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Layout for this site was made by The Dragonball Coffee Table and edited by Rampage620. The main image seen here was created by [VOID]KingKi
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Welcome to Black Void 2.0, this is Rampage620, the man behind Black Void, the original one, not the wannabe copies. O boy, I bet they feel stupid for trying to copy my successful Rpg. Well, I'm making this new one to try and recapture Black Void's former glory, that and try and make those imposter BV's feel even more stupid. C-ya layta.

How to figure Battle Damage

To figure up the damage from a fight, put these numbers into a calculator. You take your ki (what you are powered up to) and multiply that by the AP of the attack, then hit the % key. That gives you the damage in HP to be taken from your opponents HP or Armor. You can stop learning an attack and retain the knowledge you have gained the learning you went through, but it takes one more day than it normally would take when you continue to learn the move. Example, Goku starts to learn Kamehameha and gets 3 days in when he has to leave to save the world. When he returns to continue learning Kamehameha, it would take 4 days, not just the other three, to finish learning the move.

Physical (Up Close or Grab) Attacks (Everyone has these)

Punch=2%-The most basic attack, just an assault with a bare fist.
Kick=2%-The other basic level move, just an assault with a foot.
Elbow=2%-While grabbing someone, you thrust your elbow into some part of their body, usually the head or neck.
Knee=2%-While grabbing someone, you thrust your knee into some part of their body, usually the stomach or face.
Headbutt=3%-While grabbing someone, you thrust your head toward their face or head for a painful attack.
Slam=5%-While grabbing someone, you throw them toward the ground, or a specific target, thus the hold is no more.

Weak Distanced Attacks

Long Punch=4%-A slightly stronger than basic punch where the arm is hyper extended to reach long distances. Nameks, Janemba, Buus, and Cell start with this move.
Rocket Punch=10% (2 Charges)-This is a move where an Android shoots there fist at a high speed toward their enemy. Androids only except Cell learn by programming.
Ki Blast=3%-The most basic type of Ki attack. A simple explosion occurs. Everyone has this.
Mouth Beam=10% (2 Charges)-This is where Ki is shot from the mouth. Learn by self in 2 days with 10,000 base pl.
Eye Laser=10% (2 Charges)-This is a narrow beam of Ki shot from the eyes. Learn by self in 2 days with 10,000 base pl.
Scatter Shot=10% (2 Charges)-Multiple little balls of Ki are shot from the hands. Learn by self in 2 days with 10,000 base pl
Dodonpa=10% (2 Charges)-Invisible tiny shots of Ki that explode on contact. Tien and Choutzu only, learn by self in 2 days with 10,000 base pl.
Destructo Disc=20% (3 Charges)-As called Kienzen, this is a sharp disc of Ki that can cut through almost anything. Learn from Master Roshi in 3 days with 15,000 base pl
Ki Bomb=20% (3 Charges)-This is a long range ball of Ki fired with both hands. Learn by self in 3 days with 15,000 base pl.
Tri Beam=30% (4 Charges)-A semi-powerful beam of Ki shot from hands. Humans only, learn by self, takes 4 days with 20,000 base pl.
Masenkoha=30% (4 Charges)-A beam of Ki that is shot from both hands in front of the face. Learn from Guru or Kami in 4 days with 20,000 base pl.
Big Bang=30% (4 Charges)-A strong beam of Ki fired from 1 hand. Learn by self in 4 days with 20,000 base pl.

