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The Latest Shtuff - news about our lives



The shed where the 420 Project (and Pollo Loco) practiced burned down yesterday. Luckily Scott had his half stack and guitars out of there, Joel's drums weren't in there and a couple of other amps. They still ended up losing nearly $20,000 in equipment but even worse, they lost momentos from their friend Dan who died a few years back. From what I've heard the Halloween show at Heavy Metal Gym in Lorena will be trying to raise some funds for them but I don't know any real details.



Happy Birthday Amanda
OK, so her birthday was yesterday ("her" being my cousin) but since she has now reached the quarter century mark I thought she deserved to have it stretched out for another day.
Or I didn't get a chance to get the new header for October made until today.
I know it's one of the two.

Josh is buying and is in the process of re-vamping the look of the site.
You really should check it out, he's done a great job with it.

We've had a couple of days of fall weather, it's been a real treat.
Puts me in the mood to break out the Halloween decorations.

I'm still living on pain pills and am none too happy about it. I'll be trying to find a new doctor who cares more about his/her patients than money yet also is covered by our health insurance. Wish me Luck.

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© Rhonda Williams