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~ Prophecy's End
~ The Dream
~ From Life to Death
~ Loneliness
~ Rain
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~ The Sorceress's Knight
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A Letter and the Truth

Back at the cabin, Toren and Sembri had been making breakfast when Sai suddenly dropped the pipe he had been clinging to for hours and shot to his feet. Sembri shared a confused look with Toren before they saw Sai run outside. They followed him at breakneck speed into the same clearing he had used the night before.

"Stand back. Don't come out of the trees, but you may watch."

They stopped in their tracks and took a protective place behind a tree with their heads poled out on either side. Sai lifted his hands into the air and began to chant in a language neither of them could understand. Red sparkles shot from his fingertips and a shimmering dome started over the forest. They saw it go out to around the edges of the area they used and head down to the ground.

"I put up a shield I haven't used for ages. I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner! Cain has acquired the power to fly, and to read minds, but this shield will prevent anyone from knowing we're here. I've made it seem like the only thing here is a forest with animals in it. You can't even tell there's a cabin here, not unless someone already knew where it was. This way, we don't have to go any closer to Cain until we feel we're ready," he said. "Or until we're forced to."

"What do you mean, forced to?" He turned and saw a very angry looking Sembri advancing towards him. He had forgot about her recently acquired powers for a moment.

"Sorry, my dear. I only meant that we could stay here unless Cain's plans proceed faster than expected."

"Right." She paused to give him a wary glare. "You're still hiding something." She narrowed her eyes and a smirk crept to her face. "But I'll find out one day."

Toren walked over to them, fear evident in his face. "So, where is Cain right now? Is he, like, anywhere near us, or does he still have no clue? Or can we even find out?"

"Straight to the point, as always. I put a tracer on him that only I could remove so that I would know where he is, and he is currently headed further north. He believes I hid Sembri away in someplace he would never think of, so he's checking those places first. Little does he know, we're practically right under his nose." Sai chuckled to himself.

"What do you mean, 'right under his nose'? We're miles away from Talbithar, and you know it! It would take us weeks to get there!"

"Then how did I find you so quickly? How did Toren get you from Banil to Corinth in less than a week? How is Cain so far north right now, even far enough to be above an unchartered continent?"

"I... I don't know." She hung her head, deep in thought.

"Ancient magic, Sem! I told you, remember? About Nae? We can fly. All people with some form of magic can learn how, even you. It was harder for me, because I don't have the power of a sorcerer or sorceress, but it will be even easier for you than it was for Sai. You have the power of the Angels. You have the power to have actual wings! I know you've seen them. Whenever you call an Angel, don't wings appear on your back? They seem to shimmer every color imaginable. They're lighter than air, and you lift off of the ground.

She felt her head nodding in agreement, then the all-too-familiar shadow crossed in her eyes. She looked to the ground, lost in her own thoughts.

"What will happen? How will I be able to fly?" she asked, already knowing the answer.

"The Angels. They will lend you the power needed."

Sembri looked up, her eyes now completely grey with dark shapes swirling around.

"I can't. Don't ask, just.... Don't make me do this."

She fell to her knees and felt Toren put his arms around her. She was shaking.

"Sem, look at me." Toren put his hand under her chin and lifted her face to his. He searched her eyes for any sign of color. The blue he loved so much was gone.

"I'm sorry. Toren, I'm so sorry. I... I can't see anything. Please, don't leave me." Tears were streaming down her cheeks.

He helped her to her feet and led her to a tree, then sad beside her, pulling her head to rest on his shoulder.

"It's alright. Just sleep for now."

Sai walked to them and covered her eyes with his hand. He whispered a few words, sending her into a deep sleep. He cast another spell and her body lifted into the air.

"Come, my boy, let's get her into the cabin. We'll sort this out later. Besides, breakfast is waiting for us."


