Steven Nicholson New Orleans Freelance Camera Operators & Videographers
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Picture Page

engineering a
live show Honduras handheld on
Jukebox working with a
engineering a live show on location in Honduras on the set of Louisiana Jukebox with producer Barb Coleman
at the Ace Awards in Mexico handheld
for a documentary working
for Univision Network
ACE #2 for Jukebox on location in Mexico filming for Chinese television covering news with Gina Cortez
a National Town Watch award shooting
Chicago in concert taking a break on
Location on location
for Univision
national crime prevention award shooting a Chicago concert on location in New Orleans shooting for Univision Network
Get Fit in Jamaica shooting
aerials for an oil company with
Britney Spears on the set of Jukebox on set of Good Day Live
On location in Jamaica
shooting a fitness video
Shooting a land survey
over Mississippi
After the show
with Britney Spears
On the Set of Fox's
Good Day Live

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