Strong Distanced Attacks

Ki Beam=40% (5 Charges)-A simple beam of Ki shot from the hands, but it rather powerful. Learn by self in 5 days with 25,000 base pl.
Blades of Fury=40% (5 Charges)-Can also be called Dual Destructo Discs, it the two red discs Frieza chased Goku with. Learn by self in 5 days with 25,000 base pl.
Hell's Flash=40% (5 Charges)-A long range beam of Ki known only to Androids. Androids except Cell, learn by programming.
Frieza Beam=40% (5 Charges)-A small quick beam of Ki that hurts really bad. Evil and neutral , more evil characters only, learn by self, takes 5 days with 30,000 base pl.
Galick Gun=40% (5 Charges)-A powerful Kamehameha-like beam. Saiyans and Cell only, learn from King Vegeta, takes 5 says with 30,000 base pl.
Final Flash=50% (6 Charges)-A powerful beam learned by Vegeta in the HTC in the show. Vegetas only, learn by self in 6 days with 40,000 base pl.
Special Beam Cannon=50% (6 Charges)-Also called the Demon Ray, this is a beam of Ki with Ki swirling around it fired from two fingers. Nameks and Cell only, learn from Kami (Cell learns by self), takes 6 days and 40,000 base pl.
Kamehameha=50% (6 Charges)-Probably the most famous move in DBZ, this is high powered blue beam, of Ki fired from the hands. Good Characters and Cell only, Learn from Master Roshi (Cell learns by self), takes 6 days and 40,000 base pl.
SS Dead Bomb=50% (6 Charges)-A powerful beam of Ki fired from the hands by Androids. Android except Cell only, learn by programming.
Death Ball=50% (6 Charges)-A high-powered ball of Ki created by one finger. Evil characters only, learn by self in 6 days with 40,000 base pl.
Cross Beam=50% (6 Charges)-Two powerful beams of Ki, one made by each hand) that weave together to create one powerful beam. Learn by self in 6 days with 40,000 base pl.
Thunder Flash=50% (6 Charges)-A high powered flame of Ki used by Pikkon in the Other World Tournament in the show. Pikkon only, learn from King Kai in 6 days with 40,000 base pl.
Splitting Headache=50% (6 Charges)-This is basically a huge vertical Kienzen that hurts very much. Gotenks only, knows only when fused.
Super Ghost Kamakazi Attack=20% per Ghost (spit one ghost at a time)-This is a weird move that creates ghost that explode with tremendous force on contact. Gotenks only, know when fused. I'll show an example...

Gotenks-::spits out a Gotenks ghost::
Gotenks-::spits out another explosive ghost::
Gotenks-::sends one to Frieza's arm::
Gotenks-::it explodes with much force::
Gotenks-::send the other to his face::
Gotenks-::it too explodes very quickly::

That's 40% total (2 Ghosts).

Very Strong Distanced Attacks

Super Ghost Kamakazi Balloon=20% per Ghost (5 Charges)-This is where a balloon makes 10 Ghosts around the enemy and you only have to describe the way it hits to damage them. Gotenks only, know when fused and using SSJ3 or better. I'll show you an example...

Gotenks-::has already charged 5 times::
Gotenks-::spits a Ghost balloon around Coola::
Gotenks-::it creates 10 explodable Ghosts::
Gotenks-::one explodes on his left arm::
Gotenks-::another explodes on right leg::
Gotenks-::this one explodes on face::

That is 60% total (3 Ghosts).
Chou Kamehameha=60% (7 Charges)-A kamehameha, but with more power. Good characters only and Cell, learn from King Kai (Cell learns by self), must already know Kamehameha, takes 7 days with 100,000 base pl.
Chou Final Flash=60% (7 Charges)-Like the Chou Kamehameha, it is a Final Flash with more power. Vegetas only, learn by self, must already know Final Flash, takes 7 days with 100,000 base pl.
Final Shine=60% (7 Charges)-Like the two previous moves, this is a Big Bang with more power. Learn by self, must already know Big Bang, takes 7 days with 100,000 base pl.

Unique Distanced Attacks

Chou Death Ball=100% (10 Charges)-This is also know as the Super Ultimate Revenge Death Ball. It is a Death Ball with much more power. So much that it hurts the user by 25%. Evil characters only, must already know Death Ball, takes 10 days with 250,000 base pl.
Final Skill=150% (1 Charge)-This is a last desperate move that takes the users Ki times 1.5 and attempts to take his enemy and throw him to the wind while killing himself. Hits all enemies in the chat. Vegetas only, must be at least SSJ2, learn by self in 10 days.
Spirit Bomb=10% per Charge-This move gathers energy from all life and hold it above the users head. Can be Charges infinitely, but leaves the user open to attack. Good Characters only, learn from King Kai in 7 days with 30,000 base pl. Cannot be used while transformed.
Chou Spirit Bomb=20% per Charge-This is like the Spirit Bomb, but twice as strong. Must be at least SSJ or a pl equal to it, good characters only, must already know Spirit Bomb, learn from King Kai in 10 days.
Dragonfist=100% (1 Charge)-This is a move that is learned from Shenron. Can only use once per wish for the move. This is a flying punch that transforms you into Shenron for a devastating attack with only 1 charge. Must be at least SSJ3 or of an equal pl.
Android Self Destruct=500,000 plus pl damage-This is where an Android that has an Android Bomb blows itself up, and always does 500,000 plus pl to all enemies in the chat. Takes 3 actions to hit. Example...

