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MIBOSHI is a demonic monk. Gave up his
original body to the evils he serves and is
a spirit who posseses bodies, especially children,
who he thinks are easier to control. He posseses
the body of a head monk of a mousoleum,
who is a child. I think he's just freaky!

(A lot of him is unknown so yeah..)
Seishi Name: Miboshi
Real Name: N/A
Age: Probably 200
Birthdate: December 4
Astrological Sign: Aquarius
Gender: Male
Bloodtype: N/A
"Good" or "Bad": Bad (Seiryuu)
Location of Symbol: Back of neck
Symbol Meaning: Not sure
Height: N/A
Powers/Abilities: Taking over people's bodies
Loves: No one
Loved By: No one (Who would have dat kinda taste?)
Hobbies: Controlling bodies and making people
do as he wishes

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