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Escaped Prisoners

"Have you slept long enough, old man? I've allowed you to remain unconscious for over two hours now. Much longer than the thirty minutes I gave you the first time. At least you can't see the wretched condition you are in now. Eyes are only a tool for you here, and you have no need for them. Now, are you ready to tell me more about the Priestess Sembri? I would love more details on her. The other one you called for, Toren, interests me as well. I already know they travel together, and without an escort. Come, tell me more. I'll need more information if I am to destroy them."

Cain cackled his loudest. The wizard was still dangling from his restraints. Dried blood was stuck to his arms where the chains had cut into his wrists, and the fresher blood on the chains themselves still gleamed in the torchlight. He looked so pathetic. So much for the all-powerful wizard!

Sai opened his eyes, now completely healed. Cain's face went from menacing to pure horror.

"Now you underestimate me. What happens when a wizard is knocked unconscious, Cain? What do their bodies instinctively do? Ah, yes, they heal themselves!"

Sai rose up from the ground and hovered in midair. The chains that bound him melted away into oblivion, then he stood once more on solid ground.

"You are now the disgrace to wizards. I pity you, I really do. You made the greatest mistake of your life, Cain!"

Fire shot from his fingers and headed strait for Cain, but he was no longer there. Cain had vanished without a trace. Sai closed his eyes, but his a brick wall when he tried to access Cain's mind. He could at least hold onto him and track his position. With this, he attached a tracer on him. It would not be able to be removed without his specific magic, so it was a highly effective way to know where Cain was at all times. That would at least help him that much. He gathered up his strength and flew out of the building, searching the ground to make sure the tracer was working properly. He then flew as far away as he could stand before remembering a very important factor to this mission. Toren and Sembri! He had to warn them!

"Toren! Where are you?"

"Sai?! Is that you?"

"Yes, now, wherever you are you must hide yourselves! Cain is on to you and you must protect yourselves. You can't go wandering around where people can see you, find somewhere you are able to hide. And use aliases, your own names would be too risky. Avoid magic if at all possible! Aha! I see you now."

And with that, he landed at the door and walked over to the bed, where Sembri and Toren had been sleeping.

"Sai! What...? How...? Um...I'm confused."

"Sembri, calm down, I've been talking with Toren, telepathically. You see, I'm a...."

"Wizard, yes, I know. What I mean is, how did you get here so quickly from Talbithar? It was going to take us weeks at best!"

Sai stood baffled.

"Toren, did you...?"

"Nope, she told me she thought she knew, but didn't say any more than that. I'm surprised, she's exactly right!"

Sembri stood proud and tall, a smile that could rival any crossed her face.

"Sai," she said, "the only reason I figured it out is because I'm part sorceress. My Priestess powers come first, of course, but that doesn't change the fact that it is in me. I found my great-grandfather's journal, I know you were great friends with him. You instilled in him the ancient magic of the wizards, which can only be done in a very dire circumstance. The need must have been great for you to do that, but you did. He wrote about how the phenomenon took place that day and I've known for years, but as my own powers grew, more and more pages that had appeared blank before had words written on them. Apparently a very powerful wizard made it to where no one except another with the same powers and from the same bloodline could ever read it. There is still much more there, I know it, but I will wait to read more until you tell me its alright to do so."

"Sembri, I... I don't know what to say now. I was going to sum it all up, but it seems you've already done that behind my back. Heh. Well, no sense wasting time. I will know where our enemy is at all times...."

"You mean Cain, right?"

"Well, I think I'll not say anything else until you inform me of just how much you've learned since I've been away. You really do surprise me sometimes. Sembri."



They talked well into the night. Sembri filled Sai in on everything that had happened so far, including the city and how many different people she could detect in the chaos. Sai shook his head in disbelief and wonder at all that Sembri and Toren had accomplished in such a short amount of time.

"Your instincts as a sorceress even took over when you were trying to block out Toren's dream! You were doing exactly the right thing to counter the magic. You must imagine a solid wall around yourself, almost as if you were putting a defensive spell around your mind and another around your head. You need that much protection, that much strength behind it. The only thing you did wrong was the imagery used to create it. Not the body, but the mind, my dear. Next time, you will get it. As for me knowing about Cain, I am deeply sorry, I should have told you sooner."

"Yes, you should have. I do have one question though, was that the thing you were afraid wouldn't make me want to go with you?"

"No, it is something much bigger and much more dangerous than that. However, if you really want to know, I will tell you. We cannot turn back now, so make up your mind. You will be better prepared for it if I tell you, however, you might be too frightened to even rise up to the occasion if you know. Which is it? I will honor your decision."

"No. I don't wish to be frightened, but if I do ask later on, will you tell me then?"

"Of course. When you are ready, if you ever are, let me know. Now, let's practice those mind-reading skills you've acquired."



