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Layout for this site was made by The Dragonball Coffee Table and edited by Rampage620. The main image seen here was created by [VOID]KingKi

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Characters Section
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Other Important Links
 - Moves
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 - Transformations
 - Dr. Gero's Lab
 - Jobs
 - Planets
 - Bank

Other Links of Less Importance
 - Masters
 - Quests
 - Fighting And Training Style
 - Dragon Balls
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 - The Next Dimension
 - The Dead Zone  


Welcome to Black Void 2.0, this is Rampage620, the man behind Black Void, the original one, not the wannabe copies. O boy, I bet they feel stupid for trying to copy my successful Rpg. Well, I'm making this new one to try and recapture Black Void's former glory, that and try and make those imposter BV's feel even more stupid. C-ya layta.

While traveling between planets, your location is something like "Space | Between Earth and Namek". The time you spend in space depends on the speed of your ship and the distance you have to travel, as specified on the map above.

To take over a planet, you must be on that planet, and you must e-mail all the people on that planet challenging them and your updater for verification purposes. In 48 hours, if you have either defeated all challengers or no one else challenges you, you officially own the planet. When conquering a planet, you get the initial bonus (see Quests page) and you get 10% of all the salaries made on the planet (goon killings, CC Worker, Webmaster, etc). You can sell a planet for as much as you want. If someone challenges you for your ownership of a planet, you ust either accept the challenge, or submit the planet to them. They get the initial bonus plus the salaries after they take over.

Planets and Locations with HP's

To blow up a location, you must do as much damage as specified or more in a single attack to be successful. Any member in the city that is not on when the city is being blow up is left with 1% HP left and taken to a hospital in a nearby city for treatment. If they are on by they don't attempt to leave the city, they are killed. If they attempt to leave the city, they lose 25% HP and continue to where they are going. To attempt is to make movement toward another city or planet within 4 of the destroyers lines of the location being attacked. When blowing up a location with a Guardian, they automatically escape.

To blow up a planet, you must do as much or more damage as specified in a single attack. The planet blows up 1 hour after the attack. Anyone not on is automatically put into a transport vehicle that goes to the nearest planet at 2000 lightyears per day and they get dropped off there. If the planet has a Guardian like Kami or Guru, they are automatically taken too. If they planet has Dragonballs, they are scattered to the 7 closest planets. Anyone that is on and doesn't leave the planet is killed upon explosion unless they are an Android, except Cell, or they have more than 20,000,000, a space suit, and someone to come get them, a ship, IT, or TT. Androids will just float in space until someone comes to get them.

EARTH - 50,000,000 HP (Currently Free with Normal Gravity)
Guardians are - 1)Kibito, 2)Goku, 3)Teen Gohan
Full Moon is every Tuesday
North City - 3,000,000 HP
South City - 2,500,000 HP
West City - 3,500,000 HP
East City - 2,500,000 HP
Cell's Arena - 1,500,000 HP
Muscle Tower - 1,000 HP
Gero's Lab - 2,000,000 HP
Goku's House - 500,000 HP
Capsule Corperation - 750,000 HP
Master Roshi's Island - 500,000 HP
Korin's Tower - 1,000,000 HP
Kami's Lookout - 1,500,000 HP
the Desert - 2,000,000 HP
Hercule's Mansion - 250,000 HP
Babidi's Ship Location - 2,000,000 HP
Ginger Town - 500,000 HP
Pepper City - 500,000 HP
Tenkachi Budokai City - 500,000 HP

NEW NAMEK - 20,000,000 HP (Currently free with Normal Gravity)
Full Moon is never
New Guru's House - 500,000 HP
New Namekian Capitol - 1,000,000 HP
New Namekian Elder's Village - 1,500,000 HP
New North Village - 1,250,000 HP
New South Village - 1,250,000 HP
New West Village - 1,000,000 HP
New East Village - 1,000,000 HP
New Black Sea Island - 500,000 HP

NEW VEGETA - 30,000,000 HP (Owned by Vegeta with 10 times Earth's Gravity)
Full Moon is second Wendnesday of every month.
New Royal Palace - 3,000,000 HP
Biological Research Center - 5,000,000 HP
The Wastelands - 7,000,000 HP
New Vegeta Aerospace Launch Bay - 1,000,000 HP

ARLIA - 25,000,000 HP (Currently free with 20 times Earth's Gravity)
Full Moon is every Thursday
Arlian Royal Palace - 2,000,000 HP
The Arlian Pit - 10,000,000 HP
Dumpheap - 500,000 HP
The Fields of Agony - 500,000 HP

MEAT - 15,000,000 HP (Currently free with 30 times Earth's Gravity)
Full Moon is every even Monday
Meat Capitol - 3,000,000 HP
Northern Ruins - 1,000,000 HP
Southern Desert - 1,500,000 HP
Great Sea Island - 2,500,000 HP

PLANT (Currently free with 20 times Earth's Gravity) - 35,000,000 HP
Full Moon is never
Plant Capitol - 10,000,000 HP
Plant Aerospace Launch Bay - 5,000,000 HP
Plant Army Barracks - 3,000,000 HP

EMPIRE OF THE SETTING SUN (Currently free with Normal Gravity) - 20,000,000 HP
Full Moon is every Tuesday
Setting Sun Capitol - 3,000,000 HP
The Empire's Army Barracks - 2,000,000 HP
Empire's Hexagon - 2,000,000 HP

YARDAT (Currently free) - 20,000,000 HP
Full Moon is third Tuesday
Yardat Capitol - 3,500,000 HP
City of the People of Yardat - 5,000,000 HP
Yardat Temple - 1,500,000 HP
NAMEK - 20,000,000 HP (Currently free with Normal Gravity)
Full Moon is never
Guru's House - 500,000 HP
Namekian Capitol - 1,000,000 HP
Namekian Elder's Village - 1,500,000 HP
North Village - 1,250,000 HP
South Village - 1,250,000 HP
West Village - 1,000,000 HP
East Village - 1,000,000 HP
Black Sea Island - 500,000 HP

VEGETA - 30,000,000 HP (Currently owner by Kibito and Goku jointly after making Bebi forfeit with 10 times Earth's Gravity)
Full Moon is third Saturday
Royal Palace - 3,000,000 HP
Biological Research Center - 5,000,000 HP
The Wastelands - 7,000,000 HP
Vegeta Aerospace Launch Bay - 1,000,000 HP