Kunta's horses were faster than he'd expected. When that sentry had told him the horses were the best, he had meant it. It was the first time he had stopped since beginning his trip two days ago. He was headed south to his childhood home in the woods. He remembered every detail about it. It was quite comfortable, just him and his mother. He was still so young that they had only needed a single bed. Some of his mother's friends had provided a few pieces of furniture for them, and they had lived there for four years before his mother decided to return to his father. His years in the cabin were peaceful, and he longed to be there at that very moment.

He had only stopped in the town he did because it was the last before he reached his save haven. He stocked up on dried goods and non-perishable foods. He had enough rice to last him several years and the dried meats were enough for quite a while as well. He wouldn't need to take another trip to town for at least a year. He also bought a small wagon to put all of his provisions into and hooked both of the horses to it. He bought material and a sewing kit to provide himself with clothes while he stayed there. Also paper, pens, ink wells, candles, matches, and an arrangement of weapons. He bought at least one of every kind of weapon he could get his hands on. He did, however, buy ten daggers, five short swords, and twelve long swords. He planned to be in training for a long time, and didn't want to wait for new weapons to be made in order to continue. When asked why he needed such an abundant supply, he answered that he was training a very small fleet for Cain's army. No more questions were raised, and people helped him with whatever he needed.

The town watched with baited breath as the stranger departed from their town. The mention of Cain's name alone had the hair at the nape of their necks standing on end. Though he was the best customer they'd ever had, they also hoped he wouldn't be back to seek revenge on any unfair prices. The villagers were on high alert for the next week due to his sudden appearance.


Sembri awoke the next day earlier than anyone else. Her eyes were clear again and she went outside to stretch her stiff legs, recalling yesterday's events. She didn't want to fly. She would rather not relive that experience. She felt the shadows coming back, so she pushed the thoughts to the back of her mind. She would not allow him access today, she refused. Once her mind was clear again, she went back to the clearing in the woods and practiced for a few spells. A few trees were singed by the time she finished and her hands tingled from the powers she'd been using. She sat down to rest a moment before heading back, and it was then that she felt the eyes on her.


He was riding up the only trail he knew that led to his old cabin when he saw her in the clearing. She had long brown hair, and looked to be quite young. However, with her back to him as it was, he couldn't quite tell. Streaks of light were flying everywhere, and he could tell she was very powerful. He also sensed a kind of peace about her. She went to sit on a tree stump and suddenly her body tensed up. He froze, afraid that if he moved, she might run. She was looking around the clearing now, searching for something. He knew that she sensed him, so he stepped out timidly, letting her know that she had nothing to fear. She walked to him with her head held high.

"Who are you? What are you doing here? Do not lie to me, I will know the truth as soon as you speak it."

"Ma'am, I was only on my way to my cabin. I didn't know anyone was here, I swear."

She seemed to appraise him before turning her back to him.

"Follow me."

She walked straight to the cabin, listening to the man's thoughts the whole way. They were staying in what appeared to be his old home, and he was afraid. Her demeanor had scared him to no end, and her actions now weren't helping matters. But until she took him to see Sai, she had no reason to trust him.

"Sai, wake up. We have a visitor. Meet me outside, I'll be there soon."

Once at the cabin, the old man seemed to gain some authority. He stood up tall as he walked towards the man standing in the way of his home. "Who are you?"

"My name is Sai. And you are?" A friendly smile crossed his face and he extended a hand towards the stranger.

"Kunta Karae. Why are you here? I own this property, why did you decide to take over someone's home on your own?"

"I'm terribly sorry. When we got here, the place was covered in vines, and it looked as if no one had been here for years. We are not, however, going to leave. I'd greatly appreciate your approval of our staying, but we will not leave."

"You dare tell me what to do with my own property?! Who gave you the right over what I do?"

"I am a wizard, Kunta. That gives me all the authority I need. Please, let me explain our situation. I believe you'll find we have many things in common, one being our enemy."

Kunta stood bug-eyed and slack-jawed while he stared at him. "Either he's a genius or just plain stupid. No one would be inane enough to admit they have an enemy! Anyone could turn them in! But, how did he know I would have one?"