They practiced for what was left of the night, Sai letting some of his thoughts escape the barrier that he had placed on his memories. Sembri wasn't yet strong enough to break it, there were some things she simply did not need to know. She was good though, she had been able to block his most recent attempt for a full ten minutes before getting too tired to hold it back anymore. This from an inexperienced sorceress who had just recently acquired her powers. Sai could barely hold back his excitement of the situation. He knew that, eventually, the powers he had put in her great grandfather would be passed down, but he never expected it to happen this soon, and with her being a Priestess as well! My, how she had grown! He was very proud of her, but if he let on too much, she might get it in her head that she could do anything, and he very well couldn't have that. She had to do the near impossible as it was, he didn't need her getting into any more trouble.

"Well, I think you've worn yourself out enough for one night, Sembri. Let's take a break, huh?"

"Sure. I'm just gonna go wash up before bed."

She walked out of the room to the small bathroom at the other side of the house, Toren watching her go. Sai just smiled. Sembri had finally found someone she was comfortable enough with to go on a journey. He had been telling her for years she needed to travel, but the only time she went anywhere was if someone needed her for something. She was doing this for a greater purpose, he knew, but she was also having fun while she was.

It was just too bad that she had Cain tracking them now. How could he have given him her name?! He knew her from childhood, but that was the old Cain, the Cain that actually cared about what others thought of him and took care of other people. After he killed his brother, he went missing for years. When news of him finally surfaced, Sai had heard that he was a benevolent ruler in the capital city of Talbithar. When he got there, however, it was almost as if he wasn't the same person anymore. His entire personality took a wrong turn or something, you couldn't talk to him anymore and get any kind of positive response. He even treated Sai like a prisoner who had threatened his life. Of course, that was also the first time he had seen him since the day he left. Cain knew him, why did he treat him that way? Unless.... No, it just couldn't be. But that would be a valid explanation for why Cain had done all those things.

"Toren, make sure Sembri gets plenty of sleep tonight. I have to go out for a while. Call me if you need me, I'll be close."


Sai stepped out of the front door and walked a short distance to a clearing in the trees. There could really be no other reason for his change of attitude, but he had to make sure. The only way to do that was to speak to the Heavens directly. He started glowing a bright silver color, sending sparks flying through the openings in the trees. The animals took little notice of him, barely glancing from the corners of their eyes, then going back to sleep. He floated into the air and hovered with his toes barely grazing the grass. Silvery light flooded the area now, squirrels chattering angrily at him for waking them before crawling deeper into their homes. Then all color, all light around him, was pulled back into him. It was now pitch black besides his eyes, still glowing bright silver. A slow moving beam of light came down from the sky, glowing white. It touched the top of his head, and he vanished.



The next morning, Toren and Sembri woke to find Sai just walking in the door. All color had drained from his face and his eyes had a look of defeat about them. He walked to the chair in the corner, then slumped down into it. He got out his pipe, lit it, then stared out the window into space. Sembri looked at Toren, unsure of what was going on.

"Toren, what...?"

"Shh, let's go outside and give him some space."

The two got up and walked away from the cabin a good distance before sitting down on an old tree stump. It had been chopped down long ago, but had been a fairly large tree. The two could comfortably sit on the top facing each other.

"What's the deal with Sai? He was out all night last night, and now he looks even more depressed than ever."

"I think he found out."

"Found out what?"

"About what Cain is. About who he is."

"I already told you who he is, and his past. You know who he is, and so do I."

"No," Toren sighed. "It's not that simple. He's not what you think he is, not anymore at any rate. He's not exactly human anymore. I can't tell you any more than that, but I'm sure even with that much information you can tell just how much more dangerous he is than a normal human being. He was ruthless even as a human. Now, he is the most cold-blooded ruler ever known. His power could crush you with a thought. The only thing that protects you is a bond to others. That's why I'm happy we get along so well. Were we not friends, he could crush us now; wipe us from the face of the planet with a single thought."

Sembri stared into Toren's eyes, unable to believe what she was hearing, but also knowing Toren wouldn't lie to her. The forest was alive with life: A cicada chirped in the trees above them; a squirrel was chattering happily at a new-found treasure; birds were singing joyfully. Sembri and Toren sat among it all, on a collision course with death.

"Then what hope is there that we will succeed in defeating him? And what will he do if we fail?"

"There is very little chance of our success, but we are the only two with any hope whatsoever. We have to try. And I don't know what will happen if we fail, but I'm afraid to find out about the consequences."

Sembri moved beside Toren and leaned against him. They could see the sun rising through the trees, a beautiful painting of colors splashed across the sky.

"Toren, if we do get through this alive, where will you go after Cain is dead? You said you were from somewhere called Nae. Will you go back?"

