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CHICHIRI (Ri Houjun) is the blue haired wandering
monk with the strange speech pattern. At 24 years of age,
Chichiri is the oldest out of the Suzaku Seishi.
He is, in many ways, the man among the boys and the silent
leader who gets everything done. Conversely, he can also
be the most hilarous character for his sense of humor,
his strange way of talking, and the fact
that he is the one character shown in SD while
everyone else is normal.

Seishi Name: Chichiri
Real Name: Ri Houjun
Age: 24
Birthdate: 5/21
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Gender: Male
Bloodtype: N/A
"Good" or "Bad": Good (Suzaku)
Location of Symbol: Right knee
Symbol Meaning: Well
Height: 175 cm
Family: Father, mother, older brother,
younger sister (all killed in a flood when Chichiri was 18)
Powers/Abilities: Transportation, freezing opponents, transforming
into other people, chi blasts, energy barriers, etc...
Loves: His dead fiancee, Kouran
Loved By: No one
Hobbies: Fishing

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|Yui| |Nakago| |Amiboshi and Suboshi| |Soi| |Tomo| |Ashitare| |Miboshi| |Pictures| |Links|

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