"Wizard, remember? And I'm far from stupid." The wizard laughed as Kunta stood in disbelief. "Come, let us sit at the table for a little chat. Maybe we can come to a solution about Cain. Sembri, bring me a stick. Any stick will do."

"Sure." She bent down and picked up a stick about as long as her forearm. "Will this do?"

"Yes, perfect. Give it here, my dear." He laid the stick on the floor before waving his arm over it. The stick gradually grew into a chair with a high back delicately carved with an ancient dialect. The seat was covered in crimson velvet and the arms and feet both had claws on the ends. Sai sat down gracefully in his newly crafted masterpiece. "Do you like it? I have one just like it at home." Everyone stood around with shocked faces. "Wouldn't you like to sit down? Our story might take a while to tell. Sembri, Toren, stop being so rude and offer our guest some breakfast."

"Yeah, sure..." Toren walked past Sembri and shrugged while she opened the cupboard. New dishes now occupied the shelves that had been nearly empty the day before. She sighed and began removing dishes for the four of them while Toren began serving breakfast. She also found that an ice box now stood to the side of the sink. The small wooden box had an ice compartment on the top that kept the food stored below cool. "Sai, where...?"

"All in good time, my dear. Now, where to begin." He tapped his chin in thought, then turned to the young girl. "Oh yes, and Sembri, once you finish eating, please take Toren to the lake. I believe you two need to see something there."


Toren led Sembri out by the hand. Sai had been telling Kunta everything. He must have trusted him, because he didn't leave out any details. He even explained the deaths of Curt and Sembri's mother, bringing both of them to tears. Though they questioned Sai's reasoning, the only explanation he would give them was "all in good time." They were both list in their thoughts and at the lake before they knew it.

"What is it that Sai wants us to see?"

"I'm not sure, Sem. Let's look around, maybe we won't have to ask him. But, just in case, let's not split up."

They were about half way around the lake when they came across a small sapling with a letter attached to it. It was held up with a light blue piece of ribbon and it was glowing light silver. It read: "You are not alone, Priestess. You'll find me in two days, right here, at noon. I will only be able to visit for a short time, so do not be late."

The hair at the nape of Toren's neck was standing on end. "What does that mean? Sem, what's it mean?" He took her by the shoulders, getting a bit hysterical. "Are we being watched? Does Cain know? Should we..."

"Toren, calm down. Look at the letter. Only a Priestess can do that. Only we can make a message glow. And, only we have access to that type of ribbon. You should know that. It is reserved only for our purposes."

"So, you trust whoever sent you this letter?"

"Yes. And so does Sai, otherwise he wouldn't have let me anywhere near this spot."

"True. So we're coming back, then?"

"Yes. Leave the letter, though. That way if it does turn out to be someone we can't trust, we can act like we never saw it."

"Good idea, now let's get back to Sai and Kunta. Sai's probably finished telling him why we're here, maybe we'll get to hear his story."


When they walked in the door, Kunta was sitting with his eyes fixed on the table, shaking his head. When he heard the door open, he looked up, and Sembri saw that he had been crying. He slowly stood up and walked over to the girl, then hugged her.

"I'm so sorry, Sembri. I had no idea how much you had gone through just to get here. You are all welcome to stay here as long as you like."

"Um, thanks. But why are you here? It doesn't look like anyone has lived here for a long time. Why come back now?"

Kunta looked at each of them in turn. "I am also being chased by Cain. He is after my knowledge of the two stones that he now possesses. One I gave him long ago, and the one he stole from you."

Sembri went rigid as her eyes grew wide.

"Calm down, girl, before your eyes pop out of your head," said Sai. "I knew it was gone before you did."

"You... you did? So all this time I was worrying over nothing?"

