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Backstreet Girlfriends

IMPORTANT NOTE FROM BSB Wonderland:We respect the BSB's girlfriends but we need the facts so we can help people stop spreading rumors. Well, do you know what we mean?? LOL well, what we said is... we are not unrespect their girlfriends, we put these stuff out of our website, just think that we gonna share all we know about them to you... some of you may think of... Their girlfiends are nothin' to do with them.. yech! We do agree with you.. however, we just have the notion that we have to tell you about the fact of their love life and so we can help to stop the rumor..... well,this is not a place to trash on them. to talk bad about them. man, just get over it. they have girlfriends. if it makes them happy, then it should make you happy. there are so many rumors about who broke up with who and who dumped who. we don't not know the full truth on a few of the guys. we do only know a few truths....

We post this kind of stuff out here, not to encourage people to believe everything we said..we just post out what we had received from the readers. We actually get afew emails and they said that some information of their girlfriends are incorrect. It's hard for us to idenfly which is right and which is wrong, so we just post every email that we got out here directly without any change. and you have to CHECK if the information is correct or not yourself. We will not judge! Okay?

Hello! We all know now the Backstreet Boys have their own Love life, their Girlfriends and have you ever shocked on these news? Here, we have some info and pics about their girlfriends, so check about it..

We didn't update about their girls for a while....anyway enjoy it...

Kevin's Girlfriend

Howie's Girlfriend

Brian's Girlfriend

AJ's Girlfrined

Nick's Girlfriend

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