Steven Nicholson New Orleans Freelance Camera Operators & Videographers
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Combining Art & ExperienceTM

Graduated from the United States' top nine-ranked film and television program at the University of New Orleans, Steven Nicholson began a love affair with the camera over a decade ago. Having logged an amazing 30,000 hours behind the camera, this former portrait artist brings a wealth of artistic and technical experience to every assignment. His concentration includes camera, DOP and lighting for TV shows, commercials, news, sports, concerts, documentaries and dramatic films. He has an impeccable eye for the elements of the frame and he achieves high production values with images that always captivate.

"Covering music and sports is my strength and I love the close-up."

With over eighteen years electrical/electronic experience and over thirteen years in the broadcast/cable industry, this 'B-Roll King', as he has been called, is skilled in all phases of production. He is a LA state licensed Radio/TV technician and studio engineer with 2700 hours of course study in electronics. He began his television career in computer graphics while facilitating an electronic imaging lab in college and working as TV Producer and Editor for two on-campus support services. He later became a principal photographer and editor for Cox Communications and Univision Network News as well as a sports photographer for Louisiana Superdome. His camera and lighting skills have taken him all over the U.S. and abroad and he has worked on thousands of productions.

A good eye, imagination, originality, precision of movement, attention to detail, the ability to help people relax in front of the camera, a good sense of music and rhythm, ability to set quickly, to handhold the camera for extended periods and to understand the story behind the shot are all terms that describe Steven and his ability to capture the very best image every time.

"The camera is an extension of me. It's what I'm most happy doing. If I could shoot 24 hours a day, I would."

Steven has worked with Berning Productions, WVUE, WYES, WWL, WLAE, Univision, Westside Studios, Full Moon Entertainment, Paramount Pictures, No Limit Records, Star Search Productions, House of Blues, Fashion Cafe, NATPE, and Microsoft on motion pictures and television of every genre. His work has been seen on HBO, ESPN, Wheel of Fortune, Medical Detectives, CNN, BET, TV Food, The Weather Channel, TNN, Affiliate News, Univision (18 countries), MTV, VH-1, BBC, WB, Prime Sports, C-Span, Fox Sports and Showtime.

In his experience on land, sea and in the air, Steven has learned to overcome, making the best out of every adversity. There is hardly a surface, moving or not, that he hasn't shot from including planes, trains, automobiles, helicopters, buses, boats, you name it. Through heat, cold, harsh sun, wind, rain, noise and even danger, he has learned all the pitfalls of production, including the worst of all, deadlines. All these problems are a mere welcome challenge to this veteran shooter.

"Adverse shooting conditions are mere challenges. I welcome them because they only make me better."

Recently Louisiana Jukebox, a syndicated live music show on which his camera work has been featured, won its fourth national award. Moreover, three documentaries he shot entitled National Night Out Against Crime, Kiss & Tell and The Case for Rebuilding Our Schools also won awards. A lifetime resident of Louisiana, Mr. Nicholson currently continues his work with LA Superdome, Cox Communications, Univision Network, and many others. Working everywhere to produce quality television and film is his continuing goal.

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