Android 17-::trigs auto destruct sequence quickly::
Android 17-::begins to blow up fast::
Android 17-::quickly hits everyone in sight::

Extreme Kamehameha=200% (10 Charges)-This is an EXTREMELY reckless Kamehameha that damages the user by 99%. Must know all Kamehamehas. Learn by self in 10 days.

Guided Attacks (Does not miss if fired before the opponent fades)

Guided Scattershot=15% (3 Charges)-This is like the Scattershot, but a bit stronger and guided. Must know Scattershot first, learn by self in 4 days with 40,000 base pl.
Guided Kamehameha=55% (7 Charges)-This is like the Kamehameha, but slightly stronger and guided. Must know Kamehameha first, learn by self in 6 days with 45,000 base pl.

Oozaru Moves

Monster Punch=10%-A close range attack with the huge ape fist.
Monster Kick=10%-A close range attack with the huge ape foot.
Monster Mouthbeam=20% (1 Charge)-This is the only Ki attack used by an Oozaru.
Monster Grab-This is the way an Oozaru grabs someone. This takes 4 struggles to get out.
Monster Squeeze=15%-This is the only attack an Oozaru can use with using Monster Grab.


Ki Manipulation-This is where someone raises or lowers their Ki at will. Everyone knows this.
Fade-This is where you move faster than the eye can keep up with, thus you are invisible. You can't be attacked nor can you attack nor can you attack anyone else. If you are sensed, then you can attack again. If you attack without reappearing, then the attack doesn't count. Charge is lost when faded.
Block-This reduces an attack's damage by 75%. Example...If an attack would normally do 40,000, it would now do only 10,000. Everyone knows this.
Dodge-This is where a fighter completely gets out of the way of an attack. Thus, no damage is done, unless the attack is guided, then it hits normally. Everyone knows this.
Sense-This is used to identify where a faded person is if they are above 5 Ki. If they have powered to 5 or less Ki, they can't be sensed. Androids except Cell can't be sensed at all. If you sense someone while they aren't faded, no one can do anything until the person being sensed IM's the sensing person telling them what their Ki is currently at. Once the user types something like ::has sensed the enemies Ki::, then everyone can continue. Everyone and Cell except Androids learn by self in 3 days. Androids except Cell can't learn Sense.
Fly-This allows the user to leave the ground. Androids learn by programming. Everyone else learns by self in 1 days with 5,000 base pl. This can be used to fly to another location on the planet you are on. You can fly teams members to locations too, but they have to total your base pl or less. This times are listed as so according to pl (you can transform to fly faster, but you still get hurt accordingly)....

