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Characters On this page, I'll be intro-ing the main characters of FF7, including one very special freak...

- mercenary [ex-member of SOLDIER]
Weapon- sword
Age- 21 Height- 5'7"
B-day/place- August 19 / Nibelheim
You'll be controlling this spikey headed, confused guy most of the time.. He was hired by AVALANCHE by old friend Tifa. First, he fought for the money, then he got caught up in saving the planet. He's a confuesd guy cuz he's just not quite himself.. And Cloud's got the best kic ass swords round!!!

- bar hostress of "7th Heaven", member of AVALANCHE
Weapon- fist/glove
Age- 20 Height- 5'4"
B-day/place- May 3 / Nibelheim
Somehow considered a childhood friend of Cloud, she supposinly has strong feelings for him.. She's a nice bright person with fighting skills she've had since she was 15yrs old.

- leader of AVALANCE
Weapon- gun-arm
Age- 35 Height- 6'4"
B-day/place- December 15 / Corel Village
This big guy is mainly fighting for his sweet revenage.. He lost his right arm beacuse of Shinra and that's one of the reasons he's fighting back.. But he's got it replaced with a gun-arm. He also has a little girl named Marlene whom he calls his daughter..

- flower girl
Weapon- rod
Age- 22 Height- 5'3"
B-day/place- February 7 / ???
Aeris is also known as Aerith, mainly because of the Japanese version. Anyways, she first met Cloud on the streets of Midgar, tryin hard to sell a flower for a gil. Then they meet again in the Midgar church, and that's when she starts hitting on him.. But being the last surviving Ancient, she's the only one who really knows about the Promised Land, and how to save the Planet.. which practically makes her the hero.... But as everyone should know.. she dies... so sad...

- [research specimen]
Weapon- headdress
Age- 48 Height- 3'9"
B-day/place- ??? / Cosmo Canyon
Red XIII, aka Nanaki, was found in the Shinra Building as one of Hojo's valuable specimen. He's very smart and strong, and is considered young for his breed [around 16 in human years] and he's also the last of his breed... But still, he has a "human" grandpa. Vote what you think Red is,, cat or dog?? email me and i'll post it up when i get 100 votes... thanx

- Toyasaurus at Gold Saucer
Weapon- megaphone
Age-?? Height- 3'2"
B-day/place- ??? / ???
Cath Sith rides around on a big stuffed Mog that he somehow magically brought to life.. He likes to tell fortunes which aren't very reiable and also likes spying around... This kitty just invited himself into Cloud's group by saying he wanted to know if the fortune he told Cloud was correct... yea rite..

- Pilot
Weapon- spear
Age- 32 Height- 5'8"
B-day/place- February 22 / ???
Cid's a tough talking man with a big ol' kind heart. He's also got an old dream of flying to space. He's a very useful man, supplying Cloud and everyone with the rides, including the Tiny Bronco and the Highwind.

- former Turk
Weapon- gun
Age- 27 Height- 6'0"
B-day/place- October 13 / ???
Found in the Shinra mansion is Nibelhiem, SLEEPING IN A COFFIN [!!!], he decides to join Cloud and the others, hoping that he'll be able to meet Hojo along the way. He's mysterious on the outside, but he's a demon on the inside!!! But I've still gotta say, he's got style!!! :)

- Ninja, Materia Hunter
Weapon- knife, boomerang & origami [to throw]
Age- 16 Height- 5'2"
B-day/place- November 20 / Wutai
I'll have to say she's a little annoying.. She actually just joins Cloud's group so she can steal his Materia, and to show off her skills.. but she is strong, being a daughter of one of the best Ninjas. And if you pick her up, you'll get Throw Materia and the Levithian summon Materia. [[You don't have to pick her up!!]]

- a ride
Weapon- its beak
This cute birdie is probably mixed with a chicken and an ostrich. You easily catch one and snag a free ride. To learn that, go to my Chocobo page . They can be found in the colors yellow, blue, green, black and gold.

He's actually Red's grandpa, who happens to be 125 yrs old, a human [not a dog nor cat], and can't stop saying "Hohoho!". He tells lots of things, such as Red's father, about the Planet, and a way to save it. And on one of the Japanese versions, he can easily revive Aeris.


This big company is the company that AVALANCHE is going againest, and Cloud used to work for them.. Anyways, Shinra is using machines that will drain the life source of the planet, which is getting weaker.. And they also created lots of "monsters, including one of the best SOLDIERS..

- top rank SOLDIER
Weapon- long sword
Age- ?? Height- 6'1"
B-day/place- ??? / ???
This confident guy was Cloud's idol, who soon becomes his worst enemy. His personal info is a secret, hidden by Shinra. He's also got a sword, that only he can use, with some powerful, impressive strength... Even though he was said to be dead, he's tryin to become a God by using the Black Materia, and calling the Meteor that will crash and destroy the Planet..

DAMN!!! This freak is fasinating!!! You can find him in the basement of the Shinra Mansion back in Nibelhiem, but's "it's" actually pretty hard to find..

there is no reason for that chicken.. just felt like putting it up... DarkCounter

