Steven Nicholson New Orleans Freelance Camera Operators & Videographers
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Still from Steve's Demo Reel - Network

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  • Music Demo

    Network Demo Notes:
    Medical Detectives: Ring of Clues- The Learning Channel. A couple attending a real estate conference in St. Louis become the focus of a murder investigation when, returning from a jog, the husband finds his wife drowned in the same bathtub that he had drawn for her earlier in the morning. Medical Detectives is seen in North America on The Learning Channel, and internationally on the Discovery Channel. The series airs in more than 100 countries worldwide.

    It wouldn't hurt to learn how to become more effective listeners and communicators. This edition of Emmy award-winning television talk show- On Main Street, Family Communication for Today's Family, explores the encoding and decoding methods of family communication and how that process can be strengthened.

    Children nationwide are sexually abused at home, day care facilities, summer camp, and with frightening regularity in organized sports. The recent ESPN special- Outside the Lines, Broken Trust: Coaches and Sexual Abuse, was another chilling reminder that no community, program or sport is immune from a sexual predator's destructive touch.

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