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The Chocobo Page

What this page has...

Now you've reached my Chocobo page... those cute lil birdies... Anyways this page includes what I mostly know about Chocobos..

Ok... here's the basic guide to breeding the colorful Chocobos.. Blue, Green, Black, and Gold. You pick up the yellow one yourself..
But first, the guide to what everything here means:
1. C -means "Class" You can figure out what Class your Chocobo is by going to the stables. The 3 Classes are: S,A, B, C.. S being the best, C being the worst. To raise the Class of your Chocobo, you have to race it in Gold Saucer and win. But just winning once won't do the trick.. you're gonna have to do it more than once, unless you're lucky. If u win "A" class, then u'll get "A" class...
2. Nut -you gotta buy these things from the Choco guy in the stables. This "Nuts" are for breeding your Chocobos.. if you wanna breed them, you gotta give them a Nuts... and different nuts can lead to a different colored Chocobo.
3. Greens -you don't exactly need these to breed your Chocobos.. This is to catch your Chocobo. When you're going around the World Map and you want yourself a Chocobo, make sure you have your Chocobo Lure Materia on you, and walk around on Chocobo tracks, or nothing will happen. When you're fighting and you see a Chocobo, throw it a Green. Again, you can only buy them from the guy in the stables, and he's a real rip. Different Greens will give your Chocobo different amounts of energy/speed. Of course, the expensive ones are more helpful. So, when you see the Chocobo, throw it a Green. Then it'll go all happy and start eating it. That's your chance to fight the monsters around it. The Green will distract the Chocobo so it won't go scared and run away. But if you are NOT done fighting and the Chocobo's done eating, you might have to throw it another one. If you hit it though, it'll go nutz and attack anyone then runs off. You can also give your allies the green as an energy thing if you're low on potion or magic.
Now, here's your breeding guide
Yellow C.A + Yellow C.B + Carob Nut= GREEN
Yellow C.A + Yellow C.A + Carob Nut= BLUE
Blue C.A + Green C.A + Carob Nut= BLACK
Black C.A + Wonderful C.A + Zeio Nut= GOLD

here is what each colored Chocobo is able to do...
BLUE- walks around on shallow water
GREEN- climbs mountains
BLACK- walks on shallow water and climbs mountains
GOLD- walks around on any kinda water, and climbs mountains

Now, about that Chocobo racing game in Japan, I have no idea if it's gonna be here in Canada, or America. Since I found out about this game on a japanese site, I have no idea about this game.. sorrie.. But all I know is that there's a fat Chocobo, Mog, normal Chocobo, and a bunch of other kinda cute characters are in it. Here's a pic.. chec it out yourself.

Meet my Chocobo, "STUD~!"
Click HERE to get your own Chocobo!

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