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Here, of course, is where I give out some of the extra helpful (or unhelpful) stuff to all you people.. so check it out!!!

- Robotic enemies are weaken by Bolt
- at the VERY beinging, search the thrown bodies to get potion.
- when jumping to the swinging rod to get to the Shinra Building to save Aeris, listen carefully.......... when you hear this funny sound, JUMP!!!!
- at the Chocobo Range, talk to the Chocobo at the front or at the side. Pick the second choice of communication then the Chocobos will do a cute lil dance then they'll give you a Summon Materia called Choco/Mog . This can also summon the Fat Chocobo.
- to get Tifa's Limit Breaker or her secret savings of 1 gil, go to her house in Nibelheim and play the piano in her room. Make sure that she is with you. When you play the piano, the keys are (w= with) 0 . + 9w+ 9w0 0 . + [Enter] 0 . 0 If you get this right, maybe nothing will happen. Getting Tifa's Limit Breaker is VERY hard since it's just random.. If you got it, Tifa will actually help you at playing the piano.
- to get Vincent, go to the Shinra Mansion in Nibelheim. Make sure there is a note about a sleeping man inside. Then go upstairs, then to the left. In a room, there is a lock. The combo is Right 36, Left 10, Right 59, Right 97, OK. Then a monster named "Lost Number" will come out. Defeat it, then you'll get a key to the basement and Red's Limit Breaker. In the basement, the room Vincent is in is hard to see. Just before you enter the lab, just walk up wards and you should be able to see a small room. Talk to Vincent [in the coffin] about Sephiroth, then later, he will follow you when you leave.
- to get Yuffie, go around the forests near Cosmo Canyon were there's a bunch of trees. Keep going around in circles then you'll have to fight her. When you win, she'll talk to you. Just keep her happy by sayin that her skills are so good or whatever.. if not, she'll steal your money.
- in the Cosmo Canyon cave, you'll have to break rocks. Hit the one near the materia that you can't get. If not, you'll have to fight.
- kill the ghost in the Cosmo Canyon cave (Gi-nattak?) by just giving it a X-potion.. TRUST ME!!! IT WORKS!!!!
- to win some GP from the Mog game in Gold Saucer, keep feeding Mog nuts until he squeaks... including when the female is watching... then after u "win" the game, talk to the guy watching u 'winning' the game and you'll get 30GP
- when Yuffie runs off with your materia in the Wutai island, she runs and hides in the actual Wutai village. First, find her in the house with the old man and his granddaughter. She is hiding behind the folding screen. Then she runs off and hides in the giant pot outside of the restuarant. Your friends will block off the path while you break the pot. Then she'll take you to her house then she'll trick you again and run off; again. Just hit the gong in the next screen then a door will appear. The you'll know what to do.. Just go up the mountains and keep lookin...
- in Wutai, go into the home of the Ninja (near the gong and Temple) and there is a hidden area next to the room where the Ninja is sleeping. Go there to get to ever-so helpful Ribbon.
- to Enemy Skill "Chocobuckle", find a Chocobo that is with 2 elephants or 2 ortriches. Then feed the Chocobo Mirrett(?) Greens from each person on your group that is currently fightin. Then have someone use Enemy Skill L4 Suicide on it then the Chocobo will use it's Chocobuckle on you and run away. This skill is ABSOUTELY useless though...
- get the Guidebook by Morphing the the Ghost Ship in the Underground Reactor tunnel. Just walk around til you get him. With the Guidebook, Earth Harp and Desert Rose, it is RUMORED to bring back Aeris.. but even with them, I don't have Aeris yet.. Give the Guidebook to the traveller in Kalm and he'd give you the Underwater Materia to kill Emerald Weapon
- while Cloud's gone insane, in Mideel, where Cloud's at, there is a little shack on the stand that stands alone. Inside, there's a lady who's selling accessories for your group. Outside, stand on the right of of cabin. SLOWLY walk up and down. And listen for a VERY quiet creaking sound. Press your ok button and your guy should start talking about some key down there. Talk twice. On the second time around, he or she should pick up the key. If not, you have to go to a store nearby in the same village that has a door on the wall that seems to be locked. Then go back and pick up the key. You should be able to get the old, useless, beat-up key now. Then go to that very store I was talking about and try the door again. Then the storekeeper will ask you what's your problem. And do NOT lie to him. If you do, you screwed. Tell the truth, and he'll give you a "Cursed Ring". It will double your hits [eg- if you hit 500, with the ring, you'll hit 1000]. But the bad thing is, you have to kill all your enemies within 60 seconds or you're a goner
- while in Mideel, there's a guy running around with a small white Chocobo. If you 'talk' to the Chocobo, a note saying that Chocobos ingore people who don't give stuff to them. Then fly over to the Chocobo stables. Talk to one of the guys and he'll tell you that Chocobos like being scratched on a certain area. Then go back and 'talk' to one of the lil white Chocobos again. It'll give you a very useful Materia.
