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~ Spells ~ Posted by, NitzFlitz Dec 10

(0 AP) Barrier: protects against melee attacks. 16 MP
(5000 AP) MBarrier: protects against magical attacks. 24 MP
(15,000 AP) Reflect: bounces back magic attacks. 30 MP
(30, 000) Wall: protects against melee and magic attacks. 58 MP
(42,000 AP) MASTER
Equips Effects:
Strength -01
MagicDef +01
Power -02
Magic +02
MaxHP -05%
MaxMP +05%
Location(s): Rocket Town

(0 AP) Comet: physical damage against one opponent. 70 MP
(12,000 AP) Comet2: physical damage against multiple enemies. 120 MP
(60,000 MP) MASTER
Equip Effects:
Strength -01
MagicDef +01
Power -02
Magic +02
MaxHP -05%
MaxMP +05%
Location(s): Forgotten Capital

(0 AP) Freeze: ice-based damage; occasionally causes Stop. 82 MP
(5000 AP) Break: earth-based damage; occasionally causes Petrify. 86 MP
(10,000 AP) Tornado: wind-based damage; occasionally causes Confusion. 90 MP
(15,000 AP) Flare: fire-based damage. 100 MP
(60,000 AP) MASTER
Equip Effects:
Strength -02
MagicDef +02
Power -04
Magic +04
MaxHP -10%
MaxMP +10%
Location(s): Mideel (Buy a Mimett Green from the Chocobo Ranch and feed it to the white chocobo following the hyperactive kid. Pet it behind the ears and the materia is yours!)

(0 AP) DeBarrier: removes barriers. 12 MP
(6000 AP) DeSpel: removes certain status enhancers/ailments.
(10,000 AP) Death: cuases instant death.
(45,000 AP) MASTER
Equip Effects:
Strength -01
MagicDef +01
Power -02
Magic +02
MaxHP -05%
MaxMP +05%
Location(s): Ft. Condor, Mideel, thrown at you by Sephiroth in Shinra Mansion

(0 AP) Quake: earth-based damage. 6MP
(6000 AP) Quake2: earth-based damage. 28 MP
(22,000 AP) Quake3: earth-based damage. 68 MP
(40,000 AP) MASTER
Equip Effects:
Power -01
Magic +01
MaxHP -02%
MaxMP +02%
Location(s): Kalm, Junon, Costa del Sol

(0 AP) Escape: all alies exit the battle. 16 MP
(10,000 AP) Remove: removes enemy for duration of battle. 99MP
(30,000 AP) MASTER
Equip Effects:
Power -01
Magic +01
MaxHP -02%
MaxMP +02%
Location(s): Rocket Town

(0 AP) Fire: fire-based damage. 4 MP
(2000 AP) Fire2: fire-based damage. 22 MP
(18,000 AP) Fire3: fire-based damage. 55 MP
(35,000 AP) MASTER
Equip Effects:
Power -01
Magic +01
MaxHP -02%
MaxMP +02%
Location(s): Sector 7, Wall Market, Ft. Condor, Junon, Costa del Sol, Mideel, Red XIII's initial equip.

(3000 AP) FullCure: refills all HP. 99 MP
(100,000 AP) MASTER
Equip Effects:
Strength -02
MagicDef +02
Power -04
Magic +04
MaxHP -10%
MaxMP +10%
Location(s): Back room of item shop in Cosmo Canyon

(0 AP) Demi: reduces HP by 25%. 14MP
(10,000 AP) Demi2: reduces HP by 50%. 33MP
(20,000 AP) Demi3: reduces HP by 75%. 48MP
(40,000 AP) MASTER
Equip Effects:
Power -01
Magic +01
MaxHP -02%
MaxMP +02%
Location(s): Costa del Sol, Mideel, after defeating Gi Nattak (enemy boss in Cave of Gi, below Cosmo Canyon)

(0 AP) Poisona: cures Poison. 3 MP
(1000 AP) Esuna: relieves all status ailments. 15 MP
(5000 AP) Resist: prevents ally from contracting any ailments. 120 MP
(6000 AP) MASTER
Equip Effects:
Power -01
Magic +01
MaxHP -02%
MaxMP +02%
Location(s): Kalm, Junon, Costa del Sol, Gongaga

(0 AP) Ice: ice-based damage. 4 MP
(2000 AP) Ice2: ice-based damge. 22 MP
(18,000 AP) Ice3: ice-based damage. 55 MP
(35,000 AP) MASTER
Equip Effects:
Power -01
Magic +01
MaxHP -02%
MaxMP +02%
Location(s): Sector 7, Wall Market, Ft. Condor, Junon, Costa del Sol, Mideel, Cloud's initial equip.

