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American Crisis
Who Am I??

--- !!! WARNING !!! ---

Welcome to my realm. Yes this is MY realm. Do you know what that means? It means that anything I want goes. I have made this site to bitch, rave, and rant on whatever I want. The content here, if you haven't already noticed, is ONLY for mature readers. There are things here that might make you mad, that you might disagree on, or that may be so offensive that you will want to kill me. I dont give a fuck. This is my website and if you cannot agree to keep an open mind or if you are a minor (thats under 18-21 depending on where you live) you must get the the hell outta here.

The sole purpose of this website is for me to share my erratic views with whoever wants to read them. Ok I guess by now you must be legal and mature since youre still here. Great, welcome aboard! Oh yeah I forgot, Bible bashers and religious freaks can get the fuck out too. I dont need any of this Jesus loves you bullshit or some other shit like that. Now that we have that all cleared up, enjoy the the website. I love feedback too!.
--- News ---
Well an interesting day. I got an unexpected call from this program I signed up for saying I got in yesterday. I thought I was out for sure... I also started hanging out on a webforum called, a site dedicated to professional webdesign. Shit, these guys make me look like a newbie. Literally. That said, they are really nice.
Well life's been rather dull lately. The weekend was more of the same (nothing). I am currently at #6 on the lethal attraction CS server which is kinda cool I guess. Of course Ive been basically living in Counter-Strike which is not cool. Haha, I just checked out the new school website I once had a chance of working on... hip looking and colorful, but otherwise simple as hell.
Okay well over the last three days I have been uploading page and more pages and spending time writing shit up and typing out stuff that I wanted to say. I have editted the main page, added a who am i? page, added a society page, added an american crisis page and will be adding more soon. They are ongoing pages and will never finish.
I have almost finished the layout of the site, now I have to do text wraping and font layout a bit and create a few addtional tables. I am alos starting to upload some data to the website so it will be something:) I will create a page every day and add to each page as I learn new things or I see fit. The page will be formatted in such a way that it will look good and be readable.
Well guys this is the first day the site is up and so far only the index is complete. Believe me, everything else will be uploaded and created pretty soon. The layout is relatively simple and if you want you can steal it.. Just remember to thank me or dont. I wanted to make a site to rave and rant for awhile now. Well here it is, uncut and ready for battle!
--- What IS this Site? ---
This is my personal webpage with a twist. Rather than talking about my redundant life and what I look like, my hobbies etc., I talk about politics and the society I live in. I talk about the flaws in the governments Im exposed to and I try to predict, decipher and investigate different things about different issues. Moreover, I like to bitch at things becuase bitching is fun. Sure, Im not perfect but showing the flaws of others is a great way to waste time which I have a lot of nowadays!!
-- 10 Things You Should Know --
  1. I can be emailed  -Here-
  2. Everything here is copyrighted material
  3. The new Star Trek show is awesome
  4. This site is my freedom of speech
  5. There are speellign mistakes
  6. My views are my own.
  7. I am not gay
  8. I voted Liberal
  9. I am an Atheist
  10. Are you still reading this?
--- Recent Additions---
  • Coming Soon:

  • My views on Common Social Issues
  • My views on Emotion(s)
  • My views on humanity
  • My views on Environment
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