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Neon Genesis Evangelion Village Anime

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Links to pages that are about Neon Genesis Evangelion

IntroductionStoryReviewProduction CreditsLinks DVD Extras DVD Inserts for this DVD Evangelion Desktop Icons Evangelion Wallpaper Evangelion Win XP Log on Screen

Guide to Neon Genesis Evangelion
This is a spoiler heavy and easy to navigate Evangelion site.
This site is from Guide to... - Austrailian Neon Genesis Evangelion
This is an Evangelion site which allow the visitor to also participate in forums.

Neon Genesis Evangelion Dot Com

This site seems to be the "Yahoo" of Evangelion sites.

Neon Genesis Evangelion Portal

This site has all the typical Evangelion information but also has some audio files like MP3s and MIDIs to download.

[Neon Genesis Evangelion]
A site which features episode synoposys, favorite character poll, and a Chinese version of the site.
EvaUnit03's Tokyo 3 Station
This is an Evangelion site I completed in 1998 with reviews for every episode and first two manga series with an alternative rock soundtrack.
IntroductionStoryReviewProduction CreditsLinks DVD Extras DVD Inserts for this DVD Evangelion Desktop Icons Evangelion Wallpaper Evangelion Win XP Log on Screen

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Neon Genesis Evangelion-Collection 0:1 DVD Extras

IIntroductionStoryReviewProduction CreditsLinks
DVD Extras
DVD Inserts for this DVD Evangelion Desktop Icons Evangelion Wallpaper Evangelion Win XP Log on Screen
Character Bios This seems to be the standard for all other anime on DVD, so it did not immediately appear to be very special. Fortunately, the biographies of the emotionless Angel that appear on this disc make this extra somewhat worthwhile.

Anime 4 KidsAnime 4 TeensR-Rated Anime
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Table background image is from Absolute Background Texture Archive.
Neon Genesis Evangelion
© GAINAX / Project Eva. - TV Tokyo
DVD © 1999 A.D. Vision, Inc.