(0 AP) Bolt: lightning-based damage. 4 MP
(2000 AP) Bolt2: lightning-based damage. 22 MP
(18,000 AP) Bolt3: lightning-based damage. 55 MP
(35,000 AP) MASTER
Equip Effects:
Power -01
Magic +01
MaxHP -02%
MaxMP +02%
Location(s): Sector 7, Wall Market, Ft. Condor, Junon, Costa del Sol, Mideel, Cloud's initial equip

(0 AP) Confu: causes enemy to randomly attack
enemies/allies. 18 MP
(12,000 AP) Berserk: places enemy in Attack mode. 28 MP (25,000 AP) MASTER
Equip Effects:
Power -01
Magic +01
MaxHP -02%
MaxMP +02%
Location(s): Gongaga, Cosmo Canyon

(0 AP) Bio: poison-based damage. 8 MP
(5000 AP) Bio2: poison-based damage. 36 MP
(20,000 AP) Bio3: poison-based damage. 80 MP
(40,000 AP) MASTER
Equip Effects:
Power -01
Magic +01
MaxHP +02%
MaxMP -02%
Location(s): Kalm, Junon, Costa del Sol, 68th floor of Shinra Tower

(0 AP) Cure: refills lost HP. 5 MP
(2500 AP) Cure 2: refills lost HP. 24 MP
(17,000 AP) Regrowth: gradually fills up HP. 30 MP
(24,000 AP) Cure3: refills lost HP. 64 MP
(40,000 AP) MASTER
Equip Effects:
Power -01
Magic +01
MaxHP -02%
MaxMP +02%
Location(s): Sector 7, Wall Market, Ft. Condor, Junon, Costa del Sol, Mideel, Mako Furnace

(0 AP) Life: brings ally back to life with 25% HP.
(45,000 AP) Life2: brings ally back to life with full HP.
100 MP
(55,000 AP) MASTER
Equip Effects:
Strength -01
MagicDef +01
Power -02
Magic +02
MaxHP -05%
MaxMP +05%
Location(s): Junon, Costa del Sol

(0 AP) Sleepel: prevents enemy from doing anything until attacked or cured.
8 MP
(10,000 AP) Silence: prevents enemy from casting spells.
24 MP
(20,000 AP) MASTER
Equip Effects:
Power -01
Magic +01
MaxHP -02%
MaxMP +02%
Location(s): Junon, Costa del Sol

(10,000 AP) Shield: extreme Defense and MagicDef.
180 MP
(100,000 AP) MASTER
Equip Effects:
Strength -02
MagicDef +02
Power -04
Magic +04
MaxHP -10%
MaxMP +10%
Location(s): Northern Cave

(0 AP) Haste: speeds up Time Gauge. 18 MP
(8000 AP) Slow: slows down Time Gauge. 20 MP
(20,000 AP) Stop: stops Time Gauge completely. 34 MP
(42,000 AP) MASTER
Equip Effects:
Strength -01
MagicDef +01
Power -02
Magic +02
MaxHP -05%
MaxMP +05%
Location(s): Gongaga, Rocket Town

(0 AP) Mini: shrinks enemy, causing Attack damage to lessen dramatically.
(8000 AP) Toad: turns enemy into a frog, preventing Magic, Command, and Summon attacks. 14 MP (24,000 AP) MASTER Equip Effects:
Power -01
Magic +01
MaxHP -02%
MaxMP +02%
Location(s): North Corel, Gongaga, Cosmo Canyon, Mideel, Cait Sith's initial equip

(5000 AP) Ultima: extreme physical damage to all opponents. 130 MP (100,000 AP) MASTER
Equip Effects:
Strength -02
MagicDef +02
Power -04
Magic +04
MaxHP -10%
MaxMP +10 %
Location(s): North Corel

~ Summon ~ posted by NitzFlitz july23

Alexander (Holy) 120 MP
Judgement: robotic creature strikes enemies with holy power.
0 AP
25,000 AP
65,000 AP
100,000 AP
150,000 AP
Equip Effects:
Magic +01
MaxHP -05%
MaxMP +05%
MagicDef +01
Location: after defeating Snow in the Great Glacier (touch the lake where you see vapors rising from, then talk to the person in the cave).

Bahamut 100 MP
Mega Flare: dragon attacks enemies with concentrated energy.
0 AP
20,000 AP
50,000 AP
80,000 AP
120,000 AP
Equip Effects:
Magic +01
MaxHP -05%
MaxMP +05%
MagicDef +01
Location: after defeating the Red Dragon in the Temple of the Ancients.

Bahamut ZERO 180 MP
Tera Flare: celestial dragon attacks enemies with overwhelming amount of energy.
0 AP
35,000 AP
120,000 AP
150,000 AP
250,000 AP
Equip Effects:
Magic +04
MaxHP -10%
MaxMP +05%
MagicDef +04
Location: take Bahamut and Neo Bahamut materia to the Huge Blue Materia in Bugenhagen's observatory in Cosmo Canyon.

