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Ashitare lived as a circus freak before Nakago discovered him
and became his new master. Looks and acts like an animal
and is completely obediant and loyal to his master Nakago
who punishes him when he doesn't accomplish his demands.
Has very little intelligence and acts like a wild
animal with no feelings. Eats human flesh.
I really hate him!
(A lot of him is also unknown..)
Seishi Name: Ashitare
Real Name: N/A
Age: 34
Birthdate: November 21
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Gender: Male
Bloodtype: N/A
"Good" or "Bad": Bad (Seiryuu)
Location of Symbol: Right hip
Symbol Meaning: Tail
Height: 213 cm
Family: N/A
Powers/Abilities: Can shapeshift into a wolf,
fights like a wolf
Loves: No one
Loved By: No one (No offense..but EW!!)
Hobbies: Eating human flesh..*GAGS*
No pictures yet..
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|Yui| |Nakago| |Amiboshi and Suboshi| |Soi| |Tomo| |Ashitare| |Miboshi| |Pictures| |Links|