5,000-24,999 takes 120 minutes
25,000-49,999 takes 115 minutes
50,000-74,999 takes 110 minutes
75,000-99,999 takes 105 minutes
100,000-149,999 takes 100 minutes
150,000-199,999 takes 95 minutes
200,000-249,999 takes 90 minutes
250,000-299,999 takes 85 minutes
300,000-349,999 takes 80 minutes
350,000-399,999 takes 75 minutes
400,000-449,999 takes 70 minutes
450,000-499,999 takes 65 minutes
500,000-549,999 takes 60 minutes
550,000-599,999 takes 55 minutes
600,000-649,999 takes 50 minutes
650,000-699,999 takes 45 minutes
700,000-749,999 takes 40 minutes
750,000-799,999 takes 35 minutes
800,000-999,999 takes 30 minutes
1,000,000-1,499,999 takes 25 minutes
1,500,000-1,999,999 takes 20 minutes
2,000,000-2,999,999 takes 15 minutes
3,000,000-3,999,999 takes 10 minutes
4,000,000-5,999,999 takes 5 minutes
6,000,000-7,499,999 takes 4 minutes
7,500,000-8,999,999 takes 3 minutes
9,000,000-9,999,999 takes 2 minutes
10,000,000 and up takes 1 minute
Solar Flare-(2 Charges) This move blinds your foe with an extremely powerful flash of light. Good characters only, learn from Master Roshi in 3 days with 10,000 base pl. Cannot didge block, deflect, grab, etc, but you must do an action in which you cover your eyes to avoid it.
Moonshine Blast-(2 Charges) This move was created by Bardock to help Saiyans conquer planets. This is pure moonlight that turns all Saiyans in the same location into Oozarus unless they are transformed or they have lost their tails. Learn from King Vegeta in 2 days (1 for Saiyans).
Instant Transmission-This move allows the user to instantly be at any location in the universe they are in (Normal Universe, Other World, or Hell). While in IT limbo, you cannot be sensed. You can attack while reappearing. Example...

Goku-::instant transmissions out of sight::
Goku-::reappears by Frieza with a kick::
Goku-::nails him in the face::

Learn from the People of Yardat in 7 days with 100,000 base pl. Charge is not lost with IT. You can IT people to other location, but the total amount of pl you are moving cannot be more than 10 times yours.
Transdimensional Teleportation-This is just like IT, except you can go anywhere, including going between the dimensions. Kaioshin and Kibito start with this, it can be learned from Grand Kai or Satan in 10 days with 150,000 base pl. Charge is not lost with TT. You can TT people to other location, but the total amount of pl you are moving cannot be more than 10 times yours.
Majin Control-This is used by Bibidi and Babidi to control people by using their hate in their hearts. If a character is Evil or Neutral more evil, they get controlled. If they are Good or Neutral more good don't get controlled. If they are Neutral, then they decide. Anyone controlled gets their base pl times 2 to make their Majin pl, which is also considered base pl for learning moves and transformations. If you are controlled, you must listen to your master, unless you are a Vegeta. You can only gain the Majin bonus once, but you can be Majined by both people. You listen to the stronger one in pl. If you die, you lose your Majin status. Can't be learned, only Bibidi and Babidi have this move.
Stone Spit-This is where the spit of Dabura touches someone, and they turn into stone and stay a statue until he dies or they are wished back to "life". Dabura only, he already knows it.
Kaioken-This allows you to raise your Ki beyond it's max, but at the cost of HP. Kaioken 1 is 1.5 times your Ki. Kaioken 2 is 2 times your ki, Kaioken 3 is 3 times your Ki, etc. For each level of Kaioken, you lose that number in hp% per minute. Example, Kaioken 25, you would lose 25% HP per minute. You can only use 1 Kaioken per 5,000 PL. Example, 100,000 could reach Kaioken 20. Good Characters only, learn from King Kai in 5 days with 5,000 base pl.
Possession-This is used by Bebi to take a more suitable body to use for his evil bidding. You add your pl to theirs and you control their body until you leave. You can control everyone except Good Characters. Bebi only, he already knows it.
Rejuvenation-This is where special people revitalize their lost HP. Nameks heal 1% per Charge, 3% for Cell, and 5% for Buus
Muscle Growth-This is where your muscles grow rather large and your physical attacks are stronger. It is a gain of 1.25 times Ki. This is learned by self in 2 days with 15,000 base pl. This adds 1 word per action. 1 Charge needed to use this move. Cannot use with Giant Growth.
Giant Growth-This is like Muscle Growth, but the gain is 2 times Ki, 2 words are added per action, and 3 charges. Learn by self in 3 days with 20,000 base pl. Cannot use with Muscle Growth.
Heal-This is allows you to heal anyone except yourself. 10% HP healed per Charge. Dende, Kaioshin, and Kibito start with this. Learn from Guru in 5 days with 10,000 base pl.
Telekinesis-This allows you to control non-beam or blast type Ki attacks, and used to pick up objects for use in a fight. Learn by self in 3 days with 50,000 base pl.
Energy Sword-This is when Vegetto creates a Sword of Ki that does 10%.
Assimilation-This is when Buu and Cell eat people and gain their pl and moves. Done in 3 actions. Example....

