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My AWARDS & Webring Memberships{{thrusting out chest}}<<grin>>
"We are the Champions" Queen

My Awards & Webring Memberships
A heart-felt "THANK YOU" to all you have presented me with
an award to display! As I said on a previous page....."I would rather GIVE than receive"!!!

June 1999/October 1999 Recipient

Super Seventies
                Classic Award
See what you can receive if you sign the right GuestBook!!(look above)

Now...CLICK the Pulsar to see my list of Webring Memberships!


SEE!!! I told you it wouldn't take long!

Back to the Award Showcase!!
The Classic Rock ClockShoppe
The InFlight Tribute
"Thee" Rock n Roll Oasis
Visions 2000-Lake Applet Lounge