"Oh, no. There is still much to worry about. The stone, in and of itself, can bring great power to the holder. But when brought together with its counterpart, the effects can be catastrophic. There's no telling what Cain plans to do with them, but from his demeanor as of late, we can only hope he won't bring utter destruction to the world as we know it. Thankfully, there are many things protecting that stone. And one of those things left their own homeland of their own free will, never to return again, in order to protect both the stone and the one to whom it is bound." He looked at Toren. "You."

Sembri looked as well. He was staring at the table, lost in his thoughts. "He gave up everything to protect me? Why?"

"Sem, I... I have to tell you something. Come outside with me?"'

"No need, Kunta and I need to have a little talk of our own, we'll leave. You left long enough for us to talk last time. It's our turn to give you some privacy." Sai waved his hand over his elegant chair, turning it once again into a stick, only this time one sturdy enough to be used as a walking stick. It flew into Sai's outstretched hand as he and Kunta left the cabin.

Sembri turned back to Toren, confusion evident on her face.

"Sem, I've known you for a lot longer than I first let on. I was there on the day you were born. Your powers have always been known to those in Nae. Even before your grandpa was given the powers of a sorcerer. In that time, one was chosen to be your protector. That person was me. My race has no age, Sem. We are immortals. Anyone who stays in Nae for at least a year becomes one. However, I am pure. I was born there, as were my parents, the proof of which is my tail. We are born as normal people are. We are babies, and we grow to look the age of teenagers. That is where the aging stops."

"Wait, you said you could never return to your world once you left. How, then, could you have been there when I was born?"

"You weren't born on Kenai. You were born in Nae. Your mother and father were summoned there so that your protector could be chosen. They took you back down to Kenai one week after your birth."

"Wow. I... I never had a clue...."

"I have lived over 300 years, and in all my life, this is the first time that I have something that I must do. The pure are given free reign over Nae. We do as we please, and no one says otherwise. This way, we build our own personalities and morals. When we turn the age of fifteen, we are judged. No one knows until they are of age so that they may be judged correctly. At the coming of age ceremony, we are taken to the high priest. If we have grown with sound morals and have done good, we stay as we are. However, if we have been corrupt and devious in our lives, we become Angels. The same ones you call forth to help people. The Angels are bound to a life of service and forced to do what their master bids.

"Sem, I've been watching over you since you were very young, and I know the pain you felt when you called your first Angel for Cain. I also know that you feel regret at what you made it do. Please do not feel sorry for it. The things it did while in Nae were far worse than what it did to Cain's brother. Trust me on this one." He took her hand and squeezed it gently. She didn't pull away, but she also didn't return the gesture.

"So, you have known everything I've told you about my past. Why did you lie to me?"

"I knew you wouldn't trust me if I told you. Your friends must earn your trust in them. It takes a lot to do so. After Cain, you couldn't trust anyone easily. I knew that you would be worried about a person who already knew you."

"You're right about that. Wait.... you're... immortal?"

"Yeah. I'll never grow old, and I'll never die a mortal's death."

"But, how can your people hide all of this from mortals? Wouldn't someone notice after a while?"

"My homeland is in the sky. It hovers above the desert to the east. It used to be on Kenai, but we raised it when the suspicions of mortals started. We wiped their memories clear of any knowledge of our city."

"Then how did you get down here? It must be high above us, or it would be seen. How could you have survived the fall to the ground?"

"First, it's only a few hundred feet, there is a wall of invisibility alone with other barriers that surround it to keep it unknown to humans. And the Angels still live with us to do our bidding as well. I was flown down by one of them. They are servants to us when not being summoned by Priestesses. Since you are the last, the only mortal they will answer to is you."

"But what about the message? Didn't it say that I wasn't alone? Only a Priestess could have left it."

"I'm not sure. All I know is, you are the only surviving Priestess. This has been true for the past year."

Toren looked at her as her eyes swirled with different emotions. "I... I have to think about this. Tell Sai I won't be gone long, and I won't be far if he needs me." She got up and walked out, in the opposite direction of Sai and Kunta.

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