Buu-::pulls off a piece of blubber::
Buu-::throws it on Vegeta quickly::
Buu-::puts the blubber into himself::

Now Buu has Assimulated Vegeta. Cell does the same thing, except using his tail. To Assimulate someone, they must be below 10% of their max HP (including dead).
Mimic-Buus only, this is when a Buu is in a chat at the same location as someone using an attack the Buu doesn't have, they automatically learn it without typing anything.
Mind Freeze-This is when Guldo freezes a person right where they stand. The only way to block it is to successfully land a hit before the freeze starts. If you are frozen, you can't struggle out. You can only get out if someone attacks Guldo. Takes 3 Charges to use. Lasts for 3 actions (movement, charging, ki attacking, etc).
Time Freeze-This is when Guldo freezes time itself. When he does this, no one can do any actions. He sucks in air in one action, then holds the breath in the next action. When he holds it, that's when times freezes. While time is frozen, he can only move and use Ki attacks.
Mind Blast-This is used by Kaioshin to stop opponents in their tracks without touching them. Must be at least 1/4 the target's Ki and takes 2 Charges. The hit does not have to be described and when used, neither the user nor the target can move. The only way to move is either the user stops or the user is hit.
Creation Magic-This move is used to create Clothing, Armor, and Dummies. Kaioshin, Kibito, Piccolo start with this. Learn from Grand Kai or Satan in 5 days with 50,000 base pl.
Namek Fusion-This is the move known only to Nameks. This allows one Namek to put himself in another Namek's body, making the Namek stronger and faster (see transformations). This can be done to combine up to 5 Nameks into one really fast and strong Namek super warrior. The stronger person controls the fused character.
Poterra Fusion-This allows anyone to fuse with anyone. One person put an earring on their left ear, and the other person does the same for the right ear. The result is a semi-permanently fused warrior, with the stronger warrior in control. The earring then can be taken off and returned to their owner or stolen. The only way to unfuse is to be eaten by Buu, or wished to be separated. Both fighters pl's are added together and time 2.5 to give them their base pl. Cannot use with transformed.
Fusion Dance-This allows 2 warriors of the same race to fuse. They must be at the same ki while fusing. Those ki's are added, doubled, then the remainder of the pl's are added. Example, Trunks has 100,000 base pl and Goten has 90,000. They both power up to 90,000 and fuse. 90,000 + 90,000 is 180,000. That times 2 is 360,000. Since Trunks still has more pl, we add that to the total. 360,000 + 10,000 is 370,000. Thus Gotenks would be 370,000 base pl and Trunks would be in control because he is the stronger of the two. Fusion Dance can only be done between 2 people. A fusion danced person can't do the fusion dance with anyone else while fused, but they can use the Poterra fusion. To reduce complexity, this can't be done while transformed. Learn from Grand Kai or Satan in 4 days (2 if dome with a partner) with 50,000 base pl. Here's an example of the Fusion Dance....

Trunks-::gets ready for the fusion dance::
Goten-::prepares to do the Fusion Dance::

The "FU", "SION", and "HA" must be the same, and the two people must go in the same order. It can't go Trunks, Goten, Trunks Goten, Goten, Trunks. If the "FU", SION", or "HA" is not exactly the same, the fusion is screwed up and you turn out to be a fat person with only 1/4 of the PL you would have it it was right, and you must use Fat in each attack.
Zanzoken-This move is commonly known as the After Image. Learn by self in 2 days with 10,000 base pl. That is for image one. You automatically get the second at 20,000 and the third at 30,000. 1 charge per image. While using Zanzoken, your opponent must attack all the images before they can get you. If you attack before they finish with the images, the remaining images dissapear. This will make fighting even more exciting.
Saiyan Power Healing-This is where if a Saiyan is prought down to within 2% of his max HP, and then gets back to max, their pl doubles. This can be done only once a calendar month.