Choco/Mog (Wind) 14 MP
DeathBlow: a Mog riding upon a Chocobo slams into the enemies, occasionally causing Stop.
Fat Chocobo: occurs 1 out of every 16 times; enormous chocobo drops on enemies, causing more damage than DeathBlow.
0 AP
2,000 AP
14,000 AP
25,000 AP
35,000 AP
Equip Effects:
Magic +01
MaxHP -02%
MaxMP +02%
Location: answer "Wark" to the chocobo nearest the fence in the Chocobo Ranch.

Hades (Poison) 150 MP
Black Caldroun: entity from hell causes poison-basd damage on enemies along with multiple status ailments.
0 AP
35,000 AP
120,000 AP
150,000 AP
250,000 AP
Equip Effects:
Magic +04
MaxHP -10%
MaxMP +15%
MagicDef +04
Location: next to downed helicopter in Sunken Gelnika Plane.

Ifrit (Fire) 34 MP
Hellfire: fiery demon rips through enemies.
0 AP
5000 AP
20,000 AP
35,000 AP
60,000 AP
Equip Effects:
Magic +01
MaxHP -02%
MaxMP +02%
Location: after defeating Jenova Birth on Shinra ship headed from Junon.

Knights of the Round 250 MP
Ultimate End: thirteen warriors strike enemies for super physical damage.
0 AP
50,000 AP
200,000 AP
300,000 AP
500,000 AP
Equip Effects:
Magic +08
MaxHP -10%
MaxMP +10%
MagicDef +08
Location: Round Island (see World Map), accessible only via Gold Chocobo.

Kujata 110 MP
Tetra Disaster: giant bull strikes enemies with fire-, earth-, and lightning-based damage.
0 AP
22,000 AP
60,000 AP
90,000 AP
140,000 AP
Equip Effects:
Magic +01
MaxHP -05%
MaxMP +05%v MagicDef +01
Location: flitting in and out of sight in the Sleeping Forest.

Leviathan (Water) 78 MP
Tidal Wave: giant water serpent created massive wall of water.
0 AP
18,000 AP
38,000 AP
70,000 AP
110,000 AP
Equip Effects:
Magic +01
MaxHP -05%
MaxMP +05%
MagicDef +01
Location: have Yuffie defeat Godoe atop the Pagoda of the Five Mighty Gods in Wutai.

Neo Bahamut 140 MP
Giga FlarE: dragon blows away enemies with concentrated blast of magic.
0 AP
30,000 AP
80,000 AP
140,000 AP
200,000 AP
Equip Effects:
Magic +02
MaxHP -10%
MaxMP +10%
MAgicDef +02
Location: Whirlwind Maze (before the first barrier).

Odin 80 MP
Steel-Bladed Sword: cuts all enemies in two, causing instant death.
Gunge Lance: occurs when enemies are immune to instant death; javelin is thrown in the air and lands on enemies.
0 AP
16,000 AP
32,000 AP
65,000 AP
80,000 AP
Equip Effects:
Magic +01
MaxHP -05%
MaxMP +05%
MagicDef +01 Location: safe in Shinra Mansion (see the part on Secrect Scharacters).

Phoenix (Fire) 180 MP
Phoenix Flame: fire-based damage on enemies and revives fallen allies with all HP.
0 AP
20,000 AP
70,000 AP
120,000 AP
180,000 AP
Equip Effects:
Magic +02
MaxHP -10%
MaxMP +10%
MagicDef +02
Location: atop Ft. Condor after the egg hatches.

Ramuh (Lightning) 40 MP
Judgement Bolt: sage atop a mountain strikes enemies with lightning.
0 AP
10,000 AP
25,000 AP
50,000 AP
70,000 AP
Equip Effects:
Magic +01
MaxHP -02%
MaxMP +02%
Location: Chocobo Racers' Lounge (after visiting Corel Prison).

Shiva (Ice) 32 MP
Diamond Dust: skimpy-dressed woman sprinkles ica crystals on enemies.
0 AP
4000 AP
15,000 AP
30,000 AP
50,000 AP
Equip Effects
Magic +01
MaxHP -02%
MaxMP +02%
Location: receive from Priscilla after saving her from Bottomswell.

Titan (Earth) 46 MP
Anger of the Land: giant rips out the ground under the enemies and smashes them beneath it.
0 AP
15,000 AP
30,000 AP
60,000 AP
80,000 AP
Equip Effects:
Magic +01
MaxHP -02%
MaxMP +02% Location: "useless" materia left behind by Scarlet in the reactor near Gongaga.

Typhon (Wind) 160 MP
Disintegration: turns world topsy-turvy.
0 AP
35,000 AP
12,000 AP
150,000 AP
250,000 AP
Equip Effects:
Magic +04
MaxHP -10%
MaxMP +15%
MagicDef +04
Location: Ancient Forest (atop a mesa near Cosmo Canyon, accessible with a bred Green, Black, or Gold Chocobo).

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