"No, I won't go back. I can't. Once one of our people leave, there is no returning. We are banished for life. I have no where else to go now, but I'll be fine. I'll find somewhere to live, don't worry."

"Well, I have a nice little cabin back in my own town we could go to together, if you don't mind that is. Now that mom's gone, we'll have the place all to ourselves."

"That would be great, Sem. So, how long have you had those mind-reading powers anyway?"

"Since the night she and Curt died."

"So, you know that Cain knows about me too, then. You know he wants us both."

"Yes, but why does he want you, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I am now the only outsider who knows where my village is. Nae has been hidden for many, many centuries. Only the people who live there know where it is. It's protected by very powerful, ancient magic that no one alive can breach. Unless you know exactly where it is, there's no way to even tell it exists. My people are very powerful when it comes to magic and we have a special ability. Super strength and speed. We are faster and stronger than any other race on Kenai. Cain desires the secrets of our powers. We also have a number of deadly magical items stored away that he would love to get his grimy hands on. We are the protectors of many things, really, that could be of great aid to him. If he finds me, he may be able to breach the magic and enter my world."

"Your world? I thought you said it was a city."

Toren slapped his hand over his mouth and his eyes went wide.

"It's alright, I won't tell anyone. And I won't ask anymore about it."

"Thanks, Sem." He let out a breath and smiled.

She leaned against his shoulder and they watched the sunrise through the trees. After about an hour, they decided it was time to check in on Sai and headed back to the cabin.



The guard on duty was sent away when two bigger ones were sent into the tiny cell. His cellmate was still unconscious from the last quake and was lying by the door. He knew it was him they were after, though. After all, he had what they wanted.

"Hello, boys. Nice day, isn't it?"

One of them backhanded him, breaking his nose. He made to cover it with one hand, but the other guard pinned his arms behind him. A burly face peered into his own, rank breath invaded his nostrils.

"Where is it?"

"Where is what?" He smiled innocently.

The comment earned him a hard blow to the gut. The impact caused him to vomit, but the guard still held him up. His shoulders were beginning to ache from the weight. Once he had finished, the first guard continued.

"Now, where is the stone? We found texts that mention it and we have reason to believe that you have it."

He did have it, but he was so fascinated with it that he didn't want to give it to them. The way the colors changed with the happenings around him, it was so amazing.

When he didn't answer, they hit him again, causing him to heave in dry convulsions.

"Last chance: the stone, or my sword through you."

The guard behind him let his arms go and he fell to the floor. Pulling himself up with one arm, he took the stone out of his pocket. It had changed colors to a blood red: the warning of death. The stone was snatched from his fingers almost as soon as he held it out. He heard a distinctive ringing of steel from a sword being drawn behind him. As it came through, he could see the bloody blade jutting from his chest. His last few moments were excruciating, but at long last his breathing stopped and the sword was returned to its scabbard. The guards exited the cell, not noticing that the crazy loon who had once also occupied it was gone.



He had done it! He was finally out of that foul-smelling dungeon. The guards were so used to everyone being frightened of them that they forgot to pay attention to the ones who occasionally weren't, even the ones they thought were crazy. At least he knew his act had worked. They all still believed him to be a lunatic, frightened by his own shadow. Now that he was clear of the stone walls and dripping ceilings, he headed to what he had last remembered to be the guards' quarters. There, he could at least stock up on some supplies and an alias to suit his needs.

He took caution, but moved quickly to the large area just a little to the left of the cells and found that even his bed had been left untouched by everyone. They must have been afraid that with him being insane he might come back to haunt them for messing with his things. The people in this city were extremely superstitious. Luckily there was no one else in the room as he made his way over to the bunk that once belonged to him. He never did call this place home, but his bed was his, as was his trunk, and everyone knew the consequences if they were touched. He opened his trunk and found everything was perfect, exactly the way he left it. He quickly donned his old soldier's uniform and covered himself with a cloak. All of his weapons had been taken from him when he was arrested, but the armory was easy enough to find.

He went into the very next room, loaded with weapons of every kind. He pulled a long sword from a scabbard to check and make sure it would suit him. After a few slashes in the air, he returned the blade and slung the baldric over his shoulder. He attached two daggers to each side of his belt and put a knife into each boot. If he was going to do this, he might as well be heavily armed. He covered it all with his cape and walked to the other side of the room where he had hidden a secret stash of money long ago. He moved aside a shield and a chain mail shirt and stared at the blank wall behind it. He found the knot hole he wanted and pushed on it. The bottom of the board squng out, revealing a bowl full to overflowing with coins. Most of them were silver, but there were a few gold. He was supposed to give all the money he had for the good of the army when he joined up, but something pulled at the back of his mind, telling him to keep it. He had given them five silver pieces, telling them it was all that he had. And a good thing, to. He emptied the contents of the bowl into a pouch at his side and fastened it securely.

