending on the context, mean anything from a review and some screenshots (Bishi Bashi Special), to a full-blown mini-site (I'm hoping to do this with Krazy Racers).

I'm also completely open to suggestions as to which games should be included. They have to be comical - designed in the same kind of spirit as Twinbee & Parodius - that means Kid Dracula rather than Castlevania, if you get what I mean. No serious franchises - Contra, Metal Gear and the like are all out. And obviously they have to be made by Konami. That's about it...I don't know how far this will actually go. But I really feel that these games do need a stronger presence on the internet. At the moment, all I've actually done is a couple of pages on Bishi Bashi Special, and some stuff on another Taisen Puzzle game I found. The latter can be downloaded from the emulation section, if you're interested.

Otherwise, I hope this change of priorities doesn't bother anyone. I'll still continue to update the Twinbee section, of course. For now though, why not look round the site to see what I've added?

One final thing - the 'Duck' from Taisen Puzzle Dama turned out to be a Penguin all along. I should have worked it out...Konami never do ducks.

21 / 06 / 2001 -

At last, a meaningful update. I've added a Bonus section which will house all the weird stuff that's worth mentioning but doesn't quite go anywhere else. Cameos in other games, free stuff, that sort of thing. The logo looks a bit makes sense to me because I know Konami Krazy Racers, but whether anyone else will appreciate it, I have no idea. However, the mass crossover content of the screenshot (Michael from Sexy Parodius, Pastel & Winbee, Goemon, Pawapuro-kun and the Penguins), coupled with the celebratory aspect is intended to represent the variety of cameos and gimmicks contained within the section. At least that was the plan. I'm very grateful to Andrew Leta who gave me quite a bit of information about the game Snatcher and even took some pictures which I've included. I still haven't added a links section, or cover scans...coming soon, I guess.

21 / 06 / 2001 -

Phew! I've been locked out of this account for a bit, God knows why. Everything seems to be OK now though. Small update today...added a couple of MP3s from Wai Wai Racing to the Music section. Thanks you very much to the people who have mailed me and said nice things about this've cheered me up almost as much as getting my genuine copy of Konami Krazy Racing has - it's the best Gameboy Advance launch title IMO though possibly a bit on the short side. I'll update the KKR / WWR section as soon as I feel up to it.

17 / 06 / 2001 -

Added a Codes section for passwords and cheats. Or lack thereof. Because there's so few, I spent most my time designing the logo for that page...trouble is it didn't turn out quite as well as I'd hoped - in case you really don't get it, it represents two bees analysing an intentionally pixelated image of Twinbee on an oversized monitor. Anyway...I should add savestates to the section, as it'd make it more worthwhile. I also need to add a links section sometime...I'll get round to it.

15 / 06 / 2001 -

The Music section went up today - this time I stored it who I hope won't manage to be too annoying. There's not much to listen to at the moment, but I hope to find more stuff to put up. Uploading large files is very boring though...good thing I've got F-Zero Advance to pass the time.

14 / 06 / 2001 -

Feeling very conscientous, I made a section covering the two Konami World games. Find it here or at the bottom of the Twinbee Games page. Konami World 2 is really good fun BTW...everyone should play it. I'll try to stick the rom up sometime soon. What I'll do next, I don't quite know...wait and see, I guess.

13 / 06 / 2001 -

Made a new section today - Twinbee versus the World which details which games got ported to which countries. But it also lists all the little differences and things that got left out - there's quite a lot of stuff actually. This was all inspired when someone at Gamefaqs pointed out to me just how limited the European version of Rainbow Bell Adventure actually is. Also made a couple of minor cosmetic changes to various pages - you'll never notice them. And I added a 'last updated' thing on the title page to entice return visitors looking at this updates section. I'm beginning to plan some major presentational improvements to the site, as I'm beginning to find my feet a little in terms of HTML, Adobe Photoshop and that sort of thing. It's a learning experience!

11 / 06 / 2001 -

Added a second characters page here which I'm very pleased with. The scans came out much better than I'd hoped, and the layout is IMO better than the original characters page which I've decided to change as well. Whether I bother doing that today is anyone's guess...I'll be using a different set of pictures though, so it may take a while. And, of course, more minor characters will get profiled as and when I think of doing so. I should also add that I'm indebted to Kurt Kalata of The Castlevania Dungeon fame as some months ago he translated several of the character names for me.

Second Update for the day: Nothing too special. But I realised I should probably check out how the site looked in higher resolutions than the 800x600 I'd been using. I discovered that some pages looked odd...Stinger was the worst, so that's been altered. To be frank, it needed it anyway...I'm still not entirely happy with it, as the 2 screenshots down the bottom of the screen look out of place. I'll sort it out eventually. But this site is never going to win any presentation awards.

10 / 06 / 2001 -

Made some minor changes to the Characters page. I had intended to totally rework the layout and add a second lot of characters as well, but various Microsoft products kept on shafting me over in ever more imaginative ways, so I couldn't do it. I'm really pissed off with the whole thing. The new stuff will probably get added tomorrow.

8 / 06 / 2001 -

The roms and with it the emulation section went up today. I'm storing them at a geocities account, though to all intents and purposes it's a normal part of the site. I hate uploading roms on a dial-up connection...i've done most of them by now, but I wouldn't wish the experience on anyone. For reasons I can't quite fathom, the larger downloads are extremely slow to get started - it almost looks like the links are broken. They're not matter how sluggish, everything does actually work. So...grit your teeth if necessary, and get your Twinbee & Parodius roms now!

7 / 06 / 2001 -

Joy! I hadn't really intended to update today, but thanks to the kindly Vic Rattlehead, I got a chance to play Wai Wai Racing - and it's really great. Anyway, I've added a Wai Wai page in the games section, which you can find here. It should give people some idea of what to expect from the game, at least in terms of the Twinbee content. That's almost certainly it for the day...this evening I'll be wanting to watch the further decimation of the Conservative Party. One last thing - why not check out Vic's Castlevania: Circle of the Moon site - that's another game that's going to be big.

6 / 06 / 2001 -

Very small update - Added the Updates section to make it clear that this site is only a day old, and that's about it. Except for that I found another picture of the Duck from Taisen Puzzle Dama, and was so pleased with it that I scanned the thing then and there. It's now gracing the Taisen Puzzle Dama section - check it out...he looks funny. Tomorrow I'll probably be too distracted by the UK General Election to care much about this site, but I'm planning to do a bigger update soon with cover-scans, manuals and that sort of thing. It'll be less boring than it sounds, I promise. On the other hand, i've still got to upload the's not much fun to do, but I'll get round to it.

5 / 06 / 2001 -

Twinbee Land went live on this very day.

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