Chapter Meetings and Conferences
Chapter Meetings:
For chapter meetings, see Program of Work page.
1998 State Fall Leadership Conference: Twenty-two members attended the Louisiana State Fall Leadership Conference at Leesville High School on October 17, 1998. At the conference, members attended interesting workshops, and enjoyed lunch served by the high school. Afterwards, members cheered on the current events team as they competed in a Battle of the Chapters contest.
1998 National Fall Leadership Conference: On November 6-7, two members of the Simpson FBLA Chapter attended the National Fall Leadership Conference in Birmingham, Alabama. President Megan DeLacerda and 1st Vice President Brandy Bolton attended exciting and informative workshops an managing stress, team work, and communication skills. Megan and Brandy also facilitated a workshop on managing time wisely. Brandy also represented Simpson High School FBLA by serving as National Southern Region Secretary for the National Southern Region Vice President, Rachel Chance.
1999 District IV Leadership Conference: On January 22, 1999, forty-eight enthusiastic competitors traveled to McNeese State University for the 1999 District IV Leadership Conference. Our chapter won 6 first places, 13 superiors, and 15 excellent. We are very proud of our chapter and proud to represent Simpson High School FBLA. For more information about these events see district competition on the Chapter Awards Page.
1999 State Leadership Conference: On March 4-6, 1999, nineteen chapter members traveled to Baton Rouge for the State Leadership Conference. Also during this time chapter members were competing at the Sweet 16 and the Top 28 Basketball finals. Members placed in 14 state events.
1999 National Leadership Conference: On June 25-July 3, 1999, seven members will be traveling to Chicago, Illinois, for the National Leadership Conference. Michael McKnight, Megan DeLacerda, and Jeffrey Cooley will compete in Chapter Website Award of Merit. Randi Schamerhorn, Rachel Smith, and Ashley Nelson will compete in Business Plan Project. Brandy Bolton will compete in Louisiana's Who's Who in FBLA. All of these members plan to make new friends and a lot of great memories.
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