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Layout for this site was made by The Dragonball Coffee Table and edited by Rampage620. The main image seen here was created by [VOID]KingKi
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Welcome to Black Void 2.0, this is Rampage620, the man behind Black Void, the original one, not the wannabe copies. O boy, I bet they feel stupid for trying to copy my successful Rpg. Well, I'm making this new one to try and recapture Black Void's former glory, that and try and make those imposter BV's feel even more stupid. C-ya layta.

Saiyan Transformations

These Transformations for Saiyans are for full-blooded Saiyans. For any other type of Saiyan, divide the Ki required by 2. If a Saiyan's tail is grabbed and they are less than 25,000 base pl, they are instantly frozen and unable to do anything except speak. The grabber cannot move either.

Oozaru - Ki times 10. Any Saiyan with a tail that is not transformed (except those eligable for Golden Oozaru) automatically transform in moonlight - When a Saiyan with a tail is in moonlight (with the except of the case stated before), they automatically transform into a gigantic ape. When a Saiyan is over 25,000, they can control with huge beast. If you are transformed into this form, you stay as an Oozaru the entire night unless the moon is blown up or the Moonshine Blast ends. For days nights when there is a full moon, check the Planets page. Vegeta's can talk while transformed, while everyone else can't. Can only us Oozaru moves (see Moves page). 35% HP is lost when the transformation ends. 8+ Words per Action.
Super Saiyan (SSJ) - Ki times 3. Requires 1,000,000 Ki - This probably the best known transformation. This is where a Saiyan's hair turns gold, and their aura goes gold. You lose 1% HP per minute unless you can go USSJ. 4+ Words per Action.
Ultra Super Saiyan (USSJ) - Ki times 4.5. Requires 2,000,000 Ki - This is also known as Super Saiyan 1.8. This is like SSJ, but your muscles grow much larger and you get slower. You lose 2% HP per minute unless you can go SSJ2. 6+ Words per Action.
Super Saiyan 2 - Ki times 5. Requires 3,000,000 Ki - This is like SSJ, but you are stronger, faster, and you have blue electrical bolts randomly cross your body. You lose 3% HP per minute unless you can go SSJ3. 3+ Words per Action.
Super Saiyan 3 - Ki times 8. Requires 9,000,000 Ki - This is like SSJ2, but your hair grows down to about your knees and you lose your eyebrows. You lose 4% HP per minute unless you can go SSJ4 or it's equivalent. 2+ Words per Action.
Super Saiyan 4 - Ki times 10. Requires 15,000,000 Ki - This is not like the other SSJ's. Your body grows red fur all over except the face and chest. Your hair goes back to normal size and turns jet black. You attack anyone, even friends and family, if they make a disrespectful remark towards you, attack you, or anything else that would piss you off while you are transformed. Only Full-Blooded Saiyans can reach this form.
Golden Oozaru - This is achieved by any Saiyan a tail that has SSJ4 or it's equivalent under moonlight. Ki times 10 - This is like Oozaru, but you have golden fur instead of brown fur. Unlike Oozaru, you do not have to be of a certain PL to control this form and anyone can talk in it.
Mystic Upgrade - For any Good character after SSJ2 (or it's equivalent) and before SSJ4 (or it's equivalent). Your base PL is 4 times it's normal for a month - This is the training Gohan got from the Old Supreme Kai. You must first break the Z-Sword, then go through a 25 hour ceremony with Old Supreme Kai. After, your base PL is multiplied by 4 and that's how it is for a month unless you train. During this time, you cannot transform into any Oozaru or Super Saiyan state. When the month is over, your PL returns to what it was before, and your training is added to it.

Human Transformations

These Transformations for Humans aren't really Transformations, but rather permanent Speed boosts. At the specified PL's, Human's attacks are that munch faster, and they don't have to type anything to get to that speed. Humans also get a 50% discount on all items at CC Stores b/c they don't look like freaks to the cashiers (lol, they actually get it because they are the native people of the Earth).

1,000,000 Base PL - 4+ Words per Action
2,000,000 Base PL - 3+ Words per Action
3,000,000 Base PL - 2+ Words per Action
5,000,000 Base PL - 1+ Words per Action

Namekian Transformations

These Transformations for Namekians, like Humans, aren't really Transformations, but rather temporary Speed boosts. Unlike Humans, they must use Namekian Fusion to combine for greater speed, and greater strength depending on the ones using it. the speed of the fused fighter depends on the number of Nameks fused together, as listed below. The most number of Namekians that can be together at once is 5.

First Fusion - 2 Nameks together - 4+ Words per Action
Second Fusion - 3 Nameks together - 3+ Words per Action
Third Fusion - 4 Nameks together - 2+ Words per Action
Fourth Fusion - 5 Nameks together - 1+ Words per Action

Cell's Transformations

These Transformations for Cell are a bit unique. Cell must assimulate certain people to transform, as listed below. Cell cannot transform by Assimulating Super 17.

Imperfect Cell - Assimulates either (not Super) 17 or 18 - Adds the Android's PL to Cell's and gets multiplied by 2. 3 + Words per Action.
Perfect Cell - Assimulate the other Android - Adds the Assimulated Android's PL to Cell's and gets multiplied by 3. 1+ Word per Action.

Super 17

This is like a Namekian Transformation, but it's just between 17 and Artificial 17, and is permanent. 17 and A17 just add their PL's together and gets multiplied by 3. Super 17 is controlled by the stronger Android. Super 17 only needs 1+ Words per Action.

Super 13

This is where Android 13 takes the chips from 14 and 15 and adds them to himself. when he gets one, he adds that pl to his own. When he gets the second one, he adds that to his own and multiplies by 3. Super 13 when complete only needs 1 Word per Action.

Cold People Transformations

This is the Transformations for Frieza, Coola, and King Kold. When they reach a certain PL, they can transform into a stronger state, though it is permanent. Listed below is the PL's for each Transformation. First form is the way they look from birth. They do not have to transform when they reach the required PL.

Second Form - 500,000 PL Required - PL is multiplied by 2. 4+ Words per Action.
Third Form - 2,000,000 PL Required - PL is multiplied by 2. 3+ Words per Action.
Fourth Form - 6,000,000 PL Required - PL is multiplied by 3. 2+ Words per Action.
Cyborg (Fifth Form) - Costs 100,000 Zenni and must be after Fourth Form - PL is multiplied by 3. 1+ Words per Action.