He walked out of the room with an airy gait that he hoped would get him to the exit. He looked like nothing more than a traveler with the cape, but he was extremely well armed and knew how to use each weapon with efficiency. He walked to the main gate, and was for the first time stopped and questioned. They asked him where he was going and his purpose there.

"You dare to question one of Cain's specials? How dare you proclaim such mockery to our ruler! He does not tell anyone of his specials' missions, nor is anyone but the specials allowed to know. Now let me pass!"

"I would like to, sir, I truly would," he stuttered out, "but you are not dressed as a special should be. Where are your weapons? And your silver wristbands?"

"I'm going in disguise, you dolt. I have weapons, but they are all hidden. I merely look like a traveler, and by Cain's orders I'm to leave this palace. Now move!"

"Yes, sir! Right away, sir!" He made a feeble attempt at a salute. "Lower the bridge!" he called to the guards ahead.

Now this was working perfectly. He was finally leaving this dreadful place. He needed to gain his strength back before he returned, but first he had to get away fast before anyone noticed he was gone.

"Get a horse ready for me," he told the young sentry. "By the time I get to the stables, I should be ready to ride with ample supplies. I will be gone for quite a while, pack plenty of food."

The sentry jumped on his horse and raced ahead of the man proclaiming to be a special.



After a ten-minute walk to the stables, the old man found two horses, food, and money, enough for well over two years, ready and waiting for him.

"We thought you might want to change horses and rest one for a while, so we got two ready for you. I hope this pleases you, and Cain, of course."

"Yes, well, you have done more than enough. When I return, Cain will know of how generous you have been to me. You will be rewarded as such."

With that, he mounted one of his horses, both black stallions of the highest quality, and headed for his childhood home, a cabin long abandoned, deep in a secluded forest. Little did he know, it was no longer abandoned.



A demon in disguise sat at the desk, one that he had known for years, and drummed his fingers on the surface, thinking to himself. Cain was a beloved ruler back then, kind and gentle. He was loved and admired by all in his vast kingdom. His lands were beautiful and safe, and he looked after every person, no matter their value to him. Cain was summoned for a trial one day, a very evil man had been torturing villagers, reeking havoc, deeds done so horrible that no one even dared to mention them.

Cain brought them to trial for his actions and found him guilty of his crimes. The next day, when he was beheaded, an evil spirit rose from his body and found a new home in Cain. His whole demeanor changed. He was no longer a kind and generous king. He hated his people and was driven with one purpose: to rid the world of the demons known as Priestesses. Cain once cherished Priestesses and their powers, but once the spirit entered him, something took over and the only need he knew was murder. Unfortunately, only a few Priestesses were able to escape him. He was the best strategist the former king had. Cain had come to power after he had died. The king had no heir, and Cain was by all means the best man for the job. He had lived almost his entire life in Talbithar, knew the ways of the people, and could defend his kingdom better than any with his knowledge of strategy. However, that was now his strongest ally in the war against the Priestesses. None would survive. He would make sure of it.



"Where is he?! I locked him in this room for a reason, now where is he?! Find him now!" Cain stormed out of the dungeon, slitting the guard's throat on the way out who had let the man escape. Kunta Karae must be found.

He was the one who had told him about the stones in the beginning. That was while he was still good. He shuddered at the thought. However, there was still an innocent and pure part of him locked away in his mind. It was Cain's spirit, it had refused to give in when he had taken over this body. It was also keeping valuable information from him. Long ago, Kunta had brought Cain an ancient stone for safe keeping. It changed colors according to the people's feelings around the holder. He knew it had turned blood red when they found the thief that stole it. He had thought at first that the stone that was brought to him was the one Kunta had given him. However, when he held it, it remained like a pool of stars in a silver river, trapped behind glass. Both stones looked this way when laid down, but his stone changed the moment he touched it. This was its twin. It was then that he realized who must have taken it.

His assistant was the only one who knew of his stone, and also disappeared only to try and regain his status with the return of a fake stone. Kunta had mentioned something about another stone, he knew that much, but he had gone into explicit detail of how to use the two together. Cain was still clinging to that information with everything he had. He didn't want the evil spirit to succeed in his plan. He still very much loved Sembri, he could feel it whenever he tried to pry the secrets from him. It was the only thing keeping him from it. Maybe if he mentioned Toren, things would change. Maybe he wouldn't trust Sembri as much. He would do anything to get that information, including lying about the relationship between the two of them. He had even taken Kunta as a prisoner five years ago to try and get the information he needed, but he refused. He killed his wife and daughter right in front of him, then had him tortured until he could no longer scream, only to start again the next day. Still Kunta wouldn't tell him anything. He must get that man back, he was his only hope, and he knew it.

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