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Neon Genesis Evangelion -
Collection 0:1 Village Anime

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Image of Shinji from the DVD coverThere are no doubts in anyone's mind that since Evangelion was finished in early 1995, the overall animation quality for this genre has improved a great deal, but there is yet to be an anime series that has stories equal to Neon Genesis Evangelion. This DVD has a really solid beginning and ending, so that if you are not as impressed as I was with the storyline after four episodes, you do not necessarily need to purchase the next DVD collection. If you do not currently have a DVD player, I am sure if you buy the first VHS of this series, you will undoubtedly pick up the second.

Evangelion's first DVD also shows some of its unique aspects. The soundtrack is one of my favorites and you cannot help to be curious about a giant robot show that has its ending theme song be "Fly Me to the Moon". Plus, the opening theme song is real easy to get into. I am pretty sure about this since one of my friends band was considering to cover it.

Uniqueness on this disc is not limited only to the soundtrack. Evangelion's character style is nearly identical to some of the most popular mangas, Japanese comic books. This is most likely why it was so easy to make a manga for this series after its TV run. Probably most interesting thing about any of the design aspects would be the mecha design. Eva Unit 01's look was considered to be so awesome that it got a cameo in the police action/comedy Burn-Up W.

With all the great elements that form Neon Genesis Evangelion, anyone who is interested in starting an anime collection cannot exclude it. Since all TV sci-fi should attempt to have stories on par with Evangelion, perhaps all television producers need one of the tapes or disc in their video collection.

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Production Credits:

A smaller image of Misato from DVD liner notes.Planning and original story: Gainax Planning: Project Eva Character Design: Yoshiyuki Sadamoto • Mecha Design: Ikuto Yamshita, Hideaki Anno Illustrated by: Takeshi Honda Assistant Directors: Masayuki, Kazuya Tsurumaki Art Director: Hiroshi Kato Music: Shiroh Sagisu Directors: Hideaki Anno •Producers: Noriko Kobayashi (TV Tokyo), Yutaka Sugiyama• Produced by: Tatsunok Production, Gainax • Production: TV Tokyo, NAS

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Packaging design © 1999 A.D. Vision, Inc. by Larry Kotf
Review © 2001 Russ Stevens