Financial and Fundraising Activities
Our chapter's main fundraiser is Tom Wat sales. The chapter treasurer and class representatives make up the core Tom Wat committee. For this fundraiser, orders are taken from both a catalog and a display box. This two-week event was held during October and produced a total of $3,588.65 in sales. Our chapter also sponsored the 2nd annual Sadie Hawkin's Dance at Simpson High School, producing a net profit of $183. Computer classes were sponsored for the community, raising $105. Selling popsicles and candy at the concession stand during ball games made a net profit of $536.88. The next step was having an Easter Cake sale to all of the local businesses. Our chapter worked with Price-Lo Grocery to accomplish this feat. The cakes made a profit of $384.75. "Kiss-A-Senior Goodbye" kisses, proved to be an excellent and fun way of raising funds. Hershey Kisses were sold to students to be presented in a decorated bag to the seniors on their last day at lunch. This fundraiser profited a total of $39.75.
In the fall of 1987 the Simpson chapter of FBLA bought forty-four shares in the American Funds Group of ICA. These shares were bought for a NAV of $18.17. Our initial investment of $400 was matched by an anonymous donor. The chapter now owns 70.833 shares worth $30.78 each. The total fund value, as of December 1998, is $2,180.24.
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