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Chapter History

Through chapter events, community services, and social activities, Simpson High School has been providing ideas and building character for tomorrow's business leaders. Each year our members accomplish greater tasks; and just when we think the pinnacle of perfection has been reached, the members set a new standard or connect on even a higher level.

Twenty-seven years after the first Louisiana FBLA chapter was established, business teacher Violet Edwards founded the Simpson High School Chapter of Future Business Leaders of America. The chapter was chartered in the fall of 1977, with a membership of 10. After two years of existence, our chapter received a new advisor, Sharon Mock, who served for 5 years. For the last 13 years, under the direction of Kay Ketchum, Simpson FBLA has been an energetic chapter. Mrs. Kay's unlimited energy and devotion have been the chapter's backbone. We have attended and competed in every district and state conference, including seven Southern Region National Fall Leadership Conferences and five National Conferences.

Our chapter has had the honor of receiving the "Gold Seal Award" at the National Conference on 12 different occasions. With a rich history of 22 years of active involvement, the chapter has helped members begin the process of "Building Character to Shape the Future."

Violet Edwards

Sharon Mock

Kay Ketchum

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