Steven Nicholson New Orleans Freelance Camera Operators & Videographers
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Movie Cover

courtesy: Full Moon Entertainment
The Hand of Satan, guardian of the undead, beckons from a place beyond imagination, the dark void known as the Netherworld.

When Correy Thornton (MICHAEL BENDETTI) arrives in Louisiana to claim his inheritance-a sprawling estate in the mysterious bayous-he discovers his father's last wish to be resurrected. Soon after reading his father's diary, Correy is lured into a bizarre bird cult by its seductive priestess of black magic, Delores (DENISE GENTILE), who can carry out the horrific plan to raise the dead. Driven by insatiable lust and a desire to fulfill the wishes of a father he never knew, Correy is suddenly lost in the spiraling journey through the Netherworld-where your life is no longer your own...

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