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Updated March 3, 2010


Azarel Shetland Sheepdogs

Pet Puppy Sale Contract

Azarel Shetland Sheepdogs: Zara Heartwood

Purchaser Name:
Home phone:

Dog's Sire:
Dog's Dam:
Dog's Call Name:
Dog's Registered Name: Azarel ________________ (total 30 characters or less)
Litter Registration Number:
CKC Registration Number (individual):
Date of Birth:
Distinctive Markings:
Microchip or tattoo number:
Total Purchase Price:
Pre-paid Deposit (non-refundable):
Payable on picking up the dog:
Other costs or conditions:
Veterinarian certificate of spay / neuter to be provided by Purchaser to Azarel.

Health Certification
The puppy / dog has been examined by (Vet) __________ DVM and certified free of communicable disease, discernable heart defect or structural deformity within _____ hours prior to delivery to the Purchaser.

Return of Dog to Azarel
A "trial period" of seven days from the date of the Purchaser receiving the dog will apply. If the Purchaser decides against keeping the dog, they may return the dog to Azarel within that seven days (transportation to Azarel at Purchaser's expense). After the seven day "trial period," if Purchaser chooses not to keep the dog for any reason at any time, they must return the dog to Azarel (at Purchaser's expense). If the dog is returned before one year of age in good condition (evaluated by a qualified Veterinarian), Azarel may grant a partial refund of the purchase price (less the non-refundable deposit) after finding a new home for the dog to a maximum refund of CDN$500. Subtracted from the refund amount would be Azarel's expenses of advertising, transport, Vet examination, medical treatment and rehabilitation of the dog.

If the dog is returned to Azarel after one year of age, no refund of purchase price will be made upon the return of the dog to Azarel and/or the subsequent new placement of the dog.

Right of First Refusal
Purchaser guarantees Azarel the first right of refusal if this dog is to be sold, euthanized, or disposed of in any way. Purchaser must notify Azarel if they plan to dispose of this dog or place this dog with any other party either for free or for sale. If Purchaser becomes disabled, incapacitated, dies, or is for any reason unable to continue to care for the dog, Purchaser or his/her heir or guardian must notify Azarel. In the event that Purchaser cannot keep the dog in his/her personal possession, if Azarel is unable to take back the dog, Azarel will assist the Purchaser (or Purchaser's heirs) in placing or deciding about the dog's disposal.

Non-Breeding Agreement
This dog is registered with the Canadian Kennel Club on a "non-breeding" agreement which the Purchaser has signed. If this dog is used for breeding either on purpose or by "accident," all guarantees are null and void. If the dog is used for breeding in any manner to sire a litter or carry a litter, regardless of the breed or mix of mate used, Purchaser is subject to a CDN $5000.00 fine per litter, plus any legal / court expenses involved in pursuing the matter.

Replacement Guarantee
Azarel warrants the parents of this dog have been examined to be free from Canine Eye Research Foundation (CERF) inherited (not-geriatric) blinding eye defect, inherited Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) x-ray diagnosed hip dysplasia and to be vWD DNA clear by test or parentage.
At any time during its life, should the puppy / dog be:
* Orthopedia Foundation for Animals (OFA) diagnosed hip dysplastic (non-geriatric or injury related);
* or Canine Eye Research Foundation (CERF) diagnosed with a hereditary (not geriatric or injury related) blinding eye defect;
* or DNA tested to be Affected (not a Carrier) with von Willebrands Disease (vWD)
a written Veterinary report (prepared at Purchaser's expense) must be supplied to Azarel so stating.

The defective dog (as defined above) would then be returned to Azarel's possession (at Purchaser's expense). Azarel assumes no liability for medical expenses for the dog while in the Purchaser's possession.

Within 24 months after Azarel receives the returned defective dog, a replacement puppy / dog of equal quality shall be offered to the Purchaser (at no cost to the Purchaser) when one becomes available. If Azarel has no comparable dog available within 24 months, Azarel will secure an appropriate replacement for the Purchaser at no cost to the Purchaser. Purchaser to pay shipping costs of returning the defective animal to Azarel and of transporting the replacement.

Nullification of Structural Guarantee
If this dog is used before the age of 24 months for strenuous athletic activities including: competition agility, competition fly ball, high jumping, distance running or other sport where stress effects or structural injuries can be a result, the structural hip guarantee is null and void.

Care of the Dog
Purchaser agrees to take good and proper care of this dog including food, exercise, supervision and health care recommended by a qualified veterinarian.

Purchaser agrees the dog shall never be: chained or tied to a tree, tie out or other object; left unattended in a yard when the Purchaser is not home; allowed to run at large or loose in the community; allowed to ride loose or tied in the back of an open pick-up truck.

Purchaser agrees this dog shall not be used for purposes of vivisection or research. Purchaser warrants that they are not acting as an agent for any other individual or entity in acquisition of this dog. Purchaser agrees that this dog shall not be sold by or through any commercial broker or wholesale establishment, chain store, catalogue sales house, auction, raffle, pet store or puppy mill (substandard commercial breeding operation).

Azarel is not responsible or liable for any behavior or acts of the dog while in the possession of the Purchaser. Behavioural problems can be due in great part by lack of proper training. It is the Purchaser's responsibility to train the dog appropriately, and the Purchaser will be responsible for any and all behaviour issues that may arise.

Purchaser is aware of the time commitment in training a dog to be a well-adjusted companion. Purchaser agrees to care for and train this dog, insuring appropriate socialization and health, attending training classes, and/or consulting a trainer, as warranted. In the event of health or behavioral issues or other concerns with the dog, Purchaser agrees to notify Azarel immediately. Azarel and the Purchaser will then decide together what remedies are to be pursued. Such remedies may include taking the dog to a qualified Veterinarian or animal behaviorist / dog trainer (at Purchaser's expense) or returning the dog to Azarel.

Purchaser has researched or owned Shetland Sheepdogs and is well acquainted with the general characteristics of the breed. In signing below the Purchaser acknowledges that they fully understand and shall comply with the terms of this agreement.


Azarel Shetland Sheepdogs: Zara Heartwood

Purchaser: ________________________

Date: ____________________

Please return this completed contract to:

Zara Heartwood

Azarel Shetland Sheepdogs


Proudly Canadian

Azarel Shetland Sheepdogs
Quesnel, British Columbia, Canada

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