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~ Getting Started ~ Posted by, NitzFlitz Dec 9

   Before following Barret to the next area, check the guards bodies for Potions. Then follow Barret. When you follow Barret, you're suddenly attacked by more Shinra guards. Your first battle!
   You start off at level 6 and with the Lightning and Ice materia. Also, Shinra Guards are weak, often dying from a single blow from Cloud's Buster Sword. Once dispatching the guards, go ahead to the next area where you'll find the members of AVALANCHE: Jesse, Biggs, and Wedge.
   Walk through the door and head east, then into the elevator. Press the triagular switch. Once the doors open, exit and descend the stairs, then head through the door to the south. In the next area, jump over the crack, climb down the ladder, and head south. Climb down the two ladders then head south again to a large pipe. Head west along the pipe and climb down the ladder. Next to the base of teh ladder is a Save Point. Now you can access the Menu to save your game.    After savng the game heal up your party because the first boss comes and attacks you after you set the bomb. This boss is fairly easy just do not attack him while his tail is shaking.
   After defteating the boss leave before the place blows. But be sure to talk to Jesse before you leave or escape isn't possible.    When you escape into the city you meet up with a flower girl called Aeris. Once done talking to her explore the city the go south till you get to the intersection of two streets.

~ The Next Mission ~ posted by NitzFlitz Dec15

   Head west and you'll soon find yourself in the Sector 7 Slums. Save the game using the Save Point next to the fence to the north before heading into the town. Once you're there, Barret "politely" shooes out the people in Tifa's 7th Heaven Bar and invites you to come in. Before coming in, though, you might want to explore around town a bit. Buy new weapons, armor, and materia with the materia you got from your previous mission. Once you're all ready, it's time you headed over to the bar.
   In the bar, you'll find the members of AVALANCHE, Tifa (a fellow member of AVALANCHE and Cloud's childhood friend), and Marlene (Barret's daughter). After some conversation, the rebels head down to the secret base beneath the bar, using the pinball machine as their secret elevator. Follow them and talk for awhile, then head back up and talk with Tifa, who'll then join you. Barret then arrives and pays you 1500 gil for your booty. You'll then have a good night's rest and soon awake alone in the hideout.
   Head back up to the bar, and you'll get some info on Materia. You'll then receive the Restore materia, which you should equip on Barret or Tifa. Once you're through with that, head over to the Beginner's Hall and talk around for awhile to become more knowledgeable of the game, and to pick up your first handy-dandy All materia.
   Head east to return to the Train Station. Hop aboard the Midgar Express to meet up with the rest of AVALANCHE. After a few exchanged words, danger is suddenly in the air as the security system suddenly turns on a timer. Keep on heading south until you jump off the train. If the timer runs out, no worries: you'll just jump off then and there. If you want, you can also talk to certain people. who'll give you various items.
   After jumping off, you land in an underground tunnel. Moving south is rather pointless (unless your aiming for experience), as you'll just be attacked over and over by Shinra guards. Going north is a more sensible plan. Once you've come upon the motion sensors, Cloud will say that you can't pass. As an alternative route, examine the hole to the west, which you should climb into.
   After navigating the cramped passageway, you'll plop on into the Sector 5 Reactor, your next target to blow up. Climb down the numerous ladders, then head head west and climb down the ladder there. Head north then west down yet another ladder. Find the Save Point and save your game there, then keep going. You might have noticed by now that this reactor is a lot like the No. 1 Reactor, so just follow the same straightforward route: up the ladder, down the chute then west to the bottom of three stairways. Go straight for the dead end.
   Once you've set the bomb, rush over to the elevator. No need to rush, though, like last time because there's no timer! Though the similarities between this reactor and the other one you blew up are astonishing, the exit route is different. You'll have to go through a chute and end up in a control panel. Press the buttons simutaneously with Barret and Tifa by pressing [OK] just before they raise their arms.
   The gate will then open up; pass through it and you'll be able to save your game at the Save Point. After that, head west then north and you'll soon come upon a T-intersention, where you'll encounter President Shinra. After exchanging some not-so-friendly words with you, he'll whisk off in a chopper, leaving behind Air Buster, another robotic enemy-boss, with you.
   After you defeat the boss, it explodes violently, leaving behind a hole in the catwalk. Cloud tries to hold on, but the reactor then explodes and he falls to his death.

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