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New Year Resolutions

Just for today,
I will live through this day only,
and not set far-reaching goals
nor to try to overcome
all my problems at once.
I know I can do something for 24 hours
that would overwhelm me
if I thought I had to keep it up
for a lifetime.


Just for today,
I will be happy.
Abraham Lincoln said,
"Most folks are about as happy
as they make up their minds to be."
He was right.
I will not dwell on thoughts
that depress me.
I will chase them out of my mind
and replace them
with happy thoughts.


Just for today,
I will adjust myself to what is.
I will face reality.
I will correct those things
that I can correct
and accept those I cannot.


Just for today,
I will improve my mind.
I will not be a mental loafer.
I will force myself to read something
that requires effort,
thought, and concentration.


Just for today,
I will do something positive
to improve my health.
If I'm a smoker,
I'll make an honest effort to quit.
If I'm overweight,
I'll eat nothing I know to be fattening.
And I will force myself to exercise ...
even if it's only walking around the block
or using the stairs instead of the elevator.


Just for today,
I will make a conscious effort
to be agreeable.
I will look as good as I can,
dress becomingly,
speak softly, act courteously,
and not interrupt
when someone else is talking.
Just for today,
I'll try not to improve anybody
except myself.


We know so much more about nutrition
and how much exercise and sensible living
can extend life and make it more enjoyable ...
so just for today,
I'll take good care of my body
so I can celebrate
many more happy new years.


Just for today,
I will have a program.
I may not follow it exactly,
but I will have it,
thereby saving myself from two pests ...
hurry and indecision.


Just for today,
I will gather the courage
to do what is right
and take the responsibility
for my own actions.

Written by "Dear Abby"

Featured Music: "Auld Lang Syne"


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