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Amiboshi and Suboshi

Amiboshi (Bu Koutoku) is my favorite character
out of the Seiryuu Seven!!!!!!!
He is sweet and he hates wars. He also cares
deepy for Miaka and his little twin brother Suboshi.

Suboshi (Bu Shunkaku) is violent and reckless.
Because his brother raised him after their family died,
he cares deepy for him. He later on falls in love
with Yui because he was the only other person
who was nice to him. But he hates Miaka and

Seishi Name: Amiboshi
Real Name: Bu Koutoku
Age: 17
Birthdate: June 28
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Gender: Male
Bloodtype: N/A
"Good" or "Bad": Bad (Seiryuu)
Location of Symbol: Right shoulder
Symbol Meaning: N/A
Height: N/A
Family: Little brother
Powers/Abilities: Able to manipulate with the notes
of his flute by sending his ki from his mouth.
Loves: Miaka (?)
Loved By: No one
Hobbies: Playing his flute


Seishi Name: Suboshi
Real Name: Bu Shunkaku
Age: 17
Birthdate: June 28
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Gender: Male
Bloodtype: N/A
"Good" or "Bad": Bad (Seiryuu)
Location of Symbol: Left shoulder
Symbol Meaning: N/A
Height: N/A
Family: big brother
Powers/Abilities: Using Telekinesis he controls the dark
weapon known as Ryuuseisui.
Loves: Yui
Loved By: No one
Hobbies: Not sure

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