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Do not forget to entertain strangers,

for by so doing some people have

entertained angels without knowing it.

~Hebrews 13:2~

I will not wish thee riches, nor the glow of greatness,

But that wherever thou go some weary

heart shall gladden at thy smile,

Or shadowed life know sunshine for a while.

And so thy path shall be a track of light,

Like angels' footsteps passing through the night.

I believe in angels that they

are always hovering near,

whispering encouragement

whenever clouds appear,

protecting us from danger

and showing us the way,

performing little miracles

within our lives each day.

An angel formed of purest love

Is sent to you from God above.

Ever watchful and always true

An angel meant for only you.

To guide through darkness to the light

To defend your day and guide your night.

May angelic peace come shining through

And hurry the blessings of God to you.

~B Ewing~

Blessed are the holy ones,

the men who live on high;

They are the messengers of GOD,

True devotees of CHRIST,

Whether lowly angel class,

or arcangels they be;

Or up the nine-stepped stairway

known as Heaven's hierarchy.

In Arab they are Mala'kah,

in Greek the Angelos;

But to us they are known as angels,

the divine Heavenly Host.

~M J Kovich~

Sow seeds of kindness everyday

and sprinkle frequently with laughter

Pick friendships with care

Weed out bad thoughts

Grow a little every day

Be perennially happy

Remember that everything

under heaven is a miracle ...

Come to me oh angel of light,

Feel my pain in the night.

The world sleeps in blissful delight,

Never knowing my blight.

They only see what is straight ahead,

Never venturing from their beds.

Oh, angel of the light come to me,

grant me love and peace with thee.

I feel your love deep in my soul,

Come to me and make me whole.

Oh, Angel of the Light,

Come to me in the night.

~S Weiss~

Today I stumbled and once again

was lifted up by an unseen hand.

What comfort and joy that knowledge brings,

For I hear the whisper of Angel Wings.

The guardian angels God sends to us all,

to bear us up when we stumble and fall.

Trust him, my friend, and often you will hear~~

The Whisper of Angel Wings, hovering near.

Ten angels, walk beside me each and every day.

Ten angels, help to guide me,

to give me comfort and protect.

They have been my companions since I was very young.

Now you ask me, why Ten?

Do you think you are special?

Why not one, or two, or three? Why Ten?

Surely you don't need so many?

Well, each and every angel has a special job

to do. Yes, it seems even angels specialize.

All of us know, FAITH, HOPE, and CHARITY,

they are wonderful angels and all so overworked.

But there are seven more, you see,

and each and every one gives comfort and protect.

The fourth angel is the angel I call, TOLERANCE.

Whom I fear we do not use enough,

for if we did there would not be any Bigotry or Hate.

The next angel I call, FORGIVENESS,

who is under-utilized as well.

Who among us could not do with more

FORGIVENESS in our hearts.

Then we have the angel I call, BEAUTY.

We all see so much ugliness in life.

I don't know a single soul who couldn't

do with more BEAUTY in their life.

The next two angels are twins.

I call them JOY and HAPPINESS;

they are most often seen walking hand in hand.

My favorite angel is the one called, FRIEND,

because this little angel is the one who can

bring real riches to our lives.

I have often heard her saying,

"To have a friend, one must first be a friend."

And do you know, it WORKS!!!

Last but in no way least is the angel I call, LOVE.

Sometimes she seems so shy and

it seems like she is sleeping.

But she is always near.

If we would only open up our hearts

and just see her standing there.

For if we did, then all the other

Angels would be easier to see.

It is my belief that we all have

TEN ANGELS walking beside us.

They are sent from GOD to see us through,

to guide, comfort and protect us all.

Until the day we join Him

in the place we call HEAVEN.

~D Thompson~

Featured Music: "Save The Best"


Little Angel Heaven

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My Haven Desiderata My Grandmother Footprints In The Sand
God's Message To A Woman Bicycling With God Prayer Trust & Broken Dreams
Eternal Ink Life Is About About Angels Christian Page
Bend In The Road Don't Quit Angel Page Prayer Page
Friendship Page Life Lights I've Learned Sweet Inspiration
My Statement Of Faith Imagine A Woman Interview With God Religion
The Difference Crucifixion Master's Card Calendar Of Angels
Heaven's Grocery Store God Said "No" Letter From Jesus Love Is
The Serenity Prayer My Awards The Walk Banner Exchange & Links
My Christmas List Teach The Children Marriage New Year Resolutions
Risk To Keith Baby Liam Walk Away