- the Lunar Harp is up the ladder at Bone Village where the smoke is coming out of.
- when you first enter the Sleeping Forest, there is a Summon Materia jumping around along the sides of the screen. Try and catch it to get Kujata.
- pick up Cid's "Mop" at Bone Village up the ladder on the V on the right on your screen. Don't say you wanna look for the Lunar Harp though because then it won't work.
- you can get the key to Midgar Sector 5 at Bone Village as well.. dig right under where the pointy bone is sticking out, not up the ladder, but near the entrance. And don't say you want the Lunar Harp cuz again, it won't work.
-Temple of Ancients clock tower:
Door number:
  • I : Battle
  • II: [nothing]
  • III: Battle
  • IV: Princess Guard
  • V: go outside, and get the Ribbon
  • VI: meet Sephiroth and fight a dragon
  • VII: Trumpet Shell
  • VIII:Megalixir
  • IX: [nothing]
  • X: where you started from!!! [don't go here]
  • XI:[nothing]
    XII:fight Demon's Gate (after you meet Sephiroth) USE BAHAMUT
    after you meet Sephiroth in door no.6, you can only go straight to no.12
    - in the submarine mission, make sure you get destroy the Red Submarine so you can get Bahamut ZERO later on. When you get to Cosmo Canyon to meet Bugehagan, you will give him the Huge Materias. Later, look at the Blue Materia then you'll get Bahamut ZERO. But you gotta kill the Red Sub to get him!
    - if you're wondering why you're missing a Huge Materia, it's probably because of the submarine mission.. If you succeed, you can go back underwater and look around for the sunken sub. Then you'll get it back... dunno if that works if you fail though....
    - in disc 2, you can meet Vincent's lover, Lurenica, in a underwater tunnel near the Ancient's key. There will be an area with lots of light pouring down. Then get off your sub and water through the waterfalls, or use your Gold Chocobo. Then you can meet her and see his past... but make sure Vincent is with you, of course. In disc 3, you can go back there to get Vincent's Limit Breaker and his Ultimate Weapon.
    - in the sunken plane, Morph the "Unknown"s (the enemies) and you can get many different types of "Sources" potions.
    - while in the rocket with Cid when you're in Space, get the Huge Materia with the code OK, Switch, Cancel, Cancel.
    - if you missed the W-Item Materia in the Winding Tunnel at the end of disc 2, go to Bone Village and dig it up! Dig it up on the X near the ladder. Again, don't say you want the Lunar Harp.
    - kill Ruby Weapon in the desert to get the Desert Rose in disc 3. He's that little red thing going around.. just crash on top of it..
    - kill Emerald Weapon underwater to get the Earth Harp
    - in the last mission where you head to the center of the Planet to get Sephiroth, DON'T use your Save Crystal until you reach the end with your friends! Cuz if you die or whatever, you'll end up there instead of in the middle of the cave or where ever...
    - to get the almighty Protect Ring, (puts Barrier and Magic Barrier at the start of your battle) head to the final cave. When your party decides to split, go DOWN. You'll find this nice watery area, where you can find Magic Pots. And you'll also find 3 bouncy orange balls, called Movers. Morph them to get the Protect Ring.
    - those Movers are also helpful for level up your magic...
    - and to get more Ribbons, go to the same place [mentioned above], and Morph Master Tonberry (has a star over its head). Note that this guy can kill you with "Everybody's Grudge".. but for some reason, from what I noticed, BARELY kills Vincent. And Master Tonberry's life meter is VERY big....


