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1. Quick tips for new users

2. EasyGPRS

3. To download Java

4. Java games

5. Pics of my S300

6. Cool custom made S300's



1. Quick Tips for New Users

1. Program your four short cut keys.

2. You can also use numeric shortcuts, ie. Menu 21 to go to missed calls, Menu 55 to go to calculator, Menu 722 to go to Favourites, etc...

3. Press and hold side key to light up the external screen.

4. In T9, press '*' (star key) to toggle between upper case and lower case.

5. For silent mode, press and hold '#' (hash key).

6. When in WAP browser, press and hold '*' (star key) key to go to Menu settings option, and press and hold '#' (hash key) to bring you straight to Favourites page.

7. Program & categorise different Caller Groups.

8. To delete dowloaded ringtones or wallpaper or pics, press menu 73 (Menu, Funbox, Downloads). Select 'Sounds' or 'Pictures', play the ringtone or view the pic you wish to delete. Go to 'Options' and delete from there.

9. To have alarm ring when the phone is off, press menu 5, 4, 5, (menu, organizer, alarm, autopower). Then enable autopower.

10. You can add more than one entry in your calendar notes. Just make the entry in another date or in the to-do list, and transfer it to the desired date.

11. When keying in data in WAP, tap the blue 'i' key to toggle between upper case, lower case and numerals.

12. You can use the volume keys on the side of the phone to navigate the phone menu. The side keys also allow you to 'page up' / 'page down' while in WAP.

13. Memorize the card/phone memory number for a name and then type in '#' (hash key).  For example, if 'john' has been saved 'in card 25' then you would type... 25#.

14. When using handsfree kit, holding the button on the voice mic for a couple of seconds will redial the last number dialed on the phone.

(12, 13, 14 from SoulPioneer at Howard Forums!)

15. Try setting SMS to GPRS instead of GSM.  Press 'Message', 'Setup', 'Common Settings', 'Bearer Selection' and select GPRS.  You may find your SMS being sent out in a fraction of a second, quite cool.  Please note that this may not work with all phones or networks.  If it doesn't work for you, just set back to GSM.                 

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2. Installing EasyGPRS

Install EasyGPRS in your PC. It should be in the CD Rom supplied with your set.  Connect the cable provided to either ComPort 1 or 2. Run EasyGPRS and setup to the relevant ComPort 1 or 2.

If you do not have the CD Rom, you can get EasyGPRS from here : Samsung Fun Club.  Also the S300 cable model number is PCB093LBE.

Set speed to either 57600 or115200.  Reboot PC. Connect S300 to cable. Start up EasyGPRS which should then detect the phone.

Lots you can do with it! Download free ringtones from the internet and upload to your S300, get your own digital pics to the phone as wallpaper or screensavers, backup and edit your phonebook and SMS messages.

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3. To download Java (for Singapore users)

You need to setup GPRS first. If you need the settings, download the following PDF file from Samsung Fun Club GPRS PDF File or go to Samsung Fun Club for the settings.

You then also need to setup the 2nd APN. Settings are different for the three telcos :


Set up GPRS first.

1. On your number pad, key: *#9998*5282# and go to GPRS Settings

2. Enter User Name: 65 eg. 6591234567

3. Enter Password:

4. Enter APN: internet

5. Press Done to complete the settings 6. From the main screen, press Menu, go to Funbox and select WAP Browser

7. Select Home to start your WAP browsing

8. Go to Java Downloads and look for the Java application for the contents

9. Select the application you want to download

10. Select Yes to start installing

11. For accessing later, from the main menu, go to Funbox and select Downloads 12. Go to Games & More to access your application.

M1 (contributed by ngsoonle)

Under 'Funbox','Wap Browser','Settings',add a new profile.

Profile Name: MiWorld

Home page URL :

Security : Non-secure

IP Address :

Bearer : GPRS

User Name : 65

Password : user123

APN : MiWorld

Press *#9998*5282# and go to GPRS setting

User Name : 65

Password : user123

APN : sunsurf or mobilenet

STARHUB (contributed by superio)

1) Set up GPRS in the funbox/web browser/settings menu.

2) Set up another profile, for connecting via WAP. The instructions are in page 5 of the pdf file.

3. Once finished, make sure GPRS is selected instead of WAP.

4.a) On your number pad, key: *#9998*5282# and go to GPRS Settings

b) Enter User Name: c) Enter Password:

d) Enter APN: shwap

e) Press Done to complete the settings.

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4. Java Games

Some really good Java games available at Samsung Fun Club Games Section and also in the Java Arena Group.

You can create an account with this site to upload Java Games, then download to your phone from there : Coolservice.

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5. Pics of my S300 (next to my wife's 7250)
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6. Cool custom made S300's

Created by a famous Japanese artist...



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