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I am constantly forgetting to put this in reverse order. If it seems like it's been awhile since it's been updated, please scroll down to see if I messed up again :)
Today is my brother Kenny's birthday. You know you're addicted to your computer and the internet when you post birthday wishes on your website before you call the person with well wishes!
Our niece, Heather, is here visiting from Ohio this week. I dubbed her "mini-me" before she ever came down here because during our emails we have discovered that we are very much alike, and are discovering that we are even more alike the more time we spend together, which is pretty
funny since she is my niece by marriage and we haven't seen each other since 1989. She's only 17, you do the math. She fits right in around here, but I still haven't found out yet who's house is louder. She seems to be relaxing though, which after all, is the purpose of a vacation.
The high school did their annual Theatre Marathon last week, where three local schools put together a production from start to finish within 4 or 5 days. This year they did "Romeo & Juliet". Scott played Romeo's father, JJ was Juliet's father
and Matt was Romeo's cousin, who's name escapes me. I wish I had pictures to post of them in their tights and skirts... well all but Matt, he had his bloomers, but I opted for video this time. If you don't know who I'm talking about, go to our latest photo page at
I'm not sure exactly why I'm posting today since I've been depressed as hell the past 24 hours, but for some reason sitting at the keyboard seems to be cheering me up, so I'll play along.
I was forced to
resign myself to the fact last night that I have another lung infection, hence the depression. And I will be on antibiotics for New Year's Eve, so I will be celebrating with coffee and ice water, which isn't really so bad since that's what I live on anyway. I guess that makes me DD,
not to mention camera operator. I'm assuming the party is at our house this year since that's where everyone seems to be planning to be after they get off work.
I posted pictures from Christmas at
if anyone is interested in nosing around. Of course I couldn't just post them, I had to embellish a little too ;)
I think I'm going to go tweak Ludlow's Place a little, or make some new page sets for Rhonda's Originals, or do the dishes or something. I think I will put out a real effort at those e-cards in the new year.
2002 Archives
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Copyright 2002 © Rhonda Williams