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~ Prophecy's End
~ The Dream
~ From Life to Death
~ Loneliness
~ Rain
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~ You
~ The Sorceress's Knight
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Dungeon and Cabin

Sai was drenched with sweat and bloodied from head to toe. Chains bound his hands and feet to the wall, and a metal collar insured that he could not rest his neck for long without it becoming extremely uncomfortable. The one thing he couldn't stand, though, was the incessant laughter taunting him. There wasn't a thing he could do about it. Now that he couldn't bring his powers together, there was no way he could retaliate. He was defenseless.

So were Sembri and Toren. He wanted desperately to tell them where he was. There might still be time for them to get to the dungeon and save him before it was too late. However, if they did come, there would be nothing they could do to help and would end up in a worse situation than he was in right now.

A small device once again prodded his side, causing blood to ooze down his side. He clenched his teeth; the satisfaction of another shriek would not be given. He was starting to become immune to the torture, his body was becoming numb to any feeling. A face appeared in front of him and rancid breath seeped onto his face. Gleaming red eyes pierced into his own. He couldn't stand to look at that face. Very sleek and handsome featured with brown hair. It wasn't the appearance that frightened him, though. It was the look and level of intensity in the red-hot eyes that sent a chill down his spine. He knew he wouldn't leave this place alive.

Horrid laughter filled the festering room. One hand placed itself on Sai's chest and carefully took a handful of his robes. Sai was lifted off the ground and brought face to face with this walking terror. His gaze penetrated to the back of Sai's mind, but Sai still had the strength left in him to protect his mind from invaders. Pain seared through every nerve in his body when that barrier was hit, but thankfully it didn't break. He could still hold out a little longer. Sembri was safe.

"So, her name is Sembri? You forget in your old age that I can read your recent thoughts! And you should also be careful even when I'm not here taking my frustrations out on you,. There sill now be sentries posted by every entrance who also have the power to read thoughts, just in case I miss something in my absence. Oh, I have one final thing. I am very disappointed that a wizard of your standard could let your guard down so carelessly! You disgrace all wizards for your idiocy, you need punishment for that."

Two scorching hot metal rods were brought into the room. Two huge guards walked towards him as another held his head firmly in place. The rods were brought up to his eyes. He could feel the heat coming from them as he tried to wrench his head away from the glowing red rods. The villagers for miles could hear the screams of pain this time. The last thing Sai remembered before losing consciousness was intense pain, agony, and crying out for Sembri and Toren to help him.


Sembri woke from her deep sleep. Sai had sent her an urgent message, he needed their help. She jumped up only to find Toren doing the same. They were dressed and ready to go in less than ten minutes. It was still very early in the morning, but Toren felt there was still something very wrong downstairs. A bar was usually open all night, but it was deathly silent. Hw went to open the door to the hall, but was pulled back by Sembri.

"We have to go through the window. If we don't, we die. Put a block on the door, the best you've got, and hurry!"


"No time! Just do it! Now!"

Toren lifted his hands. This time they began to glow red and sparks flew through the room. Sembri had to dodge one before she decided to put a defensive shield up. The moment Toren had finished, a loud banging was heard on the other side of the door. Someone was trying desperately o get in. Toren grabbed Sembri by the hand and they jumped out the window. Luckily they landed in a pile of hay that they used for the stables not far from there. They headed in that direction and loaded their horses up as quickly as they could. They were halfway out of town before they heard and explosion. Looking back, they saw the small inn consumed by a ball of flames. They raced off as more explosions sounded throughout the village.

Screams and pleas shrouded Sembri's mind. The thoughts of every person in that village, young and old, were running through her mind. She heard every shriek of pain those people felt. Little children were searching for their parents to ease their pain, the older ones trying to find a way out of houses or buildings. Their cries pierced through the once silent night. Animal were running out of their hiding places trying to get away from the horrid noise, and birds took flight in every direction. However much the people hated it, however much the animals feared it, Sembri felt the pain of each one thousand times over in her mind. She felt tears running along her cheeks and brought a hand up to wipe them away. It was futile, there were just too many to simply sweep them away, so she let them come, running in rivers down her face. The thoughts were almost too much for her mind to handle. She was in convulsions of pain, trying to block anything and everything out of her mind, but she couldn't tell anymore which were her thoughts and which were theirs. She was screaming, gripping the horse's mane in front of her, filling the night with her own cries. By the time they topped a distant hill, the city was a burning mass. Sembri was just thankful that a solid mass blocked out any interference with other minds, and with that thought, she leaned forward on her horse and cried.


They rode all night until they reached a heavily wooded area. In the center they found a small lake and decided to stop for a rest. They unsaddled the horses and removed all the tack so they could be brushed. Toren brought two carrots out of his pockets and handed one to Sembri as he game one of the treats to his own horse.

"How did you know? How could you possibly know what was happening? There's no way to be able to tell that."

"I meant to tell you, I really wanted to, but I was hoping to tell Sai first. Now I guess it's saver if I let you know. I… I can read thoughts, and I'm learning to break into a few memories. The only one's I'm able to, though, are ones that are recent or extremely emotional. I couldn't tell you when I found out, I was afraid you'd be angry with me. I'm really sorry, Toren.

He pulled her into his embrace and stroked her hair.

"I'm the one who should be sorry. You've had a horrible burden placed on you. Are you able to block out the thoughts when you don't need or want to listen?"


She cried silently against him. He understood. She felt comfort in at least that much. He knew that she had heard everyone in that village, and that it would be enough to tear her apart. She fell asleep still crying against him.


She woke the next morning feeling very depressed. She was still leaning against Toren, who was still sleeping, though restlessly. He was having a bad dream. This was an opportunity to try and block out the thoughts! She could hear exactly what was going on in his mind. She tried to close her eyes, but that only made it worse. Now, she could see what Toren was seeing. She concentrated as hard as she could, imagining putting up a wall around herself. Then, as soon as it had started, it stopped! It was as if she had plunged herself in an ocean, there were no more sounds! Then she opened her eyes, and Toren was staring at her with great sadness. She hadn't done anything, he had woken up. She was relieved that she didn't have to listen to Toren's dream anymore, it scared her greatly, but she also wanted to figure out her powers. She needed to practice, and she hated using Toren as a test subject, but he was the only one around most of the time.

"Hey, it's okay. You'll get it eventually. It's not something that will come to you easily, it will take time."

"You don't mind, do you? That I'm testing on you, I mean. I hate having to do that to you, but I…"

He took her hand and stroked it tenderly.

"I don't mind, really. It's tough on you, I know that. And now that you have that ability, we can be more certain of the dangers around us. I know it hurts you now, but believe me, this is a good thing. You're gaining new powers, which means your others have been mastered or are getting stronger. You're doing great, Sem. I'm proud of you."

He kissed the top of her head and got up.

"We've gotta get going though. The person who caused everything last night could be on his way here. Can you hear anyone?"

"No, no one. That's good though, right?"

"Yes, and no. Yes because the person who destroyed that city is no where around. No because that means neither is anyone else. We may need to travel for a while before we can find another inn to stay at."

"That's alright. I'd rather not go back to a city until I can figure out how to block out thoughts. There were quite a few men at the last place who were thinking of taking me from you. I know we can take care of our problems on our own, but I'd rather avoid them if it's possible."

They loaded up the horses and looked around for any sign of life. Then, Sembri gasped. Through the clearing was a small log cabin, apparently long since abandoned. The porch was grown up with plants and no one could be heard inside, either normally or though thoughts. Toren took a dagger from his side and split the vines covering the door. It was very small, only one room with a bathroom, but very nice. There was a small kitchen with a wood-burning stove in one corner, and a large bed in another In the center sat a table with three chairs that looked to be homemade. It was furnished with the basics and nothing more.

"Let's stay here for a while, Toren. It'll be a while before we'd ever find a town, and I don't want anyone to come up on us in our sleep. I'd feel much safer here, there's even a lock on the door, and the widow is too high for anyone to reach."

"Alright, but tomorrow, we're heading out again."

Toren sat in a chair by the window and stared out into space. Before he started thinking, he put up a block so that Sembri couldn't read his thoughts. There were things Sembri still shouldn't know about. He had to keep her safe, at least from the things he could. They needed to go as far north as they could to get to Sai, but they couldn't push the horses too hard or they'd never make it. Sai was in trouble and they had to get there as quickly as possible with no delays. He could tell where the message had come from, and that alone scared him. It was from the city of Talbithar, the home of the tyrant at the heart of all their problems: Cain Hollis.


Toren looked up at Sembri. Her face was full of fear.

"What was his name?" Her face was ashen and her eyes were quivering with terror.

"How… how did you….?"

"I told you, strong emotions let me into people's minds easily. It's like a guiding rope my mind attaches to and it pulls me in. Now what is his name, I need to know."

He paused briefly. "Cain Hollis. Why is that name so important to you?"

"Two reasons. The first being the man stalking us last night said that he would destroy us in the name of Cain Hollis. The second, I once knew that man. I grew up with him. We were very good friends, until the day his brother went crazy. They say he overworked himself. Their father had died of a hear disease and left the older brother in charge of the family, and the income. He went off the edge one day when their mother was talking to herself about not having enough to eat. He killed her brutally. Cain had been staying with me that day. When he got home that afternoon, he found his mother's body laying in the middle of the floor and his brother drunk, sitting in a chair and laughing about having no more problems. Cain killed his brother in the most vicious way possible: he called for me.

"He asked me to call an angel for him. Of course, he was my best friend, I couldn't ignore his request. I knew he would only ask me if he desperately needed it, so I called one down from the Heavens and went with him. I walked into the room and saw her lying there. Then I saw his brother, laughing. I handed the angel over to Cain and he took his vengeance out on his brother. There was nothing left after he was finished except pieces of tattered clothing, which he took and burned with the rest of his house. Everything was gone, everything but this."

She reached into her pack and pulled out a small black box. Inside was a silver ring.

"He promised he'd come back. He told me we'd see each other again, then he left. This is the first time I've heard of him since that day. I'm sorry to admit now that I once knew him. I will have to destroy him. I've heard how he has a plot out to kill me, you dream about it a lot. I have no other choice now, but I do regret that it must be me to do it."

"Then you know his main goal is destroying you, then taking control of all of one specific people to get their powers. You are the last Priestess, and the last hope for everyone. He will try his hardest to kill you, Sem."

"I know, but still, I can't help it. I won't die, I mustn't, but I have to go into the mouth of the beast without getting bit. It will take careful planning to do so, but I will succeed."

"Sem, I'm very sorry. You've had such a hard time and you're still determined to keep on. Don't loose that, it may be the only hope we've got. Now, let's go explore a bit around the cabin. We know that the lake will provide us with fresh water, but let's see if we can find some fruits or berries or something so that we don't eat all of the food we brought along with us. Then we can get back and get some rest. We have a long journey ahead of us, Corinth is still a ways off. We can get some actual rest here, I can put up a few blocks in layers around the cabin. We'll know if anyone even steps foot in the woods and how fast they're coming. Now